[PDF] Calculation ofsignal detectiontheory measures

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Calculation ofsignal detectiontheory measures

CALCULATION OF SIGNAL DETECTION THEORY MEASURES 139 always be exceeded on signal trials This will produce mostly yes responses and a high hit rate However, the cri­ terion will also be exceeded on most noise trials, resulting in a high proportion ofyes responses on noise trials (i e , a high false-alarmrate) Thus, a liberal criterion biases the

Calculation of signal detection theory measures

Signal detection theory (SDT) is widely accepted by psychologists; the Social Sciences Citation Indexcites over 2,000 references to an influential book by Green and Swets (1966) that describes SDT and its application to psychology Even so, fewer than half of the studies to which SDT is applicable actually make use of the theory (Stanislaw

Sensitivity and Bias - an introduction to Signal Detection

Signal Detection Theory (SDT) offers a framework and method for doing this, and in general for distinguishing between the sensitivity or discriminability (d') of the observer and their response bias or decision criterion (C) in the task

Introduction to Detection Theory

Introduction to Detection Theory (cont ) We wish to make a decision on a signal of interest using noisy measurements Statistical tools enable systematic solutions and optimal design Application areas include: • Communications, • Radar and sonar, • Nondestructive evaluation (NDE) of materials, • Biomedicine, etc

J A MATLAB Radar Range Equation and Probability of Detection

and the signal-to-noise ratio of power is defined as SNR = Al (4) Figure 3 Linear detector *G V Trunk, Detection and Estimation Theory Handbook, notes for Johns Hopkins course 525 728, p 60 +R N McDonough and A D Whalen, Detection of Signals in Noise, 2d edition, Academic Press, 1995, pp 159-166


the things it impacts, like detection theory, matched filters and the ambiguity function 2 2 BASIC RADAR RANGE EQUATION One form of the basic radar range equation is 2 3 4 4 0 S T T R N n P P G G SNR P R kT BF L (2-1) where SNR is termed the signal-to-noise ratio and has the units of watts/watt, or w/w P S

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signal m(t) is band limited with a cutoff frequency W which is less than the carrier frequency ωc Then the required channel bandwidth for an SSB signal is W ☞ m(t) A ccosω ct × H(ω) a(t) s(t) Figure 1: SSB Modulator Using DSBSC-AM and Filtering 7-2


The received signal is usually processed by the electronics to produce at least 2 signals: the strength of one signal is proportional to the R signal strength or magnitude, but is no longer an alternating signal Similarly, the other signal is also not an alternating signal, but rather a signal simply related to X signal strength or magnitude only

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Behavior Research Methods, Instruments,&Computers





Signaldetectiontheory (SDT)may be applied to anyarea ofpsychology in which two different types ofstimuli must be discriminated. Wedescribe several ofthese areas and the advantagesthatcan be re alizedthroughthe application of SDT.Three of the mostpopulartasks used to study discriminability are then discussed,togetherwith themeasuresthatSDTprescribesfor quantifyingperformancein these tasks. Mathematicalformulae for themeasuresarepresented,as aremethodsfor calculating the measureswith lookup tables,computersoftware specificallydeveloped for SDTapplications,and gen eralpurposecomputersoftware(includingspreadsheetsandstatisticalanalysis software).

Signaldetectiontheory (SOT) iswidelyacceptedby



over 2,000referencesto an influential book by Green and

Swets (1966)thatdescribes

SOT and itsapplicationto

psychology.Even so, fewerthan halfofthe studies towhich


ofthetheory (Stanislaw &Todorov, 1992). One possible reason for this apparent underutilization ofSOT is that relevanttextbooksrarely describe themethodsneeded toimplementthe theory. A typical example isGoldstein's(1996)popularperception textbook, which concludes a nine-page description ofSOT with thestatementthat measuresprescribedby SOT "can becalculated ...by meansofamathematicalprocedure we will not discuss here" (p. 594).

The failure

ofmany authors to describe SOT's methods may havebeen acceptable when lengthy,specializedtables wererequiredtoimplementthe theory. Today, however, readily availablecomputersoftware makes an SOT analy sis no moredifficultthan a ttest. Thepresentpaper at tempts todemonstratethis and to render SOT available to a larger audience than currently seems to be the case.

We begin with a

briefoverviewofSOT,includinga description ofitsperformancemeasures. We then present the formulae needed to calculate these measures. Next,we describe different methods for calculating SOT measures. Finally, weprovidesamplecalculationsso thatreaders can verify theirunderstandingandimplementationofthe techniques. Weare indebted to James Thomas, Neil Macmillan, John Swets, Doug lasCreelman,ScottMaxwell,MarkFrank,HelenaKadlec,and an anonymousreviewer for providing insightfulcommentson earlier ver sions ofthismanuscript.We alsothankMackGoldsmithfortesting some article should beaddressedto H. Stanislaw,Department ofPsychology, CaliforniaState University, Stanislaus, 801 West Monte Vista Avenue, Turlock, CA 95382 (e-mail:hstanisl@toto.csustan.edu).



Proper applicationofSOT requires an understanding of thetheoryand themeasuresitprescribes.We present an overview ofSOT here; for more extensive discussions, see Green andSwets(1966)orMacmillanandCreelman (1991). Readers who are already familiar with SDT may wish to skip this section.

SOT can beapplied whenevertwopossiblestimulus

types must be discriminated. Psychologists first applied the theory in studies ofperception,where subjects discrimi nated between signals(stimuli) andnoise(no stimuli). The signal and noise labels remain, but SOT has since been ap pliedin manyotherareas.Examples(andtheircorre spondingsignal and noisestimuli)includerecognition memory (old and new items), lie detection (lies and truths),

personnel selection (desirable and undesirable applicants),jurydecisionmaking(guiltyandinnocentdefendants),

medical diagnosis (diseased and well patients), industrial inspection(unacceptableandacceptableitems), and in formationretrieval (relevant andirrelevantinformation; see also Hutchinson, 1981; Swets, 1973;and the extensive bibliographiescompiled by Swets, 1988b, pp.685-742).

Performancein each

ofthese areas may be studied with a variety oftasks. Wedeal here with threeofthe most popu lar:yes/notasks,ratingtasks, andforced-choicetasks.

YeslNo Tasks

A yes/no task involves

signal trials,which present one or moresignals,and noise trials,whichpresentone or more noise stimuli. For example, yes/no tasks inauditory perceptionmaypresenta toneduringsignaltrialsand nothing at all during noise trials, whereas yes/no tasks for memory may present old(previously studied) words dur ing signal trials and new(distractor)words during noise trials. After each trial, the subjects indicate whether a sig-

137Copyright 1999PsychonomicSociety, Inc.


d' "0 oo Q) en ·0 Z 432o


-1-2 ................,;:i:IIIpo...........,., -3.4 Noise distribution .3 :.0 m .2 .0 0 0... .1

Decision variable

d';c, andthelikelihoodsonwhichf3isbased. nal waspresented(i.e.,whethera tone waspresented,or whetherthe word waspreviouslystudied).

Accordingto SDT, thesubjectsin ayes/notaskbase

their response on the value that a decision variableachieves during each trial.


high during a given trial, the subject responds yes(a signal no(no signal waspresented).The value thatdefines sufficiently high iscalledthecriterion.

Forexample,considerapsychologistattemptingto de

terminewhetheror not achildhasattentiondeficithyper activitydisorder(ADHD).Thepsychologist mightad minister the ChildBehaviorChecklist (CBCL;Achenbach &Edelbrock,1983) anddiagnosethechildashaving ADHD if theresultingscore is 10or higher (Rey,Morris


&Stanislaw, 1992). In this case, thedecisionvari able is the CBCL score, and thecriterionis set at 10. In the ADHDexample,the decision variable is readily observed. However,most ofthe tasks studied bypsycholo gists involvedecisionvariablesthat areavailableonly to the subjectperformingthe task. For example, the decision variable may be theapparentloudnessexperiencedduring each trial in anauditoryperceptionstudy, thefeeling of familiarity associated with each stimulus item in amemory study, or theapparentguilt ofeachdefendantin astudyof jurydecision making. In eachofthese cases, thesubjects comparethedecisionvariable(which only they can ob serve) to thecriterionthey have adopted. A yesresponse is made only if theauditorystimulusseemssufficiently loud, the stimulus item seems sufficiently familiar, or the defendantseemssufficientlyguilty.

On signal trials,

yesresponses are correct and are termed hits.On noise trials,yesresponsesareincorrectand are termedfalsealarms.Thehit rate(theprobabilityofre spondingyeson signal trials) andthefalse-alarmrate(theprobability ofrespondingyeson noise trials) fully describe performanceon a yes/no task. Ifthesubjectis using anappropriatedecisionvariable, and ifthesubjectis capableofdistinguishingbetween sig nals and noise, the decision variable will be affected by the stimuli that arepresented.Forexample,previouslystudied words inamemorystudy should,onaverage, seem more fa miliarthandistractors.However, somepreviouslystudied words willseemmorefamiliarthanothers.Distractors will alsovaryintheirfamiliarity.Furthermore,factors such as neuralnoiseandfluctuationsinattentionmay af fect thedecisionvariable, even if thestimulusis held con stant. Thus, the decision variable will have a range ofdif ferent valuesacrosssignal trials and arange ofdifferent values across noise trials. (For moreexamples ofthis, see

McNicol,1972, pp.11-14.)


ofvaluesrealizedby thedecisionvari able acrosssignaltrials is the signaldistribution,whereas thecorrespondingdistributionfor noise trials is the noise distribution.

The hit rate equals theproportionofthe signal

distributionthatexceedsthecriterion,whereasthe false alarm rateequalstheproportion ofthe noise distribution thatexceedsthecriterion.This isillustratedin Figure I, where thedecisionvariable(measuredinarbitraryunits) has a mean of0 and a standarddeviationof1on noise tri als. On signal trials, the mean ishigher (M=2), but the standard deviation isunchanged.

Ayesresponse is made for

trials in which thedecisionvariableexceeds0.5; these tri als lie in theshadedregion ofthe twodistributions.The shaded region ofthe noisedistributionconstitutes30.85% ofthe entire noise distribution, so thefalse-alarmrate is .3085. Bycontrast,93.32%quotesdbs_dbs1.pdfusesText_1