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Modèle d’états financiers - PwC France

– le bilan est présenté sous forme de tableau et le compte de résultat sous forme de liste; – sous réserve de présenter les rubriques minimum exigées par le PCG, des rubriques ou agrégats supplémentaires peuvent être ajoutés aux modèles de bilan et de compte de résultat proposés par le PCG Toutefois, l’utilisation d’autres

plan francais excel

Title: plan francais excel xls Author: Zicon Created Date: 11/21/2002 9:09:40 PM

Analyse du bilan comptable : le bilan financier

Analyse du bilan comptable : le bilan financier 1 Avant-propos La première étape de l’analyse financière consiste à rassembler toutes les données utiles Les bilans, comptes de résultat, annexes, constituent le paquetage de base, celui de l’analyste externe, généralement sur les trois dernières années

Votre bilan financier personnel - Desjardinscom

Votre bilan financier personnel Cet outil vous permet de calculer votre avoir net en dressant la liste de ce que vous possédez (votre actif) et de ce que vous devez (votre passif) à un moment précis Votre bilan est utile pour, entre autres, prendre des décisions financières importantes ou élaborer des stratégies de placement


PLAN COMPTABLE GENERAL NATIONAL ACCOUNTING CODE Regulation No 99 03, 29 April 1999 of the Accounting Regulation Committee appended to the Ministerial Order of 22 June 1999 Note: In the present translation, reference to the plan comptable général is ordinarily abbreviated to PCG text numbering of the plan comptable général


Le bilan n’est qu’une photographie de la situation de l’entreprise à un moment précis Un bilan peut être dressé à tout moment La durée légale entre deux bilans successifs est d’une année C’est ce qu’on appelle l’exercice comptable Il coïncide généralement avec l’année civile, c’est pourquoi le bilan

La structure comptable de base, le couple Bilan - Etat de

7) Le bilan est établi selon une périodicité régulière Les entreprises établissent au moins un bilan par année On parle alors de bilan annuel ou de comptes annuels 8 ou aussi des états financiers L'année comptable est dite aussi exercice comptable Il est au moins établi un bilan à la fin de chaque exercice comptable

Guide des procéduRES comptables à l’usage des paroisses

• Le code d’affectation comptable Lorsque le montant encaissé ou décaissé doit être affecté à plusieurs comptes du plan comptable, chaque montant doit être indiqué dans la colonne de son code d’affectation comptable • Solde en caisse à la fin de chaque mois ou de la période, selon le cas

Rapport financier annuel 2018 - Totalcom

l'Italie (-0,4 point à 0,6 ) et de la France (-0,1 point à 1,5 ) L’OCDE et la Banque Mondiale ont elles aussi révisé à la baisse leurs estimations de croissance en fin 2018 / début 2019 Le rendement souverain allemand 10 ans est à 0,246 au 31 décembre 2018 (vs 0,423 au 31 décembre 2017)

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Ministerial Order of 22 June 1999 giving approval to the Accounting Regulation Committee

Regulation 99-03

NOR - ECOT9920032A

The Minister for Justice, the Minister for the Economy, Finance and Industry, and the Secretary of State for the Budget, Having regard to Law 98-261, 6 April 1998, relating to reform of accounting regulation and adaptation of the regulations for disclosure of information on real property, in particular Article 5; Having regard to the Ministerial Order, 9 December 1986, supplementing and amending the national accounting code

Order as follows:

Art. 1 - Regulation 99-03 of the Accounting Regulation Committee, 29 April 1999, relating to revision of the national accounting code, appended to the present Ministerial Order, is approved. Art. 2 - The Ministerial Order, 27 April 1982, and Article 2 of the aforementioned Ministerial

Order, 9 December 1986, are repealed.

Art. 3 - The present Ministerial Order, as well as the appended Regulation, are to be published in the Official Journal of the French Republic.

Paris, 22 June 1999.

Minister for the Economy, Finance and Industry

Dominique Strauss-Kahn

Minister for Justice

Elisabeth Guigou

Secretary of State for the Budget

Christian Sauter

- page n°2/212


Regulation 99-03, 29 April 1999, relating to revision of the national accounting code

The Accounting Regulation Committee,

Having regard to the Commercial Code, in particular Arts. 8 to 17-4; Having regard to Law 66-537, 24 July 1966, as amended, on commercial companies, in particular Art. 340-4; Having regard to Law 98-261, 6 April 1998, relating to reform of accounting regulation and adaptation of the regulations for disclosure of information on real property; Having regard to Decree 67-236, 23 March 1967, as amended, on commercial companies, in particular Art. 245; Having regard to Decree 83-1020, 29 November 1983, as amended, and issued for application of Law 83-353, 30 April 1983, relating to the harmonisation of accounting obligations of persons engaged in commercial activity and of certain companies with the Fourth Directive adopted by the Council of the European Communities, 25 July 1978; Having regard to the Ministerial Order, 9 December 1986, supplementing and amending the national accounting code; Having regard to the Statement of Best Practice 98-13 of the National Accounting Council, 17

December 1998, supplemented 18 March 1999,


Article 1

The national accounting code appended to the present Regulation is approved and is to be substituted for the national accounting code appended to the Ministerial Order, 27 April 1982, as amended, and supplemented by the Ministerial Order, 9 December 1986, Art. 2.

Article 2

The Regulation and its attachment are applicable to all natural persons and legal entities subject to legislative and regulatory obligation to draw up accounts, conditional upon requirements specific to them.

Article 3

The Ministerial Order, 27 April 1982, and Article 2 of the aforementioned Ministerial Order, 9

December 1986, are repealed.

- page n°3/212



Regulation No.99.03, 29 April 1999

of the Accounting Regulation Committee appended to the Ministerial Order of 22 June 1999 Note: In the present translation, reference to the plan comptable général is ordinarily abbreviated to PCG. text numbering of the plan comptable général Text numbering of the PCG comprises three digits, generally followed by a hyphen and new numbering. The first three digits correspond to titles, chapters and sections: - The first digit corresponds to the title; - The second digit corresponds to the chapter; - The third digit corresponds to the section. This digit is a zero in the absence of a section in a chapter (Examples: Chapters I, II and

III of Title I).

Division into sub-sections does not affect the numbering. Digits indicated after hyphens round off the number of the

Article to facilitate enquiry.

At the same time, in the interest of readability there is no additional numbering to the first three digits of Articles in the sections of Title IV, Chapter IV, Functioning of accounts. Instead: - In this chapter, the third digit corresponding to sections also serves as the numbering of account classes (Example: Article 441:

Section 1 - Capital accounts (Class 1));

- In each section, account numbers in parentheses follow reference to particular accounts (Example: Capital and reserves (Account 10)). - page n°4/212


PLAN COMPTABLE GÉNÉRAL..............................................................................................................1

NATIONAL ACCOUNTING CODE.........................................................................................................1

ATTACHMENT .........................................................................................................................................2

TITLE I .......................................................................................................................................................5

OBJECT AND PRINCIPLES OF ACCOUNTING....................................................................................5

Chapter I.................................................................................................................................5

Field of application................................................................................................................5

Chapter II................................................................................................................................5

Chapter III..............................................................................................................................6

Definition of annual accounts................................................................................................6

TITLE II......................................................................................................................................................8

DEFINITION OF ASSETS, LIABILITIES, INCOME AND CHARGES.................................................8

Chapter I

Assets and liabilities...............................................................................................................8

Chapter II................................................................................................................................8

Charges and income...............................................................................................................8

Chapter III............................................................................................................................10

Profit or loss.........................................................................................................................10

TITLE III...................................................................................................................................................10

ACCOUNTING RECOGNITION AND VALUATION RULES............................................................10

Chapter I...............................................................................................................................10

Date of accounting for assets, liabilities, income and charges............................................10

Chapter II..............................................................................................................................12

Valuation and method of accounting for assets and liabilities............................................12

Chapter III............................................................................................................................15

Particular valuation and accounting recognition procedures.............................................15

Chapter IV............................................................................................................................22

Valuation of assets and liabilities where value depends on foreign currency fluctuations......................22

Chapter V .............................................................................................................................24

Chapter VI............................................................................................................................24

Valuation and accounting recognition of specific assets and liabilities..............................24

Chapter VII...........................................................................................................................26

Valuation and accounting for specific financial transactions.............................................26

Chapter VIII .........................................................................................................................29

Taking account of transactions extending beyond the financial year.......................................................29

Chapter IX............................................................................................................................30

Valuation and accounting recognition of joint transactions and transactions for the

account of third parties........................................................................................................30

TITLE IV...................................................................................................................................................32

KEEPING, STRUCTURE AND FUNCTIONING OF ACCOUNTS......................................................32

Chapter I...............................................................................................................................32

Organisation of accounting..................................................................................................32

Chapter II..............................................................................................................................33

Chapter III............................................................................................................................34

- page n°5/212

Accounting code...................................................................................................................34

Chapter IV............................................................................................................................77

Functioning of accounts.......................................................................................................77

TITLE V..................................................................................................................................................128

FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ................................................................................................................128

Chapter I.............................................................................................................................128

Annual accounts.................................................................................................................128

Chapter II............................................................................................................................129

Annual account formats.....................................................................................................129

Chapter III..........................................................................................................................162

Formats of annual accounts...............................................................................................162

ATTACHMENT .....................................................................................................................................197

Chapter I ACCOUNTING RULES....................................................................................197


ASSOCIATION FUNDS...................................................................................................202

Chapter V - RULES FOR PRESENTATION OF ANNUAL ACCOUNTS.....................204 Chapter VI TERMINOLOGY OF SPECIFIC ACCOUNTS.............................................211



Chapter I

Field of application

110-1. - The requirements of the present regulation apply to all natural

persons or legal entities subject to the legal obligation to draw up annual accounts comprising the balance sheet, profit and loss account and notes on the accounts, conditional upon requirements specific to them. The natural persons or legal entities referred to in the 1st paragraph are termed entities in the present regulation.

Chapter II


120-1. - Accounting is a system for organisation of financial information

allowing entry, classification and recording of numerical source data and presentation of statements reflecting a true and fair view of the assets and liabilities, financial position and profit or loss of the entity at the date ofquotesdbs_dbs2.pdfusesText_2