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the EXAMEN - Ignatian Spirituality

The Examen is a method of reviewing your day in the presence of God It’s actually an attitude more than a method, a time set aside for thankful reflection on where God is in your everyday life It has five steps, which most people take more or less in order, and it usually takes 15 to 20 minutes per day Here it is in a nutshell:


The Examen is a traditional method of prayerful awareness that is a bedrock in Ignatian spirituality and Jesuit education It’s a short, easy way to reflect on your day and become more mindful about where you are experiencing grace or goodness and where there is room in your actions and life for growth

Prayer of Examen handout

The “Prayer of Examen” is a traditional way to encounter the Lord Jesus in the everyday circumstances of life More than just a means to look for moral failures throughout our day, this prayer helps us to grow in awareness of God’s ac-tion, to notice our responses to his movements and to be-

The Ignatian Examen Scala

The Ignatian Examen Rummaging for God: Praying Backwards Through Your Day Dennis Hamm, S J The Biblical phrase, “If today you hear his voice,” implies that the divine voice must somehow be accessible in our daily experience, for this verse expresses a

G U Í A D E E S T U D I 0

práctica constante como preámbulo al examen, ya que solo así se recordarán y activarán los contenidos y habilidades adquiridas en su formación El examen abarca las cinco (5) asignaturas básicas del Programa de Educación para Adultos 1 Á r e a s a c a d é m i c a s q u e s e e v a l ú a n

Diploma de español nivel B2

en la elaboración de las formas de examen y en la calificación de las pruebas El Instituto Cervantes establece un sistema de certificación ordenado en seis niveles, conforme a los que el Consejo de Europa propone en el Marco común europeo de referencia para las lenguas (MCER): é Diploma de español nivel A1 é Diploma de español nivel A2


Le p estige ui accompagne un examen est enfocé pa l’attention ue l’appa eil d’État lui pête, au c édit u’il lui accode, aux moyens u’il met en œuv e pou l’assurer Le politiue s’est toujous mont é t ès attentif au devenir des

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