[PDF] RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off RewriteRule

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Htaccess, Apache, And Rewrites Oh, My

Home Blog Htaccess, Apache, And Rewrites Oh, My Htaccess, Apache, And Rewrites Oh, My As a web designer or developer, it is important to know how to use the htaccess file to your advantage It is a very powerful tool, and can even work as a deterrent for bandwidth thieves, exploits, and hackers Below are some common examples of rules to

mod rewrite - homeapacheorg

[L] in htaccess files • [L] means to hand the resulting URI back to the URI-mapping process • Part of this process may result in the htaccess file being invoked again • Thus, in htaccess files, [L] can initiate loops • Use RewriteCond to avoid loops (see examples later) Thursday, November 5, 2009

mod rewrite - Apache Lounge

RewriteRule RewriteCond RewriteMap The evils of htaccess files Recipes 2 mod_rewrite is not magic Fear, more than complexity, makes mod_rewrite difficult 3

mod rewrite - homeapacheorg

htaccess files In htaccess files, or scope, everything is assumed to be relative to that current scope So, that scope is removed from the RewriteRule ^/index html in httpd conf becomes ^index html in a htaccess file or scope 57

mod rewrite - ApacheCon

RewriteRule RewriteCond RewriteMap The evils of htaccess files Recipes 2 mod_rewrite is not magic Fear, more than complexity, makes mod_rewrite difficult 3

htaccess cheat sheet - Jean-Philippe Côté

RewriteRule \ (gifjpg)$ - [F] To serve alternate content to hotlinkers, substitute last line above with : htaccess cheat sheet Created Date:

RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off RewriteRule

RewriteCond {HTTPS} off RewriteRule ^( *)$ https:// {HTTP_HOST} {REQUEST_URI} [R,L]

htaccess and other oddities

What is a htaccess file? • htaccess is a localised server configuration file that can be used to override default server configuration settings • Originally, the file’s primary purpose was to facilitate password protection to web folders; hence the name (hypertext access) • On modern servers, htaccess can be used to


htaccess RewriteRule в контексте каждого каталога сопоставляется с частью URL-адреса после протокола, имени хоста, порта и префикса каталога, в котором они находятся, и перед строкой запроса

# BEGIN WPSuperCache - AskApache

# BEGIN WPSuperCache RewriteEngine On RewriteBase /v2/ #If you serve pages from behind a proxy you may want to change 'RewriteCond {HTTPS} on' to something more sensible

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