[PDF] The Ethical Image in a Topological Perspective: the Poetics

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Between Matter and Hand: On Gaston Bachelard’s Theory of

here refers the paste That’s why in the preface of Air and Dreams, he admits because air is very thin matter, with which, “movement takes precedence over matter”, so “My research will be limited as material imagination is concerned” (Bachelard 2011, Air, 8)


Bachelard, Gaston, 1884-1962 [Poetique de l'espace English] The poetics of space / Gaston Bachelard ; translated from the French by Maria Jolas, with a new foreword by John R Stilgoe p cm Originally published: New York: Orion Press, 1964 Translation of: La poetique de l'espace Includes bibliographical references ISBN 0-8070-6473-4 1


' For Bachelard as epistemologist see Jean Hyppolite, "L'epistemologie de G Bache-lard," Revue d'Histoire des Sciences XVII (1964), 1-11; also Georges Canguilhem, "L'His-toire des sciences dans F'oeuvre 6pistemologique de Gaston Bachelard," Annales de I'Universite de Paris 1 (1963), and "Gaston Bachelard et les philosophes," Sciences 24

rhe - Aalto

AIR AND DREAMS: AN ESSAY ON THE IMAGINATION OF MOVEMENT THE FLAME OF A CANDLE THE RIGHT TO DREAM FRAGMENTS OF A PoETics oF FIRE Water and Dreams An Essay on the Imagination of Matter GASTON BACHELARD translated from the French by Edith R Farrell The Bachelard Translations The Pegasus Foundation The Dallas Institute of Humanities and Culture

The Ethical Image in a Topological Perspective: the Poetics

Between L’air et les songes (1943) and La terre et les rêveries de la volonté (1947), Bachelard didn’t change his idea; the equation of the imagination and the will is ontological The formula of Schelling may be useful in giving a determination of the

La psychanalyse du feu - WordPresscom

Gaston Bachelard, La psychanalyse du feu (1949) [1992] 5 REMARQUE Ce livre est du domaine public au Canada parce qu’une œuvre pas-se au domaine public 50 ans après la mort de l’auteur(e)

Gaston Bachelard [1884-1962] (1949) [1992]

Gaston Bachelard, La psychanalyse du feu (1949) [1992] 2 Politique d'utilisation de la bibliothèque des Classiques Toute reproduction et rediffusion de nos fichiers est interdite, même avec la mention de leur provenance, sans l’autorisation for-melle, écrite, du fondateur des Classiques des sciences sociales,

The Domestic Space Reader - Bibliothek

2 1 GASTON BACHELARD 'The House from Cellar to Garret The Significance of the Hut' 19 2 2 MARTIN HEIDEGGER 'Building, Dwelling, Thinking' 21 2 3 HENRI LEFEBVRE 'Social Space' 26 2 4 TIM INGOLD 'Building, Dwelling, Living: How Animals and People Make Themselves at Home in the World' 31

Dreaming the She Bear

—Gaston Bachelard One night in my sleep I was out walking deep, wooded hills It was October The maple leaves glowed yellow under my feet, and for once I was not in a hurry I left the path and meandered It was late morning when I heard snuffling, saw her suddenly and hid in a hurry The wind was right so she couldn’t smell me

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