[PDF] Digital Fabrications Architectural and Material Techniques

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4461: Building Technology 1 SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE AND

Part I: Metals in Architecture • Types of Structural Steel Members American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) A6 Specification Standard Hot-Rolled shapes 1 Wide-flange shape 2 American standard beam 3 American standard channel 4 Angle 5 Structural tee 6 Pipe section 7 Structural


design for modular construction: an introduction for architects> introduction > 4 An increasing number of building projects across several markets are using modular construction, the process by which components of a building are prefabricated off-site in a controlled setting and then


ARCH 121 – INTRODUCTION TO ARCHITECTURE I LECTURE NOTES: WEEK 1 - Introduction: Definition of Architecture and the Architect: 1 Definition of Architecture Architecture could be basically defined as ‘the art and science of designing and constructing buildings’ As a word, ‘architecture’ can carry several other meanings, such as: 1

Digital Fabrications Architectural and Material Techniques

Introduction Architecture continually informs and is informed by its modes of representation and construction, perhaps never more so than now, when digital media and emerging technologies are rapidly expanding what we conceive to be formally, spatially, and materially possible Digital fabrication, in particular,

Design Technologies in Landscape Architecture

and challenges of digital fabrication techniques as part of the design and construction processes Shown through a range of project examples, from large-scale infrastructural projects to a detailed focus on components and systems, this chapter highlights how the use of these technologies within landscape architecture has resulted in greater

Introduction to Networking

Introduction Using the Internet seems pretty easy We go to a web address and up comes a page Or we go to our favorite social site and see pictures of our friends, families, and pets But it takes a lot of complex software and hardware to make the Internet seem so simple The design of the technologies that make today’s Inter-


L’objectif à poursuivre est donc d’obtenir la meilleure adéquation entre le climat, le bâtiment et le comportement de l’occupant L’architecture écologique est un concept global qui regroupe l’occupant, le constructeur et le bâtiment Dés la conception et la construction, il est nécessaire de penser à préserver l’environnement

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