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Miller Theatre Program Notes JS Bach’s Six Sonatas and

continuous 16th-note motion (Bariolage refers to the technique of quick alternation between a static note and changing notes, often involving the mixing of open strings with stopped notes ) The Loure refers either to a kind of bagpipe (the verb lourer means to play with a slurred sound) or to a dance in a 6/4 meter with dotted rhythms

Lore press notes 1 8 13 - Music Box Films

systematically murdered Lore’s family is untouched until her father returns from the East in 1945 In 1939, Lore’s father was a war hero; in 1945 when the film begins, he is a criminal I wanted to understand what this does to the psyche of a child How does a person grow up knowing that those closest to them have committed unimaginable crimes

All-State Band and Orchestra Terminology Sheet

C détaché stroke – separate strokes on each note staccato D slur – more than one note per bow O ricochet – thrown bow (usually down bow, causing a E staccato – short, stopped strokes with the bow series of bounces) remaining on the string P flautando – flute-like bowing played over the fingerboard

Milton, “L’Allegro” and “Il Penseroso”: summaries

(note literary link) about English lore (Mab, Friar, Hobgoblin, Robin Goodfellow): Robin joins with others in unending toil of rural life; he leaves at dawn The tales done, the villagers go to bed 117-24 Then cities please us ( = speaker): social life, people, ladies, beauty

Note to parents - Smartkids

Note to parents How do hel m ch˛ld leˆrn You c n hel ˆour ch ld to en‘oˆ le rn n bˆ underst nd n how ˆour ch ld le rns best D † erent ch ldren h ve d † erent le rn n stˆles even theˆ come rom the s me m lˆ or b ck round Ch ldren m ˆ use d † erent le rn n stˆles de end n on wh t theˆ re le rn n nd the env ronment n wh ch theˆ

Lorenzo Costa, National Gallery LA VOYELLE BLANCHE

syntagme se fait alors dans le même souffle comme, en musique, pour la note lourée Il arrive parfois que la syllabe qui suit celle qui est à contretemps, soit phonétiquement la même Mais toutes deux diffèrent cependant sur le plan de l’énergie, car la première est en finale et la seconde en attaque de syntagme 1&10


On page 9, the authors note that when Lore joined the British army, she for the first time “felt like she truly belonged ” Why had Lore felt for so long like she didn’t belong? (development of individuals) 5 What were some of the challenges faced by children brought to Britain through the Kindertransport? (key details)

MMK200 - Mighty Mule

note : pour arrter la porte ou caner sa irection, il est possible e rappuer sur le bouton ans les 0 secones ui suient sans u’il soit ncessaire e saisir noueau le coe chevilles vis de montage clavier la nuit, les touches sont ÉclairÉes avec une lumiÈre bleue douce le bouton ( ) (marche/arrÊt) reste actif pendant 30 secondes aprÈs

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