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étudié dans la séquence I have a/one dream that one day/night this nation/ration will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed/breed : « We hold these truths/true to be self-evident, that all men/man are created equal » I have a grin/dream that one day on the red/bred hills of Georgia the sons/sounds of

The History of Slavery

Conditions on the slave _____ were _____ and about a third of the people _____ during the voyage The slaves were _____ to_____, South America, and the

Slavery in the U

Slavery in the United States Ce magazine a été créé par la classe de 4ème 3 du Collège Montaigne au cours de l'année scolaire 2018/2019 à la suite d'une séquence sur l'esclavage en Anglais Les élèves ont travaillé sur des figures importantes mais aussi sur des documents authentiques de l'époque Voici leurs résumés

Analyzing the aesthetic and symbolical derivations of «land

med a confederation The war was triggered by the issue of slavery c/ The Republic of Texas 1836-1845 A sovereign state, independent from the USA and Mexico d/ Manifest Destiny 1845 Belief according to which American settlers were destined to expand across North America The term was first used by John L

Sommaire - cours, examens

— ©108 Cned, Anglais 3e Séquence 10 — séance 1 5- The slave-trade is sometimes called the Triangular Trade and its: r Middle Passage r Third Passage r Slave Passage which ultimately involved: r two r three r four continents, r two r three r four centuries and millions of people Check and correct Exercise 2


CHAPTER 1 It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen Winston Smith, his chin nuzzled into his breast in an effort to


COMPREHENSION ECRITE (EE) Martin Luther King was born in Atlanta, Georgia, on January 15th, 1929 His family had a comfortable home and a happy life and, when he was little, Martin had many white friends


Séquence de fin d’année= rebrassage grammatical de beaucoup de points vus au collège, entre autres : Présent simple et BE+ING Prétérit simple Questions modaux adjectifs de personnalité Vocabulaire pour exprimer ses sentiments Vocabulaire thème aventure Vocabulaire thème tourisme Découverte Mississippi River et

Homework: 12 Years A Slave official trailer, Steve McQueen

Worksheet: how does the movie portray the inversion of social values caused by slavery? Excerpt n°1 – Patsey and Solomon’s dialogue 1 Which of the following sentences summarizes best the excerpt? A Patsey wants to escape from the estate and asks Solomon to help her B Solomon refuses to help Patsey escaping the estate


A Lincoln won the Civil War and abolished slavery in 1865 before dying 1923 1925 1927 1934 1936 1937 1939 The idea to build a monumental sculpture to attract visitors in South Dakota Congress approved the project The work began G Washington’s face was finished T Jefferson’s face was finished A Lincoln’s face was finished

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[PDF] séquence anglais lycée

[PDF] séquence anglais lycée addictions



Niveau du CECRL : A2 / B1

Classes concernées : 3ème (cycle 4)

Thème(s) culturel(s) : (cycle 4) Découverte G·MXPUHV cultures

Domaines : 1, 2 et 5

Activités langagières privilégiées : compréhension orale + compréhension écrite Autres activités développées : expressions écrite et orale

Tâche(s) finale(s) :

Créer une carte interactive ou une affiche pour une exposition

Supports :

- trailer ´7OH adventures of Huck )LQQµ (1993) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cS9-


- extrait The adventures of Tom Sawyer (chapitre 4: JacNVRQ·V island) - extrait The adventures of Huckleberry Finn (chapitre 9) - video de présentation état du Mississippi : " 50 states, US history » - Jazz history (webquest) : https://wiki.kidzsearch.com/wiki/Jazz - Video biography jazzman - CO : Mardi Gras in New Orleans (audiolingua) https://www.audio- OU CO tirée du livre scolaire The big easy : discover New Orleans - mural (Banksy)/ tableau livre scolaire 4ème (chapitre jazz)

Evaluations :

- CE (texte informatif/touristique sur une ville, par exemple : New Orleans)


grammaticaux Objectifs lexicaux Objectifs culturels Objectifs pragmatiques

Séquence de fin


rebrassage grammatical de beaucoup de points vus au collège, entre autres :

Présent simple


Prétérit simple


modaux adjectifs de personnalité

Vocabulaire pour

exprimer ses sentiments

Vocabulaire thème


Vocabulaire thème


Découverte Mississippi River et

états traversés (avec focus sur

quelques éléments culturels et historiques)

Découverte état du Mississippi

(aspect géographique, culturel et historique)

Découverte auteur emblématique

de la littérature américaine (Mark

Twain) et de personnages de


Savoir formuler des hypothèses et

utiliser le visuel pour appuyer son propos

Organiser son propos afin de décrire/

donner des informations de façon claire (OMNRUHU GHV VPUMPpJLHV G·pŃRXPH

Savoir repérer les éléments factuels

dans un texte SEANCE 1: Travail sur un trailer : the adventures of Huck Finn

Objectif : découverte du thème

STEP1: Watch and take notes. (2 visionnages)

devil One man adventure white

Fine friend freedom Best friend

A trouble-maker courage All men should be free A good man A liar Follow his heart Extraordinary journey Huck Finn change A river slave Jim

American classic Runaway slave

Mise en réseau des informations pour reconstruire le sens . A boy and a man = they become friends/they live great adventures The man: black / a slave / they want to arrest him The boy : boisterous/mischievous/friendly, nice, generous (wants to help the man to become free)

Relevé possible

STEP 2: WHERE ? AND WHEN ? (nouveau visionnage)

Watch again and focus on the pictures/ the environment

Mise en commun et classification par thèmes

-Natural elements : FOREST / TREES/ A RIVER -Vehicles/means of transport : BOAT / HORSES -3HRSOH·V clothes : old fashioned clothes / uniforms / no jeans/ no trainers So what are your conclusions ? where does the scene take place and when ? (PLVVLRQ G·O\SRPOqVHV 0$KC0H*+7C3(5+$36C352%$%IKC0867CF$1·7 Guider les élèves, leur donner des propositions et leur demander de justifier


It ŃMQ·P be set nowadays because people wear old-fashioned clothes/they GRQ·P wear jeans and trainers/because there MUHQ·P any cars/people use horses to travel the Middle Ages ? the 19th century ? It may be set in the XIXth century because there are boats (steamboats) in the trailer. (guider les élèves par rapport à la situation du black man pour les aider à trouver où la scène se passe et/ou faire des propositions et demander de justifier)

Introduire " Mississippi river »

STEP 3 : RECAP ORAL (trace écrite si temps)

STEP 4 : en fonction du temps, travail sur carte pour visualiser fleuve/longueur/états traversés (the Mississippi river) (activité proposée par enchanted learning à adapter) enchanted learning)

Mississippi River States

Map/Quiz Printout

US States: Map/Quizzes

US Regional Map/Quizzes

US Flag Quiz Printouts

1. The Mississippi River starts in

which northern state? ___________________________ __________

2. Into which large body of water

does the Mississippi River flow? ___________________________ ____

3. In which state does the

Mississippi River end?

___________________________ ____

4. Does the Mississippi River

flow: north to south, south to north, east to west, or west to east? ___________________________ ____

5. If you crossed the Mississippi

River from Kentucky, in which

state would you be? _______________________________

6. Which state is just east of Louisiana? _______________________________

7. Which state is just north of Missouri? _______________________________

8. Which state borders Iowa, Missouri, Wisconsin, Kentucky, and Indiana?


9. What country is north of Minnesota? _______________________________

10. Which state borders the Mississippi River, Lake Superior, and Lake Michigan?


SEANCE 2: CE (activité différenciée)

A2 : travail sur un extrait " condensé » de The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (thèmes : aventure/innocence) B1 : travail sur un extrait de The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (chapter IX)


Then it was summer and school was over. Tom and his friend Joe Harper went fishing on the Mississippi River. They

talked and watched the big steamboats go up and down the river. One day Tom said, " Let's do something different and exciting ! ».

" That's a great idea, » said Joe, who was always ready to have some fun. " But what shall we do ? ».

" Let's go and live on Jackson's Island , » said Tom excitedly. " We can be pirates. A pirate's life is exciting . »

Jackson's Island was a small island near St Petersburg. It was on the Mississippi River and no one lived there.

" Huck Finn can come with us , » said Tom. " Remember, Joe, don't tell your mother, father or anyone about our

adventure. Go home and bring some food. Let's meet here at midnight. » Tom and Joe were excited.

At midnight the three boys met on the river. Tom brought some meat, Joe brought some bread and Huck brought a

frying pan. They were ready to start their exciting adventure.

They found an old raft and they went down the river to Jackson's Island. When they got to the island they made a fire

under a big tree and cooked some meat. " This is great fun ! » said Joe. " We're free and we can do anything we want ! » said Tom. " What do pirates do? » asked Huck.

" They go on ships and steal treasure » said Tom. " Then they go to an island and hide it in a secret place ».

The three boys talked about great adventures and then slept under the stars during the warm summer night. They were

very happy.

The next morning was sunny and hot, and the boys went swimming in the river. Then they went fishing and cooked the

fish for breaksfast. They were hungry and ate quickly.

After breakfast they explored the island and went swimming again. In the afternoon they sat around the fire and ate

some meat and bread. Suddenly Tom said, " Can you hear a strange noise ? Listen . » " I can hear it, » said Joe. " What is it ? » " Let's go and see , » said Huck. They ran to the river and saw two big steamboats and a lot of small boats near them . () Tom, Huck and Joe were having a wonderful time. They felt like real pirates on Jackson's Island. Excerpt from The adventures of Tom Sawyer , Chapter Four, Children's version B1 : travail sur un extrait de The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (chapter IX) remarque:

Traǀail sur l'introduction pour situer

la scène, les personnages

Puis à partir du 2ème paragraphe

Gestion de la séance : va-et-vient entre les 2 groupes

Lancer le groupe A2 sur la lecture du texte

Pendant ce temps, travailler avec les élèves sur O·LQPURGXŃPLRQ du texte B1 pour identifier le type de document, situer la scène et les personnages.

Leur demander de lire le texte.

Revenir au groupe A2 pour mettre en place un travail de repérages (personnages OLHX[ MŃPLYLPpV VHQPLPHQPV GHV SHUVRQQMJHV GMQV O·HVSULP G·XQH carte mentale pour travailler HQVXLPH O·(2FB - type de document ? / Who ? / When ? / Where ? - the characters' activities / focus on the verbs: what they are doing Pendant que le groupe A2 fait son travail de repérage, le groupe B1 va commencer son travail de repérage dans le paragraphe 2

The island (environment + animals)

Mise en commun avec les A2 (faire formuler des phrases) puis leur demander à quoi correspond le pronom personnel sujet " they » dans " they go to an island » puis faire repérer (4 verbs) + expliciter avec les élèves " they felt like real pirates » En autonomie, repérage des feelings + " challenge »: explain why they think they are real pirates (en leur demandant de réutiliser les éléments déjà repérés) B1: travail sur " frame-house » (décomposition + traduction) repérage pronom (" she ») en autonomie les élèves repèrent les caractéristiques et le contenu de la A2: mise en commun du " challenge » et travail de répétition et/ou enregistrement

B1: mise en commun


WU : recap texte

STEP 1:Travail sur la biographie de Mark Twain

((2F j SMUPLU G·XQH diapo) : 5 à 10 minutes de préparation en groupes puis challenge oral (1 point par phrase simple / 2 points par phrase complexe)

Real name:

Samuel Langhorne Clemens

November 30th 1835

(Missouri, USA)


Poor / unable to make

ends meet

6 children

Father: John Clemens

Many small jobs

Mother: Jane Clemens

Wonderful storyteller

change name : Mark Twain when become famous JOBS

A writer

A journalist

A riverboat pilot

An inventor


egocentric=selfish /ambitious adventurous=bold / imaginative


1865: First

1876: books

-The adventures of Tom Sawyer -The adventures of Huckleberry Finn

April 21st 1910

(74 years old)


-create famous classic characters -Father of American literature

STEP 2 : EE (activité différenciée)

