[PDF] Thyroid Tests and Results

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Thyroid Tests and Results

5 TRH stimulation test 5 –30 mU/L 6 Thyroglobulin antibody 0 –4 IU/mL 7 Thyroid peroxidase antibodies (TPO) 0 –9 IU/mL 8 Thyrotropin receptor antibodies (TRAb) 0 –1 75 IU/mL 9 Reverse T3 12 –24 ng/dL 10 Total thyroxine (T4) 4 –12 ug/dL 11 Total triiodothyronine (T3) 80 –180 ng/dL 12 Free thyroxin index (FTI) 4 8 –12 7 mcg/dL

1785 PLC-5 Addressing Programmable Controllers Reference Manual

0 Output (do not enter) 1 Input (do not enter) 2 Status (do not enter) 3 Binary (default) 4 Timer (default) 5 Counter (default) 6 Control (default) 7 Integer (default) 8 Floating-point (default) 9–999 Any file type except Output, Input, or Status Bit Number 0 – 17 Octal for I/O files 0 – 15 Decimal for other files Structure/word Number

1785-71, 1785 PLC-5 Programmable Controllers, Quick Reference

Channel 0 - on-board serial port The PLC-5/30 processor has 2 communication ports and 1 serial port Battery (red) Processor RUN/FAULT (green/red) Force (amber) Communication ACTIVE/FAULT status (green/red) Indicators: Labels to write information about the channel communication mode, station addresses, etc Connect programming terminal here


27 5-30 0 GHz AND 17 3-20 2 GHz BY SATELLITE NETWORKS Gothenburg, September, 2010 ECC REPORT 152 Page 2 0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY

Objective Questions 1-11; Problems: 9, 13, 14, 17, 20, 23, 25

14 A long solenoid has 400 turns per meter and carries a current given by I = (30 0 A)(1 – e – 1 60 t ) Inside the solenoid and coaxial with it is a coil that has a radius of 6 00 cm and consists of a total of 250 turns of fine

Titratable Acidity of Red Wine by Manual Titration

Trial 1 5 60 0 0596 Trial 2 5 57 0 0599 Trial 3 5 61 0 0594 Statistics Mean 0 0596 RSD 0 4 Optional Analysis of Tartaric Acid Standard – QC Sample Weigh ~1 00 g tartaric acid into a 200 mL volumetric flask and record the exact weight (Wd) Dissolve and fill to the mark with DI water The concentration of the tartaric acid standard is 5 × Wd

Air Cored 1:1 Balun for 35 300 MHz - RSARS

Air Cored 1:1 Balun for 3 5 – 30 0 MHz Graphics by G8ODE 23-11- 2110 iss 1 3 Balun Construction Notes 1 Ensure that the three wires are the same length on the white plastic former 2 Wire “a” is soldered to the centre pin of the SO239 and a solder tag secures wire “c” to the body of the SO239 3

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