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Acceptability in the Translation into Malay of Rihlat Ibn

Rihlat Ibn Battūtah al-Musammāh Tuhfah al-Nuzzār fī Gharā’ib al-Amsār (The Travel of Ibn Battuta Entitled a Gift to Those Who Contemplate the Wonders of Cities and the Marvels of Travelling), by Ibn Battuta Published by Dār al-kutub al-cilmiyyah, Beirut in 1987/2002: as a source text (ST) This very

The Description of the Travels of Ibn Baṭṭūṭa in Palestine

Ibn Batt?ta in particular that the description of the journey of this Moroccan Muslim (b 1304; d 1368/9 or 1377),1 entitled Tuhfatal-nuzz?rfighafa ib al-amsar wa-afaib al-asf?r (more commonly known as Rihlat Ibn Batt?ta), is one of the most interesting and important documents to be produced as regards the political and social history of

Basic Structures and Signs of Alienation in the Riḥla of

35-46 esp pp 38-39; idem, "Ibn Battuta's use of IbnJubayr's Rihla", in Rudolph Peters (ed ), Proceedings of the Ninth Congress of the Union Europiene des Arabisants et Islamisants (Amsterdam 1st-7th September 1978), Publications of the Netherlands Institute of


Rihlat Ibn Battuta (RIB) Then, the equivalence translation in BM Rumi is taken from the book entitled Pengembaraan Ibn Battuta (PIB) by Syed Abdullah Syed Nurulakla and Adi Setia Mohd Dom Besides that, other data is taken from the Corpus Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka (DBP) website to identify the uses of KNKT BM Rumi among the Malay language users

History of Tourism in Islam

Ibn Al Jazy Kalbi, to record what Ibn Battuta said A narrative summary was compiled in an ordered way, by adding some poems and checking sequences with the help of the famous writings of travellers, such as Rihlat Ibn Jubir Al Andalussi (582/1186) Ibn Battuta cited the following story: “I went one day through a street in

UM Students Repository

untuk kanak-kanak berjudul "Ibn Battuta in the Valley of Doom " oleh Abd al- Rahman Azzam, (1996), tertulis pada kulit belakangnya: Written for children and young adults, and with colour illustrations, the series traces the travels and adventures of the famous Moroccon traveller as he criss-crossed the Muslim world in the 14th century

Muslims from al-Andalus in the madrasas of late Fāṭimid and

Rihlat Ibn Jubair and Rihlat Ibn Battuta, are always translated, imprecisely, as The Travels oflbn Jubair and 77ie Travels oflbn Bqttilta They did not travel aimlessly, but in order to acquire

The Construction of Islamic-Educational Institutions in

2: 170-171; Ibn Qadi Shuhba, Tarikh Ibn Qadi Shuhba, (Damascus, 1994), 2: 428-429 On the development of Gaza as an independent center of government, see: Mahmud Ali ‘Atallah, 121-159 vii See: Muhammad bin Ibrahim ibn Battu a, Rihlat Ibn Battuta, (Beirut, 1985), 54


Abd al-Barr, Ibn, Jämi' Bayan al-llm wa Fad lih edit Abi al-Isybãl al- Zuhayriy, cet 1, (Arab Saudi: Dar Ibn al-Jawziy, 1994M/1414H Abu Dawud, Sulayman bin al-Ash'ath al-Sijistãniy, Sunan Abu Dawud, Istanbul; Cagri Yayinlari, t t Risä/ah Abu Dawud ila Ahl Makkah fi Wasf Sunanih edit Muhammad Sabbägh, (Bayrüt: Maktab al-Islamiy, t t

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