[PDF] problématique spaces and exchanges

Space and exchanges

space and exchanges as it takes place all over the country, and consists in a cultural exchange between people from various origins Conclusion : Even though the USA was for long a country of immigrants, the country's policy towards immigration evolved over time and became more and more restrictive In the XIXth and


SPACES AND EXCHANGES I Découvrir et/ou conquérir de nouveaux espaces 1 A la découverte de nouveaux territoires - les grands explorateurs et aventuriers (J Cook, Sir W Raleigh, Lewis and Clarketc ) - The Frontier 2 Les grands flux migratoires et leur évolution

Space and Exchanges Proposition de plan pour lexpression orale

Space and Exchanges Proposition de plan pour l'expression orale Part 1: presentation of the notion Space and Exchanges = movement of money: Trade (the basis of all societies) The Stock Exchange (money rules the world) Globalization (the world has become a small village)


The notion I am going to deal with is « Spaces and Exchanges » To begin with, I’ld like to give a definition of the notion : an exchange is an act of giving and receiving something else in return It can also be seen as a continuous movement or circulation There are different kinds of exchanges : media, people, trade

Spaces and Exchanges TERMINALES 2014-2015

Spaces and exchanges → Cf your own definitions and the book's p 246 → We have tried to answer the question (+ problématique choisie) Voir exemples ci-dessous • To what extent can we say that money influences the way people are ? • Is having being (cf la fiche de présentation des documents à étudier, en début d'année)

Space and Reciprocity - Anglais bac

the rhythm Of exchanges between different areas so new forms of influence, new spaces — such as global cities — new modes Of exchange are emerging, redefining our concep tion of space (Door 2) Peoples and nations, thanks to this evolution, now keep on borrowing the languages and cultures of other peoples and nations at an ever increasing

Expression orale du baccalauréat – Expressions utiles

Spaces and Exchanges What drives people to leave their country to go and live in another country? Is the American Dream still alive? What attracts immigrants to live in the USA? Has the Olympic ideal of fair play and tolerance been now replaced by money, drugs and politics? www franglish

Des questions possibles à l’épreuve d’expression orale Myths

Spaces and Exchanges 1 What kind of exchanges are there in today’s world? (trade, financial, sport, social networking, education, ) 2 How are these exchanges influenced by modern technologies? Do new technologies make exchanges easier? 3 What impact does globalisation have on exchanges? 4 To what extent can globalisation be an asset? 5

La première partie: Votre exposé - Sarah Smith

Exemple: Spaces and Exchanges: vous avez peut-être étudié des documents sur la mondialisation, l’immigration, – Annoncez votre problématique (si possible sous forme de question) et ensuite annoncez votre démarche pour répondre à cette problématique

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