[PDF] English Class – 2AGL1 G9 - WordPresscom

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Séquence - SYDNEY - ANGLAIS Grenoble

Séquence - SYDNEY Cette séquence est la première de l’année Elle s’adresse à une classe de Seconde Tâche finale : Write an email to your host family in Sydney in order to introduce yourself Cette séquence est authentique puisqu’elle prépare un échange avec des établissements

1eres Séquence 0: Me, Myself and I

1eres Séquence 0: Me, Myself and I I Warm Up: Anticipate A Picture from Bridges, p 19 CERCL – Monologue suivi – Niveau A2 Peut décrire les gens, lieux et choses en termes simples • place • people (physical appearance and attitude) • atmosphere • hypotheses • if you know where the picture comes from, say what you know about


1) You introduce yourself (prepare a short biography / you can be someone else) and you invent a product, a device or an app 2) Explain what your innovation is about and how it will change peoples lives for the better e convincing and be ready to answer the jury [s questions

THE BLOCK OF FLATS - ac-strasbourgfr

THE BLOCK OF FLATS Présentation du projet Le projet consiste en un jeu de rôle qui doit se poursuivre sur plusieurs semaines et peut durer plusieurs mois selon la réceptivité des élèves, leur motivation et leur respect mutuel

THE LANDLADY - TeachingEnglish

Manager as soon as you’ve got yourself settled ” Billy was seventeen years old He was wearing a new navy-blue overcoat, a new brown trilby hat, and a new brown suit, and he was feeling fine He walked briskly down the street He was trying to do everything briskly these days Briskness, he had decided, was the one common

Anglais – Mardi 7 décembre 2010 CAHIER DE COURS

• To introduce yourself : se présenter Letter • Dear Sir or Madam, Dear Sir, Dear Madam, • Yours sincerly, • Dear Mr Jones, • Yours faithfully, 6 steps in a good cover letter 1) Start by saying why you are writing 2) To introduce yourself 3) Explain why you are interested in its job 4) Talk about / highlight your experience and skills

English Class – 2AGL1 G9 - WordPresscom

Introduce yourself, explain who you are, your likes and dislikes, and why you want to take part in the programme Steps to follow: 1) Choose a TV programme 2) points to be included in your presentation: - key information about yourself - skills you can rely on - goals you can achieve; hobbies and/or musical tastes Vocabulary Checklist


La séquence est un ensemble continu ou discontinu de séances, articulées entre-elles dans le temps et organisées autour d’une ou plusieurs activités en vue d’atteindre un ou plusieurs objectifs La durée de la séquence est délimitée par l’atteinte de l’objectif Une séquence ne devrait pas dépasser 5 ou 6 séances


2) Look at that picture, speak briefly about it (1 min) (record yourself) and explain what it is about and explain the other causes and consequences for climate changes (Picture n°1 from the book page 34) 3) Look at that biography (page 37, mission 4) Either write a text or record yourself to introduce that person

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[PDF] sequence anglais social media

[PDF] séquence anglais stereotypes

[PDF] sequence anglais stolen generation

[PDF] séquence anglais suffragettes

[PDF] séquence anglais summer holidays

[PDF] séquence anglais super size me

[PDF] sequence anglais terminal mythes et heros

[PDF] séquence anglais terminale

[PDF] séquence anglais terminale espaces et échanges

[PDF] sequence anglais terminale mythes et heros

[PDF] sequence anglais the amish

[PDF] séquence anglais the beatles

English Class - 2AGL1 G9

Saturday, September 3rd

Warm up activity: Guess game. A volunteer among the students chooses a word (object or living creature). The other students asks him or her questions to guess the word. The volunteer can only answer by yes or no.

Présentation du cours:

- fournitures conseillées: cahier 24*32, 96 pages. Autres fournitures acceptées à condition que les

élèves sachent s'en servir aisément.

- attentes de l'année de seconde en anglais: les élèves doivent acquérir les compétences et le savoir-

faire vu au collège afin de se préparer pendant le cycle terminal au baccalauréat. Les élèves sont

ainsi fortement invités à ne pas hésiter à faire des propositions de réponses en cours afin de pouvoir

corriger leurs erreurs. Cette année se concentre majoritairement sur une immersion linguistique en

classe visant à corriger progressivement les erreurs comises par les élèves.

- apprentissage d'une langue: la tâche la plus importante est l'écoute. En effet, il est essentiel de

savoir écouter la langue anglaise afin d'en distinguer les structures syntaxiques (différencier les

différents mots) et d'en saisir le sens. La deuxième tâche majeure est celle de la prise de parole. En

effet, la grammaire est importante mais la prononciation et l'accentuation restent néanmoins plus

essentielles dans la compréhension de la chaîne parlée. Les élèves seront ainsi sensibilisés tout au

long de l'année sur la phonologie. - réglement du cours: en accord avec ceux de l'établissement.

- règle importante: un cours d'anglais permet aux élèves un bain linguistique, vous êtes donc

fortement conseillés à parler en anglais autant que fairez se peut.

Récap questions personnelles:

(doc grille questions: What is your name? Etc...)

Interview your classmate

Each student must interview his or her classmate. Then, he or she must present the other to the rest of the class. Attention: -s à la 3ème personne du singulier au présent simple Homework: remplir la fiche information à remplir pour le lundi 5 septembre

Monday, September 5 th

Présentation de la séquence 1 sur une double page :

Unit 1: Song of myself

Final task: You are entering a casting fot the TV programme of your choice. Introduce yourself, explain who you are, your likes and dislikes, and why you want to take part in the programme.

Steps to follow:

1) Choose a TV programme.

2) points to be included in your presentation:

- key information about yourself - skills you can rely on - goals you can achieve; hobbies and/or musical tastes


- I know how to use the present tense - I know how to introduce myself - I have listened and read about TV shows - I can use gap fillers in my speech

Personality quiz, textbook p. 19

1) Description and interpretation of the image

a) Who are they? b) What are they doing? c) What may be the topic of this quiz? Reprise: I can see two young boys and a girl sitting on a bench, in a park. They are listening to music. They are using headphones to listen to music. They wear casual clothes. The teenager on the left corner of the image wears a T-shirt. The topic may be teenagers and their musical tastes.

Remarque sur les structures hypothétiques:

Il existe deux manières principales pour former des hypothèses:

1) utilisation d'un adverbe (maybe / perhaps)

ex: Perhaps / Maybe the topic is music.

2) utilisation de l'auxiliaire modal MAY ou MIGHT

ex: The topic may be music (degré d'hypothèse moyen) The topic might be music (degré d'hypothèse faible)

Rappel: un auxiliaire sert d'aide à un autre verbe. Ils sont utilisés pour former les formes négatives,

interrogatives et interro-négatives. Ex: Do you have a pet? (Do= auxiliaire; have=verbe)

What do you do? (Do= auxiliaire; do= verbe)

Remarque sur les verbes en V-ING:

Le présent en BE+V-ING est utilisé pour les descriptions d'images. Cela s'explique car l'image est

inscrite dans une temporalité suspendue qui appelle à une description à un moment T et non à une

description ayant lieu en tout temps. - Lecture du poème et points de vocabulaire.

Exercice on the quiz

(doc hand out)

Homework: (for Thursday) finish all exercices.

Thursday, September 8 th

Correction of the exercice on the music quiz:

- point phonolgique et morphologique.

- présentation de l'alphabet phonétique situé en double page au début du manuel Meeting Point.

"I am" poems, p. 20 - list useful adjectives which can be used for the final task: absent-minded: distrait agreeable: agréable ambitious: ambitieux compassionate: compatissant cunning: astucieux demanding: exigeant easy-going: facile à vivre ; complaisant enthusiastic: enthousiaste grumpy: grognon hard-working: travailleur lazy: paresseux likeable: sympathique nervous: nerveux ; tendu open-minded: ouvert d'esprit relaxed: détendu respectful: respectueux shy: timide stubborn: têtu ; entêté trustworthy: digne de confiance Reading of the two poems: Each student reads a line and works on his or her pronunciation. Homework: learn the list of adjectives for Saturday

Saturday, September 10th

Warm up activity: Monster drawing: I am a monster with a big round head. I have no nose but I have three eyes. I have only one ear on my left side. I wear a hat. I have three arms but only one hand. I have four legs but only one gigantic foot. "I am" poem p. 20 Relevé des structures relatives dans les deux poèmes: I'd like to be like my dad who is athletic and tall.

I must tidy my room which is an utter pigsty.

I worry about my grandmother who is 85 and lives alone. Attention!Structure différente dans I feel moved when I listen to jazz.

Le pronom when vient ici s'ajouter à un adjectif et non à un GN. Nous avons ici une proposition

circonstancielle de temps (Je suis ému quand j'écoute du jazz / au moment où)

Recap proposition relative

Proposition ? Elle comporte un GN et un GV.

Ex : Dogs bark. (une proposition)

I must tidy my room which an utter pigsty. (deux propositions) Rôle: elle se comporte comme les adjectifs (apport d'une information).


Humain/animéWho (the man who/that is here)Who (the man who/that/Ø/ you called)



inaniméWhich (the dog which/that is here)Which (the dog which/that/Ø/ you bought)


Homework: write your poem for Monday.

Instructions: write your own "I am" poem using the following structure:


I am ...

I'd like to ...

I must ...

I mustn't ...

I am ...

I dream of ...

I try to ...

I worry about ...

I remember ...

I am ...

I can ...

I cannot ...

I feel ... when ...

I love ...

I am ...

a) try to use at least one relative structure using which/who/that... (ex: I like people who are friendly

and laughable; I'd like to buy a house which has a garden, etc...)

b) try to make it relevant (ex: if you say you are friendly who cannot say that you hate people, etc)

Monday, September 12th

Warm up: each student has to find a word beginning with the first letter of their name.

Brainstorming on America's Got Talent:

a) What are the candidates doing during the show? b) How many jury members are present in this show? c) What kind of skills are necessary to participate in this show?

Watch Tape Face video

Describe the images:

a) How is the man dressed? b) What does he have on his mouth? c) What is the power of his sunglasses? d) How is the other man dressed? e) What difference is there when the golden man wears his sunglasses? f) What is the main skill of this artist?

Video: Reality TV show:

America's Got Talent:

The man wears a black jacket. He has tape on his face hence (d'où) his name Tape Face. He also wears a white T-shirt with black stripes. His face is made up. The other man is one of the hosts. He wears a camel suit and has shiny golden shoes. The aim (but/objectif) of his show is based on mimickry/ mimes. Find the skills necessary for the following TV shows: (images + brainstorming)

The Voice:

If you participate in The Voice you must sing well, you mustn't be shy and you have to have an original voice. If you were to be chosen in Come Dine With Me you will be paid. Homework: lire texte Dumped + répondre aux questions (pour jeudi)

Thursday, September 15 th

Beginning: rendre poèmes aux élèves.

Recap erreurs communes:




Modal + base verbale

PRESENT SIMPLE: S à la 3eme personne du singulier


Article on Dumped:

Could You Survive on a Landfill1?

Some unsuspecting reality TV contestants who signed up for an "eco-challenge" were dumped on a landfill for three weeks and learned to survive on other people's garbage2.

By Simon Usborne / Independent UK

September 3, 2007

It would be tough3, they were told -- an "eco challenge" in a secret location. They would need to pack their passports and update their jabs4. Sasha Gardner, a Bournemouth-based glamour model, was expecting to visit a rainforest or pacific island. "But when we turned up, we weren't at an airport," she says, "we were in a rubbish dump in Croydon." Gardner and 10 other contestants are set to be the latest stars of reality TV, but Dumped, a new series to be screened on Channel 4 early next month, but there will be none of the designer sofas of the Big Brother house. Their challenge will be to live, eat and sleep for three weeks on a south London landfill, completing a series of tasks designed to highlight the true scale of what we throw away. On the face of it, the "dumpees," who also included a marine engineer, a champion snowboarder and a tattooist, did not seem like the kind of people who would feel at home surrounded by human detritus, but then who would? "I honestly thought I was going to leave," says Gardner. "I'd never even been camping before and I thought there was no way I could live on a dump for three weeks. It was awful."





Step 1: Read the text.

Step 2: Answer the comprehension part.

-What is the name of the reality TV show mentioned? -How many contestants were there? -Where are the contestants dumped? -Why should they renew their "jabs"? -How long does the TV show last? -True or false: oOne of the contestants is a model. oIt's an easy adventure. oIt's taking place near London. Listening activity: Christina's classmates: accustom your ears to a presentation. Pay attention to names, physical descriptions and other characteristics.

Saturday, September 17 th

Warm up: Monster drawing:

I have a square head. I have one eye, one nose and three nostrils. I wear a cap with a flower on top

of it. I have a large body and two navels on my belly. I have no arms but I have two wings. Finally, I

have three legs but no feet at all. Listening activity: Yoshi's document (more difficult and American accent) + guided activity

YASHI - Listening Comprehension

Make notes on Yashi's hobbies. What does he like and dislike doing in his spare time ? Give details on the activity and the frequency.

1.Circle the activities he likes doing :

Skateboardinglistening to music riding his bike driving his car Computers playing video gamesHanging out

2.Why are pizzas sometimes a problem for Yashi ?

3.Travelling : Where does Yashi like going ?

4.Circle the activities he dislikes doing :

Going on aeroplanes doing homework swimmingsports

cleaning the car

5.What does Yashi think of museums ?

6.How does he feel about old buildings ?

7.What does Yashi do on Saturdays ?

8.Who does he like to spend time with ? Give the synonym that Yashi uses for "spend time".

Concept of a TV reality show: Once a TV crew or channel have a project in mind they launch an audition call to which candidates apply. Study the project Mars One: Image "Destination Mars"

1) What is the aim of this project?

2) What could be the qualifications required for potential candidates?

The aim of this project is to send people on Mars. They will have to live on the planet and be able to

survive the journey. Homework: Visit the website www.mars-one.com(For Monday)

1) When will the first mission leave for Mars?

2) How many contestants applied for this project?

Monday, September 19th

Warm up: "Just a minute" game: no hesitation, no repetition. The aim is to speak for as long as one

minute. The winner is the last one talking and finishing the minute (timer). Topic: Destination Mars,

a TV reality show?

Project Mars One: watch trailer.

1) Watch the video and write down any important keywords.

2) Give the keywords and work together to rephrase

3) Use the information from your webquest

Trace écrite:

They are looking for people who will live on Mars. Forty four years ago, men visited the moon. Thanks to this TV reality show we will be able to have information about Mars. The first mission will leave for Mars in 2026. Two hundred thousand people applied for this project. The inhabitants will remain on Mars, it is a permanent settlement. The main aim is to colonize Mars.

Study of a video application: Ryan MacDonald

1) Put the following quotations in the right order:

"to imagine a future and to inspire a generation" "I want to help make that change happen" "I would like to go to Mars for a dream" "this is not a one-way mission" "humanity's greatest strength is our ability to dream of a better world"

2) Find the missing words:

I like to _____, to take the ____ ____ in life and blow ____ way out of _______

and equally on the converse, I think it is ______ to tackle the big ___ ____ in life and to make ____

__ ____.

3) Find the adjectives he uses to describe himself:

4) What does he think of any problems?

5) What are the two questions he asks himself?

6) What are the props (accessoires) he uses to perfect his video?

Definition: to make light of something: to act as if something is not serious or important


1) Think about your casting video:

Write a full sentence describing to which TV show you would like to apply and what is your main skill justifying this application. (Survivor, Come Dine With Me, America's Got Talent, Big Brother, etc)

2) Exercices sur présent simple p. 22 du manuel (1 à 5)

Thursday, September 22 nd

Warm up: Would you rather game (triptico)

Correction of the exercises p. 22

Récapitulatif présent simple

Le présent simple

I. La formation du présent simple

Le présent simple se forme avec l'auxiliaire do de la manière suivante : Forme affirmativeForme négativeForme interrogativeForme interro- négative

I workI don't workDo I work?Don't I work?

You workYou don't workDo you work?Don't you work?

He/She/It worksHe/She/It doesn't workDoes He/She/It work?Doesn't He/She/It work?

We workWe don't workDo we work?Don't we work?

You workYou don't workDo you work?Don't you work?

They workThey don't workDo they work?Don't they work? ✔Barbara likes swimming.

Barbara aime la natation.
