[PDF] GOYA - La Pedrera Blanca Bilingual

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Francisco Goya - lakeoswegoartliteracyorg

Francisco Goya For Educational Purposes Only Revised 09/12 1 Biography Francisco José de Goya y Lucientes was an innovative Spanish painter and etcher, and one of the triumvirate—including El Greco and Diego Velázquez—of great Spanish masters He was born in the small Aragonese town of Fuendetodos

Francisco De Goya - La Pedrera Blanca Bilingual

THE EXILE OF GOYA Francisco De Goya exiled at 78 It symbolised a tremendous challenge and a difficult adaptation for a person who had been absolutely deaf and that I experienced fear by a political tendency opposed to his principles, in 1824 He traveled to Burdeos, where he was only three days and he

GOYA - La Pedrera Blanca Bilingual

GOYA Who was Francisco de Goya? When and when did he born/ The biography Resume the main stages Write about the relation between Goya and Independence War Why did Goya have to go into exile? Goya anticipated to Impresionism,Expresionism and Sumalism Write examples of masterpieces where these characteristics can be watched

re Francisco de Goya - ekladatacom

re Francisco de Goya Sa biographie: Francisco de Goya (1746—1828) est un peintre et graveur espa-gnol Il appartient au mouvement romantique c’est-à-dire qu’il privilégie l’individu et sa sensibilité Les romantiques cherchent la musicalité de la couleur, l’expression, le mouvement

Francisco de Goya - Bibliothek

Francisco de Goya in Selbstzeugnissen und Bilddokumenten dargestellt von Jutta Held Rowohlt Inhalt Aus der Provinz an den Madrider Hof 7 Herkunft, Sozialisation

Du IXe - Académie de Lille

Titre de l’œuvre: El Tres de Mayo 2,66 m x 3,45 m, Musée du Prado, Madrid Nom de l’auteur ou de l’artiste et brève biographie : Francisco Goya (1746-1828) Né près de Saragosse, Goya s'installe à Madrid en 1775 En 1783, il est nommé peintre des rois d'Espagne et réalise pour eux de nombreux portraits Partisan des Lumières et de la

De la peinture à la photographie : étude autour de la figure

Resumen : En este estudio, se trata de proponer una nueva lectura de la obra mítica de Francisco de Goya El Perro sacada de las Pinturas negras (1820-1823) mediante el soporte fotográfico En efecto, la fotografía del Perro de Goya que sin duda fue sacada en 1874 por el fotógrafo Jean Laurent en la Quinta

Goya Foods, Inc Collection, 1960-2000

Goya has sponsored or been a part of, including its support of the Manhattan Valley Golden Age Senior Center and Casa de Don Pedro, a home for children Subseries 3 4, Pageants, 1980s-1990s, include

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Gerhard Richter Pablo Picasso Francisco de Goya 1024 Farben, 1973; Lack auf Lein-wand, 96 cm x 96 cm Kind mit Taube, 1901; Öl auf Leinwand, 73 cm x 54 cm

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GOYA - La Pedrera Blanca Bilingual

Francisco Goya For Educational Purposes Only Revised 09/12 1Biography Francisco José de Goya y Luc ientes was an innovative Spanish painter and etcher, and one of the triumvira te - including El Greco and Die go Velázquez - of great Spanish mas ters. He was born in the small Aragonese town of Fuendetodos (near Saragossa) on March 30, 1746. His father was a painter and a gilder of altarpieces, and his mother was descended from a fa mily of minor Aragonese nobility. Facts of Goyaʼs childhood are scarce. He attended school in Saragossa at the Escuelas Pias. Goyaʼs form al artistic education commenced when, at the age of 14, he was apprenticed to a local master, José Luzán. Goya spent four years in the studio of this competent, but little-known, painter. In 1763 the young artist went to Madrid where he hoped to win a prize at the Academy of San Fernando (the official center for the fine arts in S pain, founded in 1752). Although he did not win t he desire d award, he furthered his acquaintance with Francisco Bayeu, an art ist also from Aragó n, who would l ater influence Goyaʼs care er (Bayeu also became Goyaʼs brot her-in-law when G oya married his sister, Josefa, in 1773). In 1771 Goya went to Italy and stayed for about a year. His activ ity there is relatively obscure; he spent some months in Rome and won a prize for a co mposition he entered into the Pa rma Academy competition. Returning to Spain in 1772, Goya would become Aragonʼs most famous painte r as a result of several fresco projects. He worked in the Cathedral of our Lady of El Pilar in Zaragosa, in a chapel in the palace of the Count of Sob radiel, and comp leted a series of large frescos for the charterhouse of Aula Dei, near Zaragosa. By 1774, Goya had one of the best artistic jobs in Spain, with steady work, good pay, and a direct connection to the royal court in Madrid. He was hired by his br other-in-law, Francisco Bayeu, to produce tapestries for the royal palaces. Goyaʼs job was to create paintings (calle d cartoons) which the weavers could copy in silk and wool. His tapestry cartoons were highly praised for their candid views of every day Sp anish life, and he painted more than 60 in 16 years. During this time Goya created etchings of some of the works by Velázquez found in the kingʼs art collection. As he copie d Velázqu ezʼs work s, he was influenced by the way Velázquez composed his pictures, and by his way of capturing the emotions and personalit y of his subj ects. Goya began to attract a steady clientele with his talent as a draftsman, printmaker and painter. Goyaʼs career steadily advanced during this time. By 1780 he was accepted to the Academy of Art in Madrid, and he began to find new patrons in Madridʼs high society. He p ainted an official portrait of the kingʼs first minister and was soon one of the most sought-after portraitists in Madrid. When Charles IV ascended the throne in 1789, Goya was appo inted Court Painter and commissioned to paint the official portrait of the new King and Queen. In the winter of 1792, while on a visit to southern Spain, Goya contracted a serious disease that left him totally deaf and marked a turning point in his career. A mood of pess imism entered Goyaʼs work. Between 17 97 and 1799 he drew an d etched the first of his great p rint series "Los Caprichos" ("The Capric es"). With their satirical humor, these prints mocked the social mores and superstitions of the time; yet they did nothing to dampen his reputat ion at court. By 1799, Goya was appointed First Court Painter.

Francisco Goya For Educational Purposes Only Revised 09/12 2In 1800 Goya received a commission to paint a life-size portrait of the royal family, and h is audacious painting, in which the royal family is shown as a group of strikingly homely individuals, was surprisingly well received. By 1807 , Spain was at wa r. Napoleon marched into Spain pretending to be allied with the Spanish against the British, but his i ntent was to take control. Goya observed fir sthand the battl es between French soldier s and Spanish citiz ens during the bloody years of th e Napoleonic occupation. In 1814 he painted th e horrors of warfare in "Second of May, 1808" an d "Third of May, 1808." Thes e paintings depicte d horrifying and dramat ically brutal massacres of groups of unarmed Spanish stree t fighters by French soldiers. In 1810 he crea ted anoth er series of etchings called "Disasters of War," which further illustrated his views on the horrors and brutality of war. The Black Paintings, sc enes of witchcraft and other bizarre a ctivities, are am ong the most outstanding works of the artistʼs late years. Painted about 1820, t hese paintings are now in the Prado, Madrid. These work s were originally painted in fresco on the walls of Goyaʼs country house; they have now been transferred to canvas. They attest to his progressively darkening mood, probably aggravated by an oppressive political situation in Spain that for ced him to leav e for France in 1824, set tling in Bordeaux. There h e took up the then new art of lithography, producing a series of bullfight scenes considered among the finest lithographs ever made. He only returned to Madrid for a brief visit in 1826, then died in self-imposed exile in Bordeau x two years la ter, on April 16, 1828. Goya left no immediate followers of consequence, and his reputation was waning at the time of his death. However, Fren ch scholars and artists rediscovered his paintings and etch ings, particularly "Los Capric hos," by th e mid-1800s, furthering his reputation. Goya became known as the "first of the moderns, " influe ncing 19th and 20th century artists, from Delacroix and Manet to Picasso. Bibliography: Microsoft® Encarta ʻ97 Fransisco de Goya, Elke Linda Buchholz, Art in Focus Series, © 1999, Könemann Verlagsgesellschaft mbH Francisco Goya, An n Waldron, Firs t Impressions Series, ©1992, Harry N. Abrams, New York
