[PDF] Cellular Structure, Bacteria & Viruses

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Bacterial Structure , Function & Genetics

•Define the cellular organization of bacteria and recall the differences between Eukaryotes and Prokaryotes •Recall major structures of bacteria and its function •Describe the structure of cell wall of bacteria including the differences between Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria and main functions

Bacterial Cell Structure - Bellarmine University

1 Describe peptidoglycan structure 2 Compare and contrast the cell walls of typical Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria 3 Relate bacterial cell wall structure to the Gram-staining reaction 37


Round bacteria are called cocci (singular coccus) Rod shaped bacteria are called bacilli (singular bacillus) Other shapes will be considered later in the course b Bacteria are very difficult to study microscopically unless stained The staining characteristics of bacteria in the Gram stain are very useful in classification

Bacterial Classification, Structure and Function

1 Cover different classification schemes for grouping bacteria, especially the use of the Gram stain 2 Describe the different types of bacteria 3 Discuss bacterial structure and the function of the different bacterial components 4 Discuss the distinguishing characteristics of Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria

Introduction to Bacteria - KSU

Bacterial Structure Characteristic Gram-negative Bacteria Gram-positive Bacteria Wall Structure They have a thin lipopolysaccharide exterior cell wall The peptidoglycan layer is thick Effect of Dye do not retain the crystal violet dye, and react only with a counter-stain, generally stain pink retain the crystal violet dye,

Introduction, Bacterial Classification & Immunology Review

LPS structure used to classify bacteria Lipid A is identical for related bacteria is similar for all gram-negative Enterobacteriaceae The core region is the same for a species of bacteria The O antigen distinguishes serotypes (stains) of a bacterial species e g , E coli O157:H7

structure des bactéries ency-education

Structure plus complexe et plus fine que celle des Gram (+), constituée d'une fine couche de PG, recouverte d 'une couche tri lamellaire appelée enveloppe externe formée de: Phopholipides (PL ) Protéines (Porines) Lipopolysaccharides (LPS) constitué de 3 parties : Le lipide A toxique: enfuit dans la membrane Le polysaccharide central

Cellular Structure, Bacteria & Viruses

Structure of Bacterial Cells • Bacteria are prokaryotes • Have no membrane bound organelles • Inherited information is held in a single, circular chromosome, rather than in paired chromosomes • Bacteria are unicellular • Bacteria contain a cell wall

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