[PDF] Epiphytic nitrogen fixation on lowland rice plants

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Epiphytic nitrogen fixation on lowland rice plants

Biomass was calcul- Chlorophyll Fresh weight was calculated using a ratio of 30 5 mg chlorophyll-a per gram fresh At heading and maturity stages wherc cpiphytism was not observable by the naked eye, nitrogen for total and N2-fixing algaegrespectively, as described earlier (Kulasooriya et al , 1981) Bacteria


4 Réflectance du Red Edge permettant le calcul de la chlorophylle par ANN Inconvénients 1 Volume de données important: Facteur matériel limitant: 6 To France 60 tuiles 2 images par mois 2 Images rutes qu’il faut traiter (Aérosols, H2o, nuages, irrus) 3 Positionnement du satellite sans points de référence au sol (10-20m)

Phytobenthos et productivité primaire dun lac de haute

calcul de la concentration en chlorophylle a Les pigments chloro­ phylliens des Nitella ont été dosés à 4 dates de l'été 1972 sur des échantillons d'algues prélevés aux profondeurs de 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 et 16 mètres Pour chaque dosage, trois portions d'échantillon pesées après 10 seconde d'essorage sur papier filtre ont été broyées

TP3 partie 1 La photosynthèse à l’échelle de la planète

une période donnée – cette chlorophylle est contenue dans de microscopiques végétaux aquatiques que l’on regroupe sous le terme de phytoplancton) 1- Sur le fond de carte distribué colorier en bleu les zones où la chlorophylle est la plus concentrée dans les océans Coller ce document

Optimization of extraction conditions for secondary

Cumulative yield of each extraction cycle was calcul-ated, assuming approximately 100 recovery after the fifth extraction, and was plotted against the number of extraction cycles (Fig 3) Optimal temperature selection Optimization of ext-raction temperature was performed by shaking 100 mg of the plant material with the optimal extraction

La conversion de l’énergie par la photosynthèse

chlorophylle a absorbé Le reste de l’énergie est dissipé sous forme de chaleur au cours de la photosynthèse (d’après le livre scolaire (Ed 2019, pp 107)

01a Medical Dictionary

calcul/o, - calculia to compute cali/o calyx calic/o calyx calor/i heat campt/o bent capillar/o capillary (tiniest blood vessel) capn/o carbon dioxide -capnia carbon dioxide caps/o, capsul/o capsule, container carcin/o cancerous; cancer cari/o caries, rottenness cardi/o heart carp/o wrist bones (carpals) cata-down -cataphasia affirmation cathar

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P.A. Roger', S.A. Kulasooriya:, W.L. Barraquio3 and I. Watanabe3 ' RICE PLANTS Office de la Recherche Scientifique et Technique Outre-Mer, France.

University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka.

The InternationaP Rice Research Institute,

Los Banos', Philippines.


Epiphytic nitrogen fixation on the submerged part of the rice stems was examined by: - studyipzg the distribution of acety Lene-reducing activity (ARA) aid epiphytic algàe among the liills at til lering stage; - enumerating and identifying epiphytic microorganisms on the outer and inner leaf sheaths; - measuring ARA and evaluating algal populations at seedling, tillering, heading and matwity stages of rice growth.

Dark and light ARA (mole C2H4 h-1 hiZl-1) exhibited a log-normal distribution (L-shaped histogram; mean

= standard deviation) while . . the total algal flora had an assymmetrical histogram, indicating the presence of several dominant epiphytic species. Total and N fixing algal populations on the outer pcu.ts of the stems (3.5 x 10 5- and 1.2 x 105 cells Ig fresh weight)-1 respect- iveZyl were about twenty times higher than those of the inner parts. A similar distribution was observed with Nz-fixing bacteria (outer parts: 2.3 x lo7 cells (9 fresh weight)-l; inner parts: 1.0 x IO5

(g fresh weight)-1) where the dominant Cypes were related to the Enterobacteriaceae, associated with

Azospirillum-like organisms.

A macroscopic epiphytism by Gloeotrichia sp. was observed at seed- ling (2 t ha-1, fresh weight) and tillering stage (0.5 t lza-l), whereas only a microscopic epiphytism was present at heading and maturity stage, with

Nostoc spp. us dominant species. Light

ARA declined along the cultivation cycle from 51 pmo7.e C2H4 m-2 12-1 at seedling stage to 2.5 pmole C2FIg m-2 h-1 at mat- urity whereas dark

ARA remained low througlzoili (0.3 - 2.5 umole

C2H4 m-2 h-17. This corresponds to an input of 2 kg N hn-l cpop-1.


Epiphytic nitrogen-fixing activity in a rice field ecosystem can develop on rice plants and weeds within a submerged habitat, in which the epiphytic microorganisms are protected from certain adverse environmental factors like desiccation and high light intensities. In the previous paper (Kulasooriya et al., 1981), we have dealt with epiphytic nitrogen fixat- ion associaLcd with weeds. Watanabe & Barraquio (1979) and Watanabe et al. (1979) have rep- orted

07 bacteria associated with rice stems. This paper reports on nitrogen fixation by

blue-green algae and bacteria epiphytic on lowland rice.

MATERIALS AND METHODS Experiments were conducted on field-grown rice plants (IR26) without algal inoculation

and fertilization. Epiphytic microorganisms and thcir nitrogen-fixing activities (NFA) were examined by: - studying the distribution of acetylene-reducing activity (ARA) and epiphytic algae among the hills at tillering stage; - enumerating and identifying epiphytic microorganisms on the outer and inner leaf sheaths; - measuring ARA and evaluating algal populations at seedling, tillering, heading and maturity stages of rice growth.

Assessment of the epiphytic microbial populations


for their evaluation. Depending on the quantity of algae present

011 the host, different methods were used

At seedling stage, when a very dense growth was observed the direct R. Wetselaar et al. ed., Nitrogen Cycling in Soufh-East Asian aR *s =IT .o nh/is Wet Monsoonal Ecosystems, pp. 62-66. Canberra: Austral. Aca

Scí., 1981.

fresh weight was determined of the epiphytic algae dislodged from their host. a visible growth was still present but insufficient for direct weighing. ated from chlorophyll measurements on algal material removed from the stems. was measured after acetone extraction using MacKinney's (1941) specific absorption coeffic- ient. weight determined from the same algal material. These measurements were done separately on

35 hills, harvested from the same plot, in order to study the variability of algal epiphytism among

rice hills. algal enunierations were done on BGll media (Allen & Stanier, 1968) with and without combined

At tillering,


was calcul-


Fresh weight

was calculated using a ratio of 30.5 mg chlorophyll-a per gram fresh At heading and maturity stages wherc cpiphytism was not observable by the naked eye, nitrogen for total and N2-fixing algaegrespectively, as described earlier (Kulasooriya et al., 1981) .

Bacteria. et

al. (1979)- for Ng-firing Enterobacteriaceae and AzospiriZZwn-like organisms. Total het- erotrophic bacteria were enumerated by plating according to Watanabe & Barraquio (1979) .

Host biomass measurements

After harvesting the whole plant, the root system and the aerial parts above the flood watcr level werc cut off;' the remaining material was used for ARA and fresh weight measure- ments and algal enumcration.

ARA measurements

cribed (Kulasooriya et aZ., 1981) using cut rice stems. At seedling stage, parallel measure- ments were done in situ and in the laboratory to compare ARA under these different conditions. At tillering stage, cut stems of 55 rice hills from the same plot were separately incubated to study the variability of the

ARA among rice hills.

At heading and harvesting stages ARA measurements were done on 10 g triplicates randomly selected from the mixed material from the entire harvest of a plot o9 35 hills. At heading stage, the outermost leaf sheaths (outer parts) were separated from the inner parts of the tillers. ments aiid enumerations of epiphytic microorganisms. Bacterial enumerations were conducted by the

MPN method as described by Watanabe

Light and dsrk

ARA measurements were carried out in the laboratory as previously des-

Samples from these two

sets were used separately for ARA measure-


Epiphytic oi>ga?zisms

at seedling and tillering stage. host material was living or dead. on synthetic material such as nylon strings. GZoeotrichia epiphytism decreased from seedling to tillering stage, mainly due to algal masses getting detached from their hosts as a result of gas bubble formation within the colonies. It was also noticed that colonies attached to the living parts were more easily dislodged than those attached to the dead parts. scope and during thcse stages the dominant N2-fixing species was

Nostoc, together with Cazo-

thrix, ToZypothrix and GZoeotrichia as associated species. At heading stage, N2-fixing blue-green algae constituted 36"s of the total epiphytic algal flora (Table 1). ucing bacteria (Enterobacteriaceae) as well as AzospiriZZwn-like organisms. these bacteria on rice has been already reported by Watanabe et aZ. (1979). icated that both ARA and microbial colonization of the outer parts was much higher than on the inner parts irrespective of the type of microorganisms. gas have also shown a higher N2-fixing activity on the outer surface of stems than on the inner parts (Ito et aZ., in press). ent on the inner leaf sheaths (5.3 x 103 (g fresh weight)-l) were mainly spores or inactive forms as demonstrated by the negligible difference between dark and light ARA measurements on the inner leaf sheaths. interpreted on the basis that outer parts contain partially decomposing material that prov- ides suitable substrates for bacterial growth. Of the epiphytic algae, Gloeotrichia sp. produced a visible growth on the rice stems This growth could be observed irrespective of whether the


GZoeotrichia colonization was also observed

At heading and 'harvesting stages, algal epiphytism was observable only under the micro-

Bacterial enumerations done

at heading showed the presence of N2-fixing acid-gas prod- The presence of


of the comparison of epiphytism on outer and inner leaf sheaths (Table 1) ind-

Experiments using labelled N2-

In the

case of algae this may be related to light availability. N2-fixing algae pres- The much higher density of bacteria on the outer parts may be 63
TabZe I. Distribution of ARA (nm7eC2Hq (g fnesh rJeSght)-l h-l) and epiphytic microorgmism lnwnber (g fresh weight of host mterial)-1) beìween outer and inner pnrts of rim stem at heading stage

Whole stem

Outer Inner (leaf sheaths

sheath sheath + culm)

AkA Light 2.5 0.14 1.9

Total algal flora 3.5

x 105 1.7 x 104 1.4 x 105

NZ-fixing algae 1.2 105 5.3

x 103 4.8 x 104 Dark 0.5 0.11 0.47

Total aerobic


on glucose


on malate heterotrophs 4.7 x 108 3.0 x lo6 1.8 x IO8 (Enterobacteriaceae) 2.0 x 107 9.5 x 104 7.5 x 106

AzospiriZZwn-like) 9.5 106 9.5 x lo3 3.7 x 106

Variation of epiphytism among Fice hills

in the form of histograms. standard deviation of the variables were very close to one another. a log-normal distribution of ARA in the light and in the dark. reported for ARA by soil algae and bacteria (Roger et al., 1977) .' Light and dark ARA among 35 hills from the same plot are depicted in Fig. 1A and B, mean and Similar results have been Both histograms exhibited a characteristic L shape;

These features indicate

o 400 o00 1000

CzH, Inmol hill-' h-'1

O 100 200 PU0

C2Hq Inmol hilT'h-']

Fig. I,. His tograms showing the vasiutions

of: (A) light ARA; (B) dark ARA and IC) epiphytic aZgaZ chlorophyll, among 35 hiZZs . from a rice field at tillering stage.

O LQ 80 120

Chlorophyll-a lpg hill")

This large variability of ARA among the hills implied that subsequent measurements should be done on replicates obtained from mixed material from the complete harvest of a plot and not on a few randomly selected hills. rice plants, determined as chlorophyll-a per hill was not log-normal (Fig. 1C). The assymm- ctrical histogram indicates that algae other than

Gloeotrichia had also contributed to these

pigment measurements, the presence of several associated blue-green algae, mainly

Oscillatoria, Pseudoanabaena and

Nos toc.

Variations of epiphytism and ARA along the cuZtivation cycle the rice plant, with a corresponding change in the light ARA (Table 2). when the rice stems had an epiphytic Gloeotrichia biomass of about 2 t fresh weight ha-l,

ARA in the light was 51 pmole C2H4 m-2 h-1.


0.5 t fresh weight hab1 it still had an activity of 15 pmole C2H4 m-2 h-l.

exhibited the same specific activity at these two stages (about 2.4 nmole C2H4 (mg protein)-l min-1). epiphytic on Myriophyllm.

The distribution of epiphytic algae on the

'I'his was confirmed by plating dislodged algal material, which showed A remarkable change was found in the algal epiphytism along the developmental cycle of

At seedling stage,

At tilleking, when this biomass had diminished

The algae

A similar specific activity was reported by Finke & Seeley (1978) for Gloeotrichia At heading and maturity, algal epiphytism was not visible to the 64
L .. .I ,Ì '. _. .. naked eye and the light ARA had decreased to low values: respectively. eral epiphytic N2-fixing algae with

Nostoc as domïnant species.

to a large extent as quiescent cells or propagules and contributed very little N2 to the crop.

1.2 and 2.5 f"le C2M4 h-l, .

Nevertheless, enumerations done on the rice stems showed the presence of sev- These results show that the algae, though present during these stages, probably existed Table 2. Acetylene reduction activity (ARA), bionnss and rate of Np fixation of blue-green algaea on rice stem, at different stages of crop growth

Growth Stage

Seedling Tillering Heading Maturity

ARA C~H~ (umole m-2

h-1) 51.0 15.0b l.Zb 2.Sb Light

C H (limole (g

f?.e$h Wei ht

C~H~ (umole m-2

O. of light ARA 27 25 100

of stem)-f) 614.0 37.Sb 1.9b l.lb h-1)

2.2 O. 3 2.5



Fresh weight

(kg ha-l) 2037 55 3

Number (g

fresh wei ht of stem)-? 4.8~10~ 5.9~104



C H4 (mg

pro teinr min-1)

2.3 2.5

a dominant species: GZoeotrichia sp. and Nostoc spp. in situ values extrapolated on the basis of an activity under artificial light, equal to

552 of the in situ activity.

Along the crop cycle, dark ARA remained low (0.3 to 2.5 pmole C2t& m-2 Ilw1) and relat- ively unchanged from tillering to maturity. activity) was in agreement with the results reported by Watanabe et al. (1979). The range of dark

ARA on rice stems (bacterial


Among the epiphytic bacteria, N2-fixing Enterobacteriaceae and AzospiriZZwn-like forms corrcsponded to

8% of the total aerobic heterotrophs and their contribution to the epiphytic

NFA was low.

inant during the early stages of rice growth. tillering and thereafter was mainly due to a decrease of the epiphytic GZoeotrickia that detached from their host and became floating. hrostoc and CaZothrix had a very low activity. ity was possibly related to a dramatic decrease in light availability due to the start of the rainy season and an increased rice canopy. fully the relationship between the algal epiphytes and their host, but certain inferences can be drawn.

Seeley, 1978). However, according to

our experience, it does not exhibit any selectivity between dead and living, organic or inorganic material, but seems to grow preferentially on rough surfaces as indicated by the following observations: Epiphytic NFA was primarily due to a visible growth of GZoeotriekia, which was predom- The

ARA decrease observed from seedling to


Towards the latter part of the crop cycle a "microscopicepiphytismll mainly due to This decrease in algal biomass and

its activ-

Reshts obtained are insufficient to explain

GZoeotrickia has been reported to be epiphytic on aquatic plants (Fremy, 1930; Finke ¿j epiphytism on Ckara, which has a rough corticated surface was much more than on 65

Najas (Kulasooriya et ak., 1981).

colonies on' living, smooth rice stems get detached more easily than those on dead plant material which has rough surfaces as demonstrated by Howard-Williams et ak. (1978). colonization was observed even on old, rough nylon strings but not on new smooth ones placed into the flood water. been reported by Finke & Seeley (1978).

Similar colonization on po'lyethylene strips has

In the case of "microscopic epiphytism"

it was also observed that most of the isolated epi- phytic strains grew adherent to the surface of the culture vessels and rarely formed float- ing colonies. the absence of biotic relationships between the algae and the host, but indicate that both a mechanical effect in relation to the roughness of the support and an ability of certain strains to grow attached to a support are involved in algal epiphytism. urements of these experiments the N2 input by organisms epiphytic on rice can be evaluated as a few (2-3) kg ha-' crop-I, mainly due to the activity of Gkoeotrichia. has aq important role in providing an inoculum potential for the regeneration of N2-fixing algal blooms which are affected periodically by adverse conditions. The results obtained do not permit confirmation of either the existence or

From the ARA meas-

In terms of nitrogen supply, algal epiphytism may appear to be of little value, but it


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