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• Print-only readers engage with and support the arts more than nonreaders do, but they consistently report lower levels of support than digital/audio readers For decades, the Arts Endowment has enriched the literary arts in America by funding projects such as online journals, literary websites, author readings, and print publications

Arts Education In Public Elementary and Secondary Schools

Arts Education in Public Elementary and Secondary Schools VII List of Tables Table Page 1 Percent of public elementary school music and visual arts specialists who taught the arts subject full time,

National Endowment for the Arts Winter Award Announcement for

Grants for Arts Projects - Dance Marshall County Retired Senior Volunteer Program, Incorporated (aka Marshall County RSVP) $10,000 Guntersville, AL Grants for Arts Projects - Folk & Traditional Arts Centre for the Living Arts (aka CLA) $25,000 Mobile, AL Grants for Arts Projects - Visual Arts Alabama Shakespeare Festival, Inc

Academic Standards for the Arts and Humanities

• Visual Arts Education is a spatial art form that satisfies the human need to respond to life experiences through images, structures and tactile works • Humanities Education is the understanding and integration of human thought and accomplishment

Lessons and Rubrics for Arts Integration

• Arts integration helped to motivate students • Arts integration improved student under-standing both of specific academic content and the bigger picture, including the contex-tual variables, related to that content In an article in TEACHING Excep-tional Children, "Rubrics and an Arts Integra-


In 2019, the Arts, Entertainment and Recreation sector provided 22,311 jobs to Iowans, which represents 1 4 percent of all covered employment (both private and public sector) in the state

Creating Change through Arts, Culture, and Equitable

Jun 29, 2016 · Creating Change through Arts, Culture, and Equitable Development 6 This notion was expanded with the establishment in 1965 of the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) and the National Endowment for the Humanities 5 Programs aimed at support­ ing arts in communities of color and among poor rural

Grassroots Arts Program Guidebook & Subgranting Toolkit

arts in education artists in the performing, literary and visual arts, and detailed descriptions of arts in education residency programs The Grassroots Arts in Education Idea Book is a tool for local arts councils to use in partnership with their school systems to plan arts in education programs To view the book, visit

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