[PDF] Presentation Skills - Carey Business School

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Guide de présentation dune thèse - Sciences Po

« Guide de présentation d’une thèse » Ecole doctorale de Sciences Po – mise à jour juillet 2013 - Nadine Dada 4-Table des matières La table des matières est la liste des titres de chapitres (divisions et subdivisions avec leur


Feb 05, 2021 · website at www sec gov These documents (when they are available) can also be obtained free of charge from Tuscan upon written request to Tuscan at: Tuscan Holdings Corp , 135 E 57th St , 17th Floor, New York, NY 10022 Participants in Solicitation: This presentation is not a solicitation of a proxy from any investor or security holder

Ecole Doctorale Gestion des Ressources Naturelles et

1 1 Avant-propos Cette partie précise les principes et les objectifs recherchés par le livre blanc Les normes de présentation de la thèse au sein de l'Ecole Doctorale Gestion des Res-

Presentation Skills - Carey Business School

Presentation Skills: Plan • Structure: oStructure the content in line with the audience’s needs oWhat is your objective? oDo your research • Gather material from different sources oArrange points logically 9 Once you determine these things about the audience, its time to move on to the content of the presentation \


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Presentation, which speak only as of the date they are made and are qualified in their entirety by reference to the cautionary statements herein Neither one nor the Company undertakes any duty to update these forward-looking statements Additional Information

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These statements are based on various assumptions, whether or not identified in this Presentation, and on the current expectations of Momentus’and Stable Road’smanagement and are not predictions of actual performance


5 - Phase 08- Lecture, - Phase 09- Soutenance du mémoire, VI Canevas du projet de recherche Le projet de recherche doit suivre le canevas suivant avant que l’étudiant ne le soumette aux


ISM-DAKAR CONCLUSION NB : A l’exception des titres et des sous-titres la police du mémoire doit être 12 interligne 1,5 Times New Roman Le mémoire doit avoir au moins 50 pages compte non tenu des annexes

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By Kristina Tipps



Think about...

•What makes a bad presentation? •What makes a good presentation? •What makes an outstanding presentation?


Footer Text 2

The 4 Ps


2. Prepare

3. Practice

4. Present


Footer Text 3

Presentation Skills

•Why do we need to know how to present information? •Public speaking is commonly feared by many people. •It can be a nerve-racking experience, but anxiety can be minimized. •Skills to be a good presenter can be developed with preparation and practice. *Preparation is key* 4

Presentation Skills:

Plan •Preparation (planning) is the first step in giving a successful presentation. •Aspects: oPurpose oAudience oStructure 5

Presentation Skills:


I want (who) to (what) (when, where, how) because

(why •Ex: I want Macy's to purchase my company's sunglass line for the upcoming summer season because it is a high quality designer line and represents Macy's fashion trends. •Gives your presentation a focus, the things to think about during preparation.


Footer Text 6

Presentation Skills:

Plan •Ask yourself: oWho is your audience? oWhat do you want to present? (content, material) oWhy do you want to present this? (purpose) oWhere do you want to present? (place) oHow do you want to present this? (ppt, other technology, etc.) 7

Presentation Skills:

Plan •Audience Analysis oIn what is the audience interested? oWhat does the audience want? oWhat does the audience already know? oWhat does the audience need to know? oWhat does the audience expect from this presentation? oHow will the audience benefit from this presentation? 8

Presentation Skills:

Plan •Structure: oStructure the content in line with the audience's needs oWhat is your objective? oDo your research •Gather material from different sources oArrange points logically 9

Presentation Skills:

Plan •Anticipate audience's questions and prepare possible answers •Prepare handouts if desired and appropriate. Everyone benefits from visual/graphic documents.

•Don't forget to prepare with the allotted presentation time in mind. If you don't know how long you have, find out.


Footer Text 10

Presentation Skills:

Plan •Example Structure for 20 minute presentation: oOpening: 2 minutes oMiddle: 13 minutes oEnding: 2 minutes oQuestions: 5 minutes *Always leave time for questions* 11

Presentation Skills:


•Opening: the first few minutes are critical for success oCarefully design and master this while practcing •Good first impression •Rehearse well, but use natural speech and no reading from notecards or computer oGet attention •Shock, humor, question, story, statistics oBe enthusiastic •Motivate audience to listen 12

Presentation Skills:


•Middle: oLogical sequence oUnderstandable oRecaps (summaries) when appropriate oVisual aids (flip-charts, handouts) 13

Presentation Skills:


•Ending: the last few minutes are just as critical for success as the first few minutes oSummarize important points oSuggest action •What should the audience do now? •When should they do it? •Why? •How? •Proofread, proofread, proofread! 14

Presentation Skills:


Visual Aids

•Colors oGrey on white oBlack on white •Grammar •Font size. oSmall oMedium oLarge 15

Presentation Skills:


Nonverbal Communication

•Be active oMove around rather than stand stiffly in one spot •Controlled gestures oHand movements oPlaying with hair •Where to keep hands? oNot in pockets oOccupy hands with notes or a pointer. Nervousness tends to show in our hand gestures. •Eye contact oLook around from person to person while glancing at notes or presentation oDon't stare •Face audience 16

Presentation Skills:


Verbal Communication

•Speak naturally, not too quickly or too slowly oClear, audible •Variations in tone and pitch of voice •Talk to the audience, not just in front of them •No jargon •No ambiguous or complicated language •Question your audience throughout to facilitate group involvement and garner attention 17

Presentation Skills:



•Be aware of audience's nonverbal and verbal communications oIf people are bored or confused, their body language will show it. oAdjust based on what you see. •Engage audience oQuestions, activities •Handle questions to the best of your ability oYou are not expected to know everything oAnticipate questions and have answers ready oSometimes questions allow you to highlight a point you want to make 18

Presentation Skills:


How to Channel Nervous Energy into Positivity

•Prepare thoroughly •Breath deeply and slowly (activity) oconcentrate on delivering your message to your audience •Use gestures and facial expressions as a way of converting nervous fear to positive enthusiasm. oEnthusiasm is a positive form of nervous energy. 19

Presentation Skills:



20 Footer Text

•Don't get preoccupied thinking "I must remember" •Commit yourself and it will flow naturally •Know audience size •Practice in the space where you are presenting •Maneuver around room •Check lighting and technology before starting

Presentation Skills:


•Anxiety and stage fright •Everyone has it to some degree, even the best public speakers •Do not try to completely eliminate fear •Instead, channel that fearful energy into an effective presentation oHow? 21

Presentation Skills
