[PDF] Public Pragmatism: Jane Addams and Ida B Wells on Lynching

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Southeastern Louisiana University

John Dewey — The Public and Its Problems 399 some overruling providence that cares for chil- dren, drunkards and others unable to help themselves It marks a well-attested conclusion from historic facts We have every reason to think that whatever changes may take place in existing democratic machinery, they will be of

300- 1 - Marxists Internet Archive

concretized in the findings of the John Dewey Commission of Investi- gation, which held the trials to be a colossal frame-up Remarking that his views Oh such were Of considerable public interest, we asked for an interview Wallace was in New York at the time we wrote Some time later we received a reply signed by his secretary

Religion, Education And the First Amendment

John Dewey, a leading theorist of the reform movement, urged gation of the history and background in which the lan- Government and that public education at the time of the

In the Supreme Court of the United States - AAUP

gation Across Levels of Education: A Behavioral John Dewey, Democracy and Education (Free Press Public Schools: Rapidly Resegregating School

68 Note August 1968 - ERIC

gation And besides concrete facts, they have a form of knowledge which may hardly be rational or even conscious, a sort of tacit or intuitive perception of things as they are whiah springs from living with them as they are Unless this rich, immediate, if sometime inarticulate, knowledge can be tapped, the study of the Social Sciences

Public Education and the Public Space - Maxine Greene

it is to speak, as John Dewey (1928) did of "something which comes to be, (of) a certain kind of growth" (p 280) It is to hold in mind the human capacity to orient the self to the possible, to posit alternatives, to look at things as if they could be otherwise The op- posite of freedom is a type of alien-

Public Pragmatism: Jane Addams and Ida B Wells on Lynching

friend John Dewey even admitted that Addams's convictions against antago nism convinced him of its detriment to honest inquiry She believed in the power of humans to settle differences without resorting to personal attacks Racial ste reotypes and segregation only contributed to antagonism and had the potential to lead to lawlessness

Pedagogies of Protest: African American Teachers and the

activist version of the African American uplift philosophy with John Dewey’s democratic con-ception of progressive education, exemplary teachers created academic and extracurricular programs that encouraged student protest Beginning in the 1940s and continuing through

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