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The Development of Roman and Medieval Urban Forms

flowing down along a gentle, continuous slope This bridge-canal, whose opus vittatum mixtum supports are still visible today, is well documented in historical paintings and drawings The structure's arches are the source of the toponym Arcueil Multiple water sources The water brought by the aqueduct to Lutetia came from several springs These


there are tuff block curtains in opus vittatum or in opus vittatum mixtum, also, with a variegated displacement: in general, piers show sight faces or brick faces, or opus mixtum ones with bricks, or very seldom with square worked facing, while the arches are made up of

The “Villa of the Antonines” Project 2010: The First Season

mostly in opus vittatum; these are apparently arcs of circles of which the external one would have had a radius of 30 m, with intersecting walls that form a series of chambers almost identical in size The two internal curved walls, only 50 cm apart, enclose a narrow channel; underneath this is a pitched-roofed cuniculus for the discharge of

53 Other Side in Opus Reticulatum with Coigning in Blocks

was in fact built in opus vittatum in cardellino blocks (repair work done with modern mortar prevents us from determining the actual antiquity of the masonry) Moreover, its northward extension (by room 45) has small cardellino blocks on its east face as well 92 otethatbeneathMSU10018(rooms41ote that beneath MSU 10018 (rooms 41 44-45)it44-45) it


militar, opus africanum, opus quadratum, opus vittatum, cerámica romana The present article summarises the results of recent investigations on the Late Roman Empire wall of Barcino Firstly, through a great deal of archaeological material from excavations undertaken in the last sixty years, we propose a chronology for the construction of the


OPUS VITTATUM = moellons Des blocs taillés de taille moyenne de forme parallélépipédique Les joints sont méticuleusement intealés, ’est le ontaie du oup de sae, les joints ne sont pas aligné les un au -dessus des autres ; cela assure la solidité et donne un aspect esthétique Les joints peuvent être regarnis à la chaux et parfois

Telesia Archaeological Project Indagini nella basilica e nel

parallelo a quello in opus vittatum mixtum, ma leggermente convergente ad esso nella parte occidentale for-mando con esso una sorta di corridoio Un grande accumulo di terra e pietrame frammisto di materiale archeo-logico riempiva lo spazio fra i due muri fino al livello pavimentale realizzato in battuto la cui quota coincideva

Roma Indagini archeologiche nell’area dei Castra Praetoria

opus vittatum coperto parzialmente da intonaco rosso e una rifasciatura in laterizi 7 La struttura presenta una fondazione contro terra, quindi una tecnica differente da quella individuata negli altri muri radiali, tutti con fondazione entro cavo armato I terreni di fondazione risultano disturbati da una grande fossa moderna per lo spegnimento

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