[PDF] The Stress Model of Crisis and Behavior Support Techniques

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The Stress Model of Crisis and Behavior Support Techniques

Hurdle Help: Technique used to give a young person a little help through the first steps of a task or to get over a stumbling block Redirection or Distraction: Methods of diverting a young person’s energy and attention to a different activity Proximity: Use of nearness, often having an adult close by will calm the young person

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The Stress Model of Crisis

and Behavior Support


Supporting Children and Young People

Environmentally to Avoid Crisis

Therapeutic Crisis Intervention (TCI)

Residential Child Care Project

Cornell University, 2009


2.Four Questions

3.Active Listening

4.Validating/Understanding Responses

Review from Last Month:

The Four Questions

1.What am I feeling?

2.What does the child feel, need, or


3.How is the environment affecting

the child?

4.How do I best respond?

The Stress Model of Crisis

3. How is the Environment

Affecting the Child?

Is anything in the environment contributing to

the stressful situation?

Is there anything in the environment that might

increase the risk of aggression/unsafe behavior?

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warning signs? Discovering what triggers your child is true detective work!

Signs of agitation may include:





Clenching fists


Behavior Support Techniques

Behavior Support Techniques

Technique / DefinitionReal Life Example

Manage the



Caring Gesture

Hurdle Help

Redirection or



Directive Statement

Time Away

Lower lights, turn off

TV, remove others

͞3 minutes left"

͞I belieǀe in you͊"

Let's work on the first

question together

Moving closer


Break from activity

™Manage the Environment: focuses on the environment & program to determine how to prevent crisis. ™Prompting: Signals the young person to either begin a desired behavior or stop an inappropriate action. ™Caring Gesture: expressing warm feelings of like or caring for a young person by nonverbal or verbal expressions. ™Hurdle Help: Technique used to give a young person a little help through the first steps of a task or to get over a stumbling block. ™Redirection or Distraction: Methods of diverting a young person's energy and attention to a different actiǀity. ™Proximity: Use of nearness, often having an adult close by will calm the young person.

™Directive Statements: Providing the young

person w/ direct guidance due to their behaviors having escalated, their ability for rational decisions has decreased, and they have become increasingly aggressive or unsafe.

™Time Away: A good technique when a

young person is upset & being stimulated by others or by something in the immediate environment. Time away is used w/ children that can self-regulate. Scenario One: It is almost time to leave for school and Mary cannot find her books. Mary has a big test today. She begins to get louder and begins accusing other family members of taking or misplacing her books. Mary looks like she might escalate further soon. Scenario Two: Several young people are sitting at the kitchen table doing their homework. One young person is struggling to complete the work and gets more agitated when the others tell him to hurry up so that they could start TV time. Another child in the group gets angry because he is finished and tired of waiting for everyone else. He begins arguing back and forth and the situation is escalating.quotesdbs_dbs12.pdfusesText_18