[PDF] The Life of Marie de Medicis, Vol 3 (of 3) by Julia Pardoe

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The Life of Marie de Medicis, Vol 3 (of 3) by Julia Pardoe

the Duc de Guise--The double marriage--Caustic reply of the Duc de Guise--Royal alliances--An ex-Regent and a new-made Duke--The Queen-mother is threatened with hostilities should she refuse to return immediately to the capital--She remains inflexible--Conde advises the King to compel her obedience--De Luynes enters into a negotiation with


Protestant revolution against the Catholic and French rule of Marie de Guise The aim was to depose Marie de Guise and abolish the legal authority of the Pope in Scots Law, along with the Mass This was achieved but Knox had wanted to go much further, establishing a godly society and


4 Antoinette de Bourbon, Duchess of Guise 5 Mary of Guise and King James V 6 Joinville 7 The Italian garden and new palace at Joinville 8 Anne, Duke of Montmorency 9 Cardinal Charles of Lorraine (El Greco) 10 The Cardinal of Lorraine’s device 11 Franc¸ois de Lorraine, Duke of Guise 12 Catherine de Medici 13 Arms of Mary Stuart

La Confession de foi écossaise

LA CONFESSION DE FOI ÉCOSSAISE DE 1560 Introduction La Confession de foi écossaise fut écrite à un moment décisif de l’histoire de l’Écosse À la mort du roi Jacques V d’Écosse, en 1542, son épouse Marie de Guise assuma la régence du royaume d’Écosse

1560:Britishpoliciesandthe Britishcontext

these aristocrats were willing to consider an alliance with England to de-fend their kingdom By the close of 1558, an Anglophile party had been resurrected within Scottish politics The second event to transform Anglo-Scottish relations was the death in November 1558 of Mary Tudor, England’s Catholic queen Elizabeth’s

A review of virus infections of cetaceans and the potential

clinical features, pathology and epidemiology of the diseases they cause Cetacean morbillivirus (fam- ily Paramyxoviridae) induces a serious disease with a high mortality rate and persists in several popu- lation~ It may have long-term effects on the dynamics of cetacean populations either as enzoot~c infec- tion or recurrent epizootics

Krishna Das, Virginie Debacker, Stéphane Pillet and Jean

et al , 1994) or impaired reproduction (De Guise et al , 1995), which could lead to population declines of some pinniped and small cetacean species in Europe and North America, and the finding of relatively large contaminant burdens in these animals In many cases, morbillivirus infections were

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