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Conversation Questions & Responses Nice to meet you Nice to

you tu, vous you te, toi, vous he il him le, lui she elle her la, lui, elle it il, elle it le, lui, la, elle we nous us nous they ils, elles them les, leur, eux, elles Be & Have (Present Tense) I am I'm je suis I have I've j'ai you are you're tu es, vous êtes you have you've tu as, vous avez he is he's il est he has he's il a she is she's elle


1 – What do you do? → I work in a bank 2 – Can you give me a hand? → Sure - just a sec 3 – What time is it? → I don’t know, I forgot my watch 4 – Can I help you? → Yes please, I can’t do it by myself 5 – How are you feeling? → I’m all right 6 – What do you do in your free time? → I like reading and relaxing at

Essay Writing Topic Notes

In question 1, 3 and 4 of the written papers in LC French students are asked to write an essay of 90 words based on one of the reading comprehensions (c f Narrative stories), or an essay based on a more abstract topic The following expressions will help you get a more structured essay and help improve your writing skills I Introducing the topic

LE PRESIDENT Ms Stephenie Fox Technical director FRANCE

(a) Do you agree with the proposed transitional exemptions included in the Exposure Draft; and (b) Do you believe that the IPSASB achieved its goal in providing appropriate relief to a first-time adopter in transitioning to accrual basis IPSASs? Please provide a reason for your response


Are you ready ? Êtes-vous prêts ? Yes, we are Oui, nous le sommes Let’s start, then (let’s start working) Alors, commençons à travailler So, can you remember what we did yesterday ? Do you remember what we did last time ? Bon, vous souvenez-vous de ce que nous avons fait hier / la fois dernière ? (Certains enfants peuvent répondre en

L’épreuve écrite aux examens internationaux

1 Agree/disagree Questions-types : Do you agree/disagree / Do you support or oppose? Why or why not? Exemples : • Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Playing games teaches us about life Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer • Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?


• Réponds à la question qui t’est posée et écris la suite de l’histoire en respectant le récit en cinq temps (une situation initiale, un élément déclencheur, une ou des péripéties, un dénouement et une situation finale) • Fais lire la page en annexe à quelqu’un qui vit avec toi et lis-lui la suite que tu as inventée

sujet LV1 - The Circle 20012017 VDef

What do you think she may expect from this experiment? (150 words, +/- 10 ) ET 2 “Secrets are lies” (document A, line 35) Do you agree with this statement? Explain (150 words, +/- 10 ) Seuls les candidats de la série L composant au titre de la LVA (Langue Vivante Approfondie) traitent les sujets 3 ET 4 3

Marking notes Remarques pour la notation Notas para la corrección

You read an article that argued that the way you dress influences what others think about you Write a blog entry in which you discuss to what extent you agree or disagree with this claim and give reasons for your views

Exercices de Grammaire

– 15 They’d told you what to do VII Traduire 1 Nous étions en retard, et eux aussi – 2 Il ne fume pas, et elle non plus – 3 Tu n’aimes pas le chocolat ? – Bien sur que si – 4 Ils regardent la télévision tous les soirs, pas moi – 5 Si tu ne veux pas écouter ce concert, moi si – 6 Nous déjeunons à la

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[PDF] Répondre a une problèmatique: La prison est il un bon moyen de punir les personnes qui font infractions a la loi (environ 40 lignes)

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[PDF] Répondre au question "le mal" de Rimbaud

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