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• Universite de Rennes 1, France • UniversitätSiegen, Germany • Potsdam University, Germany • Acad Prof Evgeni Golovinski, DSc –1987 –2000

RE Creat de Liviu Mihaescu - Stiinte Economice

Acad Prof Iulian VĂCĂREL, Ph D – Romanian Academy Prof Lucian–Liviu ALBU, Ph D – Director, Institute of Economic Forecasting of the Romanian Academy, corresponding member of the Romanian Academy


Acad Prof Iulian Văcărel, Ph D – Romanian Academy Prof Lucian–Liviu ALBU, Ph D – Director, Institute of Economic Forecasting of the Romanian Academy, corresponding member of the Romanian Academy

MNCC - Revista Economica Cami - ResearchGate

Acad Prof Iulian Văcărel, Ph D – Romanian Academy Prof Lucian–Liviu ALBU, Ph D – Director, Institute of Economic Forecasting of the Romanian Academy, corresponding member of the

Curriculum Vitae Mohammed Aassila

compactes, C R Acad Sci Paris Sér I Math 333 (2001), 617-622 [44] M Aassila, Some results on Heronian triangles, Elemente der Mathematik 56 (2001) 143-146 [45] M Aassila, Asymptotic behavior of solutions to the wave equation with a non-linear dissipative term in Rn, Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo 51 (2002), 207-212

Acad Maria Zaharescu,“Ilie Murgulescu” Institute of Physical

Acad Maria Zaharescu,“Ilie Murgulescu” Institute of Physical Chemistry Prof Gabriela Bahrim, “Dunărea de Jos” University of Galaţi Dr Vlad Tudor Popa, “Ilie Murgulescu” Institute of Physical Chemistry Prof Viorica Muşat, “Dunărea de Jos” University of Galaţi Aula Magna: 14:30-16:10 Plenary lectures

Facultatea de Chimie si Inginerie Chimica, Cluj-Napoca

- Universitatea din Rennes, Franta - Universitatea Paul Sabatier din Toulouse, Frana Stagii de practicñ iarna 3 Vacantä prim vara Antil I 11 RECTOR, Activitñti didactice Sesiune de examene comasate Sem I 14 14 Sem Il 14 I ECTOR DE EPARTAMENT, n Conf univ dr NEMES Acad Prof univ dr I rel POP


PREŞEDINTELE CONFERINŢEI • Prof univ dr SMARANDA ANGHENI – Rectorul Universităţii Titu Maiorescu din ucurești VICEPREŞEDINŢI • Acad prof univ dr ALEXANDRU SURDU – Institutul de Filosofie şi Psihologie „ onstantin Rădulescu Motru” al Academiei Române;


Revista economică 2 «REVISTA ECONOMICĂ » COLEGIUL REDACŢIONAL Dan POPESCU prof univ dr , DHC, ULBS, România, redactor-şef, Liviu MIHĂESCU prof univ dr ULBS

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