[PDF] La question du Home Rule (1870-1914) Bibliographie sélective

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La question du Home Rule (1870-1914) Bibliographie sélective

Agrégation externe et interne d’anglais La question du Home Rule (1870-1914) Bibliographie sélective de sources secondaires proposée par Pauline Collombier-Lakeman (Université de Strasbourg) Par souci de concision et parce que le volume de sources primaires existant sur le sujet du Home Rule est


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La question du Home Rule (1870-1914)

Bibliographie sélective de sources secondaires proposée par Pauline Collombier-Lakeman (Université de Strasbourg)

Par souci de concision et parce que le volume de sources primaires existant sur le sujet du Home Rule est

considérable (sources manuscrites, débats parlementaires, articles de presse, essais publiés dans divers

périodiques, pamphlets, lettres, discours, caricatures de presse, etc.), cette bibliographie est limitée à une sélection

de sources secondaires.




Histoires anglaise, irlandaise, écossaise & galloise : Bartlett, Th. (ed.), The Cambridge History of Ireland : vol. 4, 1880 to the present. Cambridge :

CUP, 2018 (notamment Part I, chapters 2 & 3)

Boyce, D. G. Nineteenth Century Ireland: The Search for Stability. Dublin: Gill & Macmillan, 1990. Davies, J. A History of Wales [1993]. Londres: Penguin,1994 (chap. 8). Devine, T.M., The Scottish Nation: 17002000. Londres: Penguin, 1999 (notamment part III, et plus particulièrement chap. 13). Devine, T.M. & Wormald, J. (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Modern Scottish History. Oxford: OUP, 2012 (notamment part IV, et plus particulièrement chap. 25). Evans, D. G. A history of Wales, 1815-1906 (series vol. 3). Cardiff: University of Wales Press,

1989 (notamment chap. 12 & 13).

Kelly, J. (ed.), The Cambridge History of Ireland : vol. 3, 1730-1880. Cambridge: CUP, 2018 (notamment Part VI, chapter 26). Jackson, A. (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of Modern Irish History. Oxford : OUP, 2013 (notamment

Home Rule and Its Enemies » de M. Kelly).

Lyons, F.S.L. Ireland Since the Famine. Londres: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1971. The Edwardian Age. Conflict and Stability 1900-1914. Londres: Macmillan (Problems in Focus), 1979. Searle, G. R. A New England? Peace and War 1886-1918. (The New Oxford History of England).

Oxford: OUP, 2004.

Empire :

Bell, D. The Idea of Greater Britain: Empire and the Future of World Order, 1860-1900. Princeton:

Princeton University Press, 2007.

The Oxford

Handbook of Political Ideologies. Oxford: OUP, 2013, 536-61. Louis, Wm. Roger & Porter, A. (eds), The Oxford History of the British Empire (XIXth Century).

Oxford: OUP, 1999 (notably part II).

Louis, Wm. Roger & Brown, Judith (eds), The Oxford History of the British Empire (XXth

Century). Oxford: OUP, 1999 (chapters 2 & 3).

Stockwell, Sarah (ed.), The British Empire: Themes and Perspectives. Oxford: Blackwell, 2008.

Vie & partis politiques britanniques :

Adelman, P. The Rise of the Labour Party, 1880-1945. Harlow: Pearson, 1996, 3rd. ed. Charmley, J. A History of Conservative Politics since 1830. Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2008. Hamer, D. A. Liberal Politics in the Age of Gladstone and Rosebery, A Study in Leadership and

Policy. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1972.

Hawkins, A. British Party Politics 1852-1886. Londres: Macmillan Press, 1998. Hoppen, K. T. Elections, Politics and Society in Ireland. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1984. Hutchison, I.G.C., A Political History of Scotland 18321924: Parties, Elections and Issues.

Edinburgh: John Donald, 1986.

Jenkins, T. A. Parliament, Party and Politics in Victorian Britain. Manchester: Manchester

University Press, 1996.

Government and Institutions in the post-1832 United Kingdom. Lewiston (NY):

The Edwin Mellen Press, 1995.

Pugh, M. The Making of Modern British Politics 1867-1945 [1982]. Oxford: Blackwell, 2002 (3rd ed). Searle, G.R. The Liberal Party. Triumph and Disintegration, 1886-1929 (British History in Perspective). Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2001 (2nd ed). Shannon, R. Gladstone: Heroic Minister, 1856-1898. Londres: Penguin, 1999.


Dictionnaires :

Stenton, M. (ed.).

House of Commons Based on Annual

Sources, vol I.: 1832-1885. Hassocks (Sussex): Harvester Press, 1976.

Stenton, M. & S. Lees (eds.).

Dictionary of the House of Commons Based on An Companion and Other Sources, vol. II, 1885-1918. Hassocks (Sussex): Harvester Press, 1978. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography : http://www.oxforddnb.com

Quelques repères historiographiques :

Grob-Fitzgibbon, B. J. ing Debate over Irish Home Rule: The

American Review of

Canadian Studies, 45:1 (2015), 113-128.

The Oxford History of the British Empire:

Historiography, vol. 5. Oxford: OUP, 1999, 114-133.

Journal of

Empire and Commonwealth History, 37, 1 (Mars 2009), 135-49.

The Making of

Modern Irish History: Revisionism and the Revisionist Controversy. Londres: Routledge, 1996,

141-62 .

Lloyd Jones, N (& alA New Plea for an Old Subject? Four Nations History for the Modern -Jones & M. M. Scull (eds.), Four Nations Approaches to Modern 'British' History, A (Dis)United Kingdom?, Londres: Palgrave, 2018, 3-31. L'historiographie britannique et la " Britishness »Revue d'histoire du XIXe siècle,

37 (2008), 111-26.



Histoire du nationalisme constitutionnel irlandais/Home Rule irlandais Brennan, E. & S. Gillespie. Nationalism and Unionism: from Union to Partition. Cambridge: CUP, 1996.
Irish Historical Studies, XXVI, nº 101 (1988), 51-78.

Australian Journal of Irish Studies,

2 (2002), 48-68.


Revue française de civilisation britannique, 22:1 (2016). ____________. nationaliste irlandais » au XIXe siècle : " facteur d'éloignement

Études irlandaises, 40:1 (2015) 17-28.

Farrell, B. (ed.). The Irish Parliamentary Tradition. Dublin: Gill & Macmillan, 1973. Grenfell, M., Home Rule and the Irish Question. Londres: Longman, 1980. ***Jackson, A. Home Rule, An Irish History, 1800-2000. Londres: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2003.

Federalism and Nationalism,

Leicester: Leicester University Press, 1989, 209-22. iation and Nationalist Politics, 1886- Irish Historical Studies, XXIV, nº 95 (1985), 341-60. **Lyons, F. S. L. The Irish Parliamentary Party, 1890-1910. Londres: Faber & Faber, 1951. in K. B. Nowlan (ed.). The Making of 1916: Studies in the History of the Rising. Dublin: The Stationery Office, 1969, 99-127.

McCaffrey, L. J. -Catholic

Historical Review, XLIII, n° 2 (1957), 160-77.

American Philosophy Society Transactions, new series, vol. 52, pt. 6 (1962), 1-58. Historical Journal, XLVII, n° 2 (2004), 355-77. (ed.). -1901. Dublin: Four Court Press, 2005,


Quinn (eds.). Essays in British and Irish History in Honour of James Eadie Todd. Londres: F.

Muller, 1949, 303-33.

Morton, G. Home Rule and the Irish Question. Londres: Longman, 1980. ** Mulvagh, C. The Irish parliamentary party at Westminster, 1900-18. Manchester: Manchester

University Press, 2016.

-Irish Historical Studies,

V, n° 17 (1946), 55-85.

*The English Face of Irish Nationalism, Parnellite Involvement in British Politics, 1880-

1886. Dublin: Gill & Macmillan, 1977.

***___________. Irish Home Rule 1867-1921. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1998. Pa le generation: the decline of constitutional nationalism in Ireland, 1913-Ireland: The Politics of Independence 1922-

49. Basingstoke: Macmillan, 2000, 13-31.

-Irish Historical Studies, XII, n° 45 (March 1960), 38-57. *Ward, Alan J. The Irish Constitutional Tradition, Responsible Government and Modern Ireland,

1782-1992. Dublin: Dublin Academic Press, 1994.

Histoire du nationalisme constitutionnel écossais /Home Rule écossais **Finlay, Richard J., A Partnership for Good: Scottish Politics and the Union since 1880, Edinburgh: John Donald, 1997 (introduction + chap. 1 & 2) *Hanham, H. J. Scottish Nationalism. Londres: Faber & Faber, 1969. Harvie, C. Scotland and Nationalism, London: Allen and Unwin, 1977.

Morton, G. - Nations and

Nationalism, 2:2 (1996), 257-79.

Image and Identity: The Making and Re-

making of Scotland through the Ages. Edinburgh: John Donald, 1998, 157-76. *** ____________. - & M. Lynch (eds.). The Challenge to Westminster: sovereignty, devolution and independence,

East Linton: Tuckwell, 2000, 113-22.

-Scottish Historical Review, vol. XL, n° 2 (octobre

1961), 118-35.

Sunter, R. M. The Rise of Scottish Nationalism in the Nineteenth Century, International Review of

Scottish Studies, 6 (1976) 14-26.

Defining LiberalismInnes

Review, 67:1 (2016) 6-30.

Histoire du nationalisme constitutionnel gallois/ Home Rule gallois Transactions of the Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion (1988); 153-75. ***Morgan, K. O. Wales in British Politics 1868-1922. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 1963. *_______Journal of Contemporary

History, 6:1 (1971) 153-72

______________. Rebirth of a Nation Wales 18801980, Oxford: Oxford University, 1982 (part I). **-Bulletin of the Board of Celtic Studies, 37 (1990) 191-207.

Histoires comparées :

*Burness, Catriona, Scottish Unionism, 18861918, East Linton: Tuckwell Press, 2003 Coupland, R. Welsh and Scottish Nationalism: A Study. Londres : Collins, 1954. * Tanner, Duncan (ed.). Debating Nationhood and Governance in Britain, 18851945: Perspectives from the 'Four Nations', Devolution Series. Manchester: Manchester University

Press, 2006 (chap. 1 à 4).


Isaac Butt

*Australian Journal of Irish Studies, 1 (2001), 158-66. * Movement: A Study in Conservative

Review of Politics, 22 (Janvier 1960), 72-95.

-1879) and the Inner Failure of Protestant Home Rule, in C. Brady (ed.). Worsted in the Game, Losers in Irish History. Dublin : The Liliput Press, 1989, 121- 132.

Isaac Butt

Government and Institutions in the post-1832 United Kingdom, Lewiston, NY :

The Edwin Mellen Press, 1995.

*Reid -361. * Thornley, D. Isaac Butt and Home Rule. Londres : Macgibbon & Kee, 1964.

Charles Stewart Parnell

Beaucoup de biographies de Parnell ainsi que des articles plus spécialisés ont été publiés. Parmi toute la littérature

existante on pourra se référer à Bew, P. Enigma. A New Life of Charles Stewart Parnell. Dublin : Gill & Macmillan, 2011. *Boyce, D. G. & Parnell in perspective. Londres: Routledge, 1991.

Studies, 80 (1991), 349-57.

Kee, R. The Laurel and the Ivy: the Story of Charles Stewart Parnell and Irish Nationalism.

Londres : Hamish Hamilton, 1993.

Historical Studies, II, Londres

: Bowes & Bowes, 1959, 60-78. Historical Journal, XVI, n° 4 (décembre 1973),


*______________. Charles Stewart Parnell. Londres : Collins, 1977. *McCartney, D & P. Travers. Parnell Reconsidered. Dublin: UCD Press, 2013. Parnell and his Party, 1880-1890. Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1957. ** Parnell and the First Home Rule Episode: 1884-87. Dublin : Gill & Macmillan, 1986.


Hibernica, XXXVII (2000-1), 243-56.

Les contemporains, héritiers & successeurs de Parnell : ndais. Il ne

paraît pas utile ici de mentionner des ouvrages ou articles trop spécialisés mais il serait bon que les candidats

retiennent au moins Callanan, F. T. M. Healy. Cork: Cork University Press, 1996. Doyle, E. J. Justin McCarthy. Dundalk: Dundalgan Press, 1996. Finnan, J. P. John Redmond and Irish Unity, 1912-1918. Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 2004
- Worsted in the Game, Losers in Irish History. Dublin: The Liliput Press, 1989, 133- 141. Lyons, F. S. L. John Dillon, A Biography. Chicago: University of Chicago Press 1968. Marley, M. Michael Davitt, Freelance Radical and Frondeur, Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2007. *Meleady, D. Redmond : the Parnellite. Cork: Cork University Press, 2008. *_________. John Redmond : the national leader. Dublin: Merrion, 2014. the Course of Irish Politics, 1881-1918. Berkeley: University of

California Press, 1976.

Paseta, S. Irish nationalist women, 1900-1918. Cambridge: CUP, 2013.

Studies, 58 (1969), 63-73.

* Irish Historical Studies, Vol. XXXII, n°

127 (Mai 2001), 343-64.

Acteurs spécifiques en Écosse & au Pays de Galles -Welsh History Review,13 (1987) 453- 67.
McFarland, E. W. John Ferguson, 18361906: Irish Issues in Scottish Politics. East Linton:

Tuckwell P., 2003.

Morgan, K. O. is versus Lloyd George: the fractured consciousness of fin-de-siècle

Politics and society in Wales, 1840-1922 : essays

in honour of Ieuan Gwynedd Jones. Cardiff, 1988, 93-112. yd George's Flintshire loyalist: The political achievement of John Herbert Lewis

MP (1858--30.

M. Varricchio (ed.), Back to Caledonia: Scottish Homecomings from the Seventeenth Century to the Present, Edinburgh: John Donald, 2012, 109-127.


*Biagini, E. (ed.). Citizenship and Community: Liberals, Radicals and Collective Identities in the British Isles, 1865-1931. Cambridge: CUP, 1996 (notamment part III). **Burgess, M. The British tradition of Federalism. London: Leicester University Press, 1995. *Jalland, P. 1910- English Historical Review, Vol.XCIV, n° 373 (Octobre 1979), 757-85. -Irish Historical Studies, VIII, n° 31 (Mars 1953), 237-63.

Historical Journal, XI, nº

2 (1968), 332-53.

***___________. Ireland and the Federal Solution: the Debates over the United Kingdom

Constitution, 1870-1921. Montreal : McGill-

***_____________. Federal Britain: A History. Londres: Routledge, 1997. **Morgan, K. O.

München: Saur, 1993, 71-86.


L. Jordan & W. Kaiser (eds.). Political Reform in Britain, 1886-1996: Themes, Ideas, Policies.

Bochum : Brockmeyer, 1997, 169-92.

La Grande- : travaux généraux

Adelman, P. & R. D. Pearce. Great Britain and the Irish Question [1996]. Londres: Hodder &

Soughton, 2001.

**Biagini, E. British Democracy and Irish Nationalism, Cambridge: CUP, 2010. **Boyce, Defenders of the union: a survey of British and Irish unionism since 1801, Londres: Routledge, 2001 (plusieurs articles intéressants). Curtis, L. P. Jr. Coercion and Conciliation in Ireland, 1880-92. Princeton: Princeton University

Press, 1963.

Irish Historical Studies, Vol. XXIII, n° 91 (mai 1983), 233-53.

Modern History Review, IX, n° 1

(1997), 6-9. (eds.). Politics and Power in Victorian Ireland. Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2006, 21-53. -Retrospect (1979), 30-5. ** Lubenow, W. C. Parliamentary Politics and the Home Rule Crisis: The British House of

Commons in 1886. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1988.

Murphy, J. H. Abject Loyalty: Nationalism & Monarchy in Ireland during the Reign of Queen Victoria. Washington, DC: Catholic University of America Press, 2011. British High Politics and a Nationalist Ireland: Criminality, Land, and the Law under Foster and Balfour. Cork: Cork University Press, 1994.

Ch. Kinealy (eds.). Politics and

Power in Victorian Ireland. Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2006, 54-68. Smith, J. Britain and Ireland: from Home Rule to Independence. Harlow: Longman, 2000. -The Revolution in Ireland, 1879-1923. Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1988, 173-92.

Parti libéral & Home Rule

des ouvrages qui ont fait date comme Hammond, J. C. Gladstone and the Irish Nation [1938]. Londres: Frank

Cass, 1964 & Vincent, J. R. Gladstone and Ireland. Londres: OUP, 1977. Plusieurs articles ont aussi été publiés

entre les années 60 et 80 par, entre autres, E. D. Steele & R. Shannon. Mais il existe des récents, parmi lesquels on recommandera : D. W. Bebbington & R. Swift (eds.). Gladstone Centenary Essays. Liverpool: Liverpool University -183 & D. G Boyce Boyce, pp.


Gladstone and Ireland : politics, religion, and nationality in the

Victorian age-61).

Daly, M. E.& K. Th. Hoppen, K. Theodore. Gladstone : Ireland and beyond. Dublin: Four Courts,

Jackson pp. 23-44)

et des Libéraux Jalland, P. The Liberals and Ireland: the Ulster Question in British Politics to 1914. New York: St Loughlin, J. Gladstone Home Rule, and the Ulster Question, 1882-93. Dublin: Gill & Macmillan, 1986.
n on peut retenit :


Welsh History Review, 26:3 (2013) 454-481.

Bew, Paul. Churchill and Ireland. Oxford: OUP, 2016 (chap. 1 à 4). Chambers, I. The Chamberlains, The Churchills, and Ireland, 1874-1922. Youngstown, NY:

Cambria Press, 2006.

__________.-Parliamentary History, XIX, n°

3 (2000), 405-421.

Cosgrove & D. McCartney (eds.). Studies in Irish History, Presented to R. Dudley-Edwards.

Dublin: UCD, 1979, 279-303.

*Finlay, R. J. Radical liberalism and nationalism in mid-Victorian ScotlandI. Z. Dénes (ed.), Liberty and the search for identity : liberal nationalisms and the legacy of empires. Budapest:

Central European University Press, 2006, 37-54.


Monographs, XL (1973), 287-95.

-Historical Journal, XII (1969),


-. Irish

Historical Studies, XVII, (1970), 470-98.

Irish Historical Studies, VIII, n° 32 (Septembre 1953), 324-61.

Historical Journal, XIX (1976), 421-51.


Library of Wales Journal, 29 (1996) 435-53.

**Lloyd- English Historical Review,129 : 539(2014), 862-887 * History,

LXXVII (1992), 202-19.

Historical Journal, XXVIII (1985), 125-42.

Parliamentary History, XIII (1994), 119-42.
