[PDF] Lab 8 - Andy Warhol silkscreen type image lter

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Collection of the Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth, Museum

©2001 Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts/ARS, New York By now, Andy Warhol’s silkscreens and paintings of people and images have become icons of life in the twentieth century The Campbell’s soup cans, photographs of celebrities, and images from newspapers that came to embody the ideas of Pop art all reflect Warhol’s interest in the

Babyka Saroeun Art 450: Andy Warhol Exhibition

Queens fits into Warhol’s theme of fame seen throughout his body of work But this series, 6 “Queen Elizabeth II, Silver Jubilee,” Post Office Department [Postage Stamp Press Release], 1977 7 Andy Warhol and Pat Hackett The Andy Warhol Diaries New York: Warner Books, 1989, 665 8 Warhol, 1989, 691

Lab 8 - Andy Warhol silkscreen type image lter

This lab will provide a chance simulate the style of the pop artist Andy Warhol, who used various print making and silk screening techniques on images of famous people to create iconic pop art images From wikipedia:\Warhol’s work both as a commercial artist and later a ne artist displays a casual approach to image making, in which chance plays

Lab 8 - Andy Warhol silkscreen type image lter

This lab will provide a chance similate the style of the pop artist Andy Warhol, who used various print making and silk screening techniques on images of famous people to create iconic pop art images From wikipedia:\Warhol’s work both as a commercial artist and later a ne artist displays a casual approach to image making, in which chance plays

Portrait of Maurice by Andy Warhol

number of screens can be used to produce a multicolored image (See Wikipedia) • His New York studio, 'The Factory,' was a popular place for artists, celebrities and bands to meet • In 1968 when Warhol was 39 years old, he was shot in his studio and severely wounded He barely survived


Andy Warhol Marilyn Diptych, 1962, oil, acrylic, and silkscreen enamel on canvas With Warhol, you no longer need to be hot and full of feeling You can be supercool, like a slightly frosted mirror Not that Warhol worked this out; he didn’t have to He felt it and embodied it He was a conduit for a sort of collective American state of mind

Why You Can’t Cite Wikipedia in My Class

Wikipedia itself, rather than with the uses to which students were putting it In the wake of my allotted 15 minutes of Andy Warhol-promised fame I have tried to figure out what all the fuss was about There is a great deal of uneasiness about Wikipedia in the U S , as well as in the rest of the computerized world, and a great deal

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Fall 2016 Computational Art Zoe Wood

Lab 8 - Andy Warhol silkscreen type image lter


The goals for this lab are:

1. Practice creating an Andy Warhol silkscreen image lter

2. Practice using images in p5.js

3. Practice manipulating pixels of an image

4. Practice using arrays

5. Practice writing for loops

6. Practice indexing a 1D ray with 2D coordinates

7. Practice using boolean logic to control which parts of an image are

modied (including implicit circles)


Pair or Individual (per instructors specications)


This lab will provide a chance simulate the style of the pop artist Andy Warhol, who used various print making and silk screening techniques on images of famous people to create iconic pop art images. From wikipedia:\Warhol's work both as a commercial artist and later a ne artist displays a casual approach to image making, in which chance plays a role and mistakes and unintentional marks are tolerated. The resulting imagery in both Warhol's commercial art and later in his ne art endeavors is often replete with imperfection smudges and smears can often be found. 1 In his book POPism Warhol writes, "When you do something exactly wrong, you always turn up something.""


Tasks:For this lab, you will create your own computational lter to simu- late his silkscreened images. In particular, we will practice some very simple changes to the values of pixels in an image to create a new altered image with strong colors and contrast.Figure 1: Andy Warhol, Marilyn 1967 Silk Screen To complete this assignment, please follow these steps Take a picture of yourself with a mostly blank background and transfer the pictures to the lab computers - make sure to resize the images to be small enough to then t multiple copies on the image next to one another in your nal sketch. Write a p5.js sketch to read in the image and load the images pixels Allocate as many other image(s) (at least 4), to store the altered im- age(s) Write code to loop through the whole image and modify the pixel values to achieve an Andy Warhol silk screen look. For example, try: 2

1. start by making the background solid

2. one eect must be derived from nding colors that stand out in

the image and threshold them (ie make redish parts of the image all red, etc. for blue and green) - you can use red(), blue() to pull out the exact value of each color component for each pixel - at least 3 regions must be distinct bright color thresholded regions

3. one eect must be achieved via thresholding but only applied to

only certain regions of the image, i.e. only change the red pixels near the lips to bright red, etc. Use booleans to test the pixels x and y location to identify where in the image the pixel lays.

4. one eect must be achieved by thresholding the brightness to

draw pure white, grey and black for any other pixels - use at least 3 dierent distinct grey values Produce a nal image that includes several versions of your original image with various bright colorings similar to the silkscreen images produced by Andy Warhol. Note that when loading an image in your script, due to security issues with opening images locally, your script will not work. You need to do one of two things, either run your own local server: (do this ONLY in the folder that you want the data shared publicly) *or* just run the code on the web server (i.e. upload it to your unix account). Demo: In order to receive credit for this lab, you must demo your sketch to your instructor or TA. For every lab, your score will be broken down 75% for meeting the technical requirements and 25% for aesthetics. Be sure to add your sketch to your webpage!

20 points: nal image with Warhol like eects (4 dierent lters- with

four dierent bright colored regions)

20 points: one eect solid color threshold for at least 3 regions of the

image (vary per image)

25 points: one eect thresholded only in a specied region (e.g. lips

or eyes, etc - must use boolean logic)

10 points: one eect thresholding to grey scale at least 3 dierent


25 points: sketch is interesting and marvelous


some useful commands: 3 Figure 2: Example output from a p5.js sketch to simulate an Andy Warhol silkscreenFigure 3: While developing your sketch, you may need to only apply a pixel lter to small parts of the image, for example, the above example only modies the lips by only modifying pixels in a rectangular region shown in the above 'debugging' image - likewise since the hair and hat in the original image had such similar tones, an implicit ellipse was used to distinguish between the two, also shown above.

PImage img1;

loadImage createImage loadPixels updatePixels 4 brightness image(); red() blue() green() brightness() Here is a sample program that loads in an image and manipulates every other column of pixels to give an example of using 2D counting converted to 1D array indexing: var img1, img2; function preload() { /*you will need to have the image in the same directory - you can rename */ /* just set your 'size' to match the image size */ img1 = loadImage("beach.jpg"); img2 = loadImage("beach.jpg"); function setup() { var loc; noLoop(); createCanvas(800, 427); img1.loadPixels(); img2.loadPixels(); /* 2D loop to show how to loop in 2D into a 1D array */ for( var y=0; y < img1.height; y++) { for (var x=0; x < img1.width; x++) { /*map from 2D to 1D */ loc = img2.width*y + x; //for every other x, copy in the pixel to make stripes if (x%2 ==0) { img2.set(x, y, [255, 255, 255, 255]); img2.updatePixels(); function draw() { image(img2, 0, 0); 5quotesdbs_dbs4.pdfusesText_8