[PDF] 2018 Regulatory Agenda - Top priorities

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IESBA Meeting (December 2013) Agenda Item 3-B

Agenda Capacity and Resources Available 21 As noted in Appendix 1 (the context for the Board’s future strategy), the Board anticipates having a full agenda through the end of 2014 given the addition of four new work streams to the 2011-2012 SWP in early 2012 In determining potential new actions for 2015-2018 and the priorities and timing

Agenda Item 9-A - IFAC

Draft Consultation Paper – IESBA SWP 2015-2018 IESBA Meeting (September 2013) Agenda Item 9-A Page 3 of 21 PAs in business (PAIBs) 8 The fourth work stream has led to the launch of an initiative to reconsider the structure of the Code with a view to enhancing the Code’s usability, thereby facilitating

World Economic Situation - United Nations

growth rate in 2018, exiting recession of -0 2 per cent in 2017 North Africa: growth supported by favourable external conditions North Africa is estimated to have grown by 3 7 per cent per cent

The Convergence of Operational Risk and Cyber Security

The Convergence o perational Risk and Cyber Security Scope of the Problem: The Cyber Security Threat In September 2015, for instance, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) fined R T Jones Capital Equities Management, a St Louis-based investment adviser, $75,000 for failing to establish


The previous Global Strategy achieved great things between 2010 and 2015 1 It galvanized political leadership, attracted billions of dollars in new financial commitments and created Every Woman Every Child, a powerful multi-stakeholder movement for health (see Annex 1) 2 The United Nations Commission on

2018 Regulatory Agenda - Top priorities

to be voted on in Q1 2018 convergence of local authority practices (single rulebook) The proposal marks a significant change of the Council Directive 2015/849

11 - African Union

January 2015 as the basis for Africa’s long term socio-economic and integrative transformation, it directed the AUC to prepare the First Ten Year Implementation Plan of Agenda 2063 (2013 – 2023) This plan, the first in a series of five ten year plans over the fifty year horizon was adopted by the Summit in June 2015 as a


to the 2030 Agenda and the Paris Agreement By bringing all stakeholders together, it is also intended to increase coordination, reduce duplications and enhance synergies Priority Actions The Global Agenda aims to catalyse concerted, strategic, bold, time-bound and measurable actions in support of SDG 7 by 2030, grouped

HNRDA 2017-2022 Page 1

For 2017-2022, the NR P’s National Integrated asic Research Agenda (NI RA) will prioritize fundamental research in support of the Philippine Development Plan, the National Security Plan, and the Science for hange Program led by the Department of Science and Technology

Why Securitising the Sahel Will Not Stop Migration

recent instability, however, the recourse to such interventions has intensified (Harmon, 2015: 233) Since the launch of the European Agenda on Migration in May 2015, however, we have also seen a convergence of these pre-existing geopolitical interests with an ever-expanding EU preoccupation with the so-called refugee ‘crisis’

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