[PDF] © CNED Implementation of measures insuring educational continuity

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enrol him/her at the CNED Latin:optional from Year 7 Madarin: optional from Year 7 EXPECTED DATE OF ARRIVAL:


Latin LV3 Additional Language (independent with CNED**) **Languages which are not taught at Rochambeau may be selected through via CNED – independent online study with French education organization CNED This is a paying service and no teachers are provided BY THE LYCEE Parents must register for courses with the CNED

© CNED Implementation of measures insuring educational continuity

©CNED – Implementation of measures ensuring educational continuity 2 The virtual class is an online tool maintaining relationships with pupils in the same class because it will give some time to students to get together and discuss In the current context, this synchronous system is a true asset It allows pupils to not


foreign language or Latin, lessons can be organised by the CNED (Centre National d’enseignement à distance / National Centre for Distance Learning) naturally at the cost of the families oHigh school Lycée (CNED –) o Seconde CNED 1ère CNED Indicate the 3 speciality courses - - - o Terminale CNED Indicate the 2 speciality courses - - 5


foreign language or wishing to take the facultative option “Languages and cultures of the Antiquity” (Latin), lessons can be organised by the CNED (Centre National d’enseignement à distance / National Centre for Distance Learning) naturally at the cost of the families 5 Language competences : Child’s spoken language(s) at home

The FRENCH BACCALAUREATE or The BAC What is the French

As a complement to their program, students can select one or two options: Latin, Theatre, Visual Arts, Cinema, Music, Arabic, 3rd World Language Independent study (CNED) Travaux Personnel Encadrés -TPE (personal project work) In their first year of the French Baccalauréat (11th grade or 1ere), students must undertake their TPE in groups of 2

Mise en oeuvre de la continuité

©CNED- Mise en œuvre de la continuité pédagogique 1 Ces parcours sont spécialement conçus pour des élèves dans le cadre d’un apprentis-sage à la maison Ce ne sont pas de simples ressources numériques, mais un dispositif pédagogique dont l’architecture et la scénarisation vont guider l’élève tout au long de sa


Autre (enseignement par le CNED) OPTION FACULTATIVE Latin Théâtre (priorité aux élèves ayant suivi l'option en 6ème) N B : Toute option facultative commencée ne pourra pas être abandonnée en cours d’année Signature du responsable : NE PAS REMPLIR : PARTIE RESERVEE A L’ADMINISTRATION


frais inscription 30 000 FCFA* lettre de motivation photo pièce état civil bulletins 2015-2016 bulletins 2016-2017 FICHE D’INSCRIPTION AUX TESTS D’ADMISSION

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