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Mar 03, 2017 · communities,” said Anne Hidalgo, Mayor of Paris & Chair of C40 “The urgency of the climate crisis makes this more important than ever ” Urban waterways – whether on rivers, lakes, seas or oceans – have always been natural centers of gravity Over time, transportation and manufacturing have evolved and the old industrial

THE CONFERENCE OF PARIS - International Economic Forum of the

INAUGURAL SESSION OF THE CONFERENCE ROOM: CC1-3-5-7-9 RESHAPING GLOBALIZATION, MASTERING CHANGE SPEAKERS Ángel Gurría, Secretary-General, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD); and Honorary President, The Conference of Paris Anne Hidalgo, Mayor of Paris Gérard Mestrallet,

La Philharmonie de Paris: is this a new musical and social

hadn’t heard Hollande’s and the mayor of Paris Anne Hidalgo’s uplifting speeches earlier in the evening (which delayed the concert by nearly half an hour), movingly connecting the Philharmonie as a cultural and musical catalyst with France’s response to the terrorist attacks last week Yet there seemed an implicit understanding, even

AAI Press Release

• Anne Hidalgo, Mayor, Paris • Emma Howard Boyd, Chair of the Environment Agency, UK • Naoko Ishii, CEO and Chairperson, Global Environment Facility • Peter Damgaard Jensen, CEO, PKA Ltd • Agnes Kalibata, President, AGRA • Loren Legarda, Chair, Senate Finance Committee, Philippines • Strive Masiyiwa, Founder and Chairman, Econet

Urban challenges in the 21st Century - CIPPEC

Rodríguez Larreta, Mayor of the City of Buenos Aires, Anne Hidalgo, Mayor of Paris and Chair of C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group (C40) Launched on December 12, 2017 at the One Planet Summit in Paris, the initiative is chaired by the cities of Buenos Aires and Paris, and convened by

City of Paris Inaugural Sustainability Bond

Paris has developed, into a center of culture, science, tourism, and finance, being recognized as one of the world's most influential global cities and the most visited city in the world (32 million visitors in 2015* and a record year in view for 2017 after a decrease in 2016 as a consequence of terrorist attacks )


Ana Lilia Velasco Cruz, Christina Dornack, Anne Gießler, Hiroshan Hettiarachchi, Anne-Karen Hueske, Sabrina Julie Kirschke, Tzitzi Delgado Lemus, Arlette Ramírez Pineda, Khaja Rahman The views expressed in this publication are those of the authors The authors are responsible for ensuring that all figures, tables, text and supporting materials

Dans le nord de Paris, un hôtel logistique replace le fret au

urbaines: «C’est un véritable morceau de ville», remarque Anne Hidalgo, maire de Paris Au rez-de-chaussée et au premier étage, on trouve des bureaux (4 500 m2), un centre de fitness (2 600 m2), un restaurant, une école de commerce (1 300 m2) Au sous-sol, le data center (2 030 m2) de la

Viva Technology: Over 100,000 people from all over the world

inaugural address The day before, President MACRON met global technology leaders for the «Tech For Good» summit President MACRON was accompanied by the President of the Republic of Rwanda, Paul KAGAME Among the many personalities who visited VivaTech in 2018, we note several members of the government:

Claudia Lopez, Johny Carique, killed by dictatorship and

Adjoint (PC) au logement d’Anne Hidalgo et candidat sur la 17e circonscription, Ian Brossat a condamné sur Twitter un «acte stupide» «La droite filloniste, c’est dans les urnes qu’il faut la combattre» a-t-il ajouté G20 - Welcome to hell Bloquer - Saboter - Démonter

[PDF] Anne Hidalgo lance le chantier de l`hôtel logistique - Gestion De Projet

[PDF] Anne Hidalgo présente ses vœux aux élus de Paris

[PDF] Anne Hidalgo rencontre Yvan Mayeur, Bourgmestre de la Ville de

[PDF] Anne Hidalgo réunit les Maires des capitales et - Gestion De Projet

[PDF] Anne Hornung-Soukup

[PDF] Anne Husson Directrice culturelle de la Maison de l`Amérique latine


[PDF] Anne Jeanjean, gérante, AJC-RH - Anciens Et Réunions


[PDF] Anne Lapointe Conservation / Restauration d`oeuvres d`art - France

[PDF] Anne Lauvergeon, nouvelle co-présidente du

[PDF] Anne Lavergne - Gestion De Projet

[PDF] Anne Leahy - WordPress.com

[PDF] Anne Lelong soutient les femmes

[PDF] Anne Lieutaud - France


March 13, 2017


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Mayors from around the world gather in Chicago to discuss ways development projects around waterways can generate economic, environmental & social benefits for cities Mayor Rahm Emanuel and Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo today convened 17 mayors spanning five continents, 11 countries and who represent 44 million people for an Urban Waterways Forum in

Chicago. The event, co-hosted by World Business Chicago and the Chicago Council on Global Affairs, is designed to foster an international conversation about the future of urban waterways.

As mayors of major cities worldwide consider how to drive economic opportunity, create new public spaces and find more environmentally sustainable uses for aging infrastructure, they are increasingly turning to the development of urban waterways. To harness the power of that movement, a number of government officials have gathered in Chicago from five continents: Asia: Lahore Mayor Mubashar Javed, Haifa Mayor Yona Yahav and Shenyang Vice Mayor Huang Kai

Africa: Cape Town Mayor Patricia de Lille

Europe: Gothenburg Lord Mayor Lena Malm, Milan Mayor Giuseppe Sala and Paris Mayor Hidalgo North America: Baltimore Mayor Catherine Pugh, Buffalo Mayor Byron Brown, Chicago Mayor Emanuel, Dallas Mayor Michael S. Rawlings, Detroit Mayor Michael Duggan, Memphis Mayor Jim Strickland, Mexico City Mayor Miguel Mancera, Montreal Mayor Denis Coderre and New Orleans

Mayor Mitch Landrieu

South America: Buenos Aires General Director of International Relations and Cooperation

Francisco Resnicoff

ideas on how to transform the waterways of our cities into sustainable and socially inclusive

Urban waterways Ȃ whether on rivers, lakes, seas or oceans Ȃ have always been natural centers of

gravity. Over time, transportation and manufacturing have evolved and the old industrial waterways that turned into unused land are again ripe for new design, development and purpose. The forum featured two discussions. The first focused on environmental protection, and was moderated by Mark Watts, the Executive Director of C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group. This discussion concentrated on projects around the world utilizing waterways to push environmental efforts critical to cities in the 21st century. Jeanne Gang, Founding Principal of Studio Gang and Anders Bringdal, Founder & CEO of SeaBubbles, also participated in this discussion. The second focused on economic opportunity and was moderated by Bruce Katz, the inaugural centennial scholar at the Brookings Institution. This session discussed innovative ways cities are approaching economic development with an eye on nontraditional uses of their waterways and how issues of social equity play into these efforts. The Chicago Council on Global Affairs is producing a report in collaboration with the City of and outline the findings of the Forum to build on existing research around urban waterway development. The report will be released later in the spring. The Forum was held at River Point Office Tower, a new 52-story office building at 444 W. Lake St.,

In addition to the discussion sessions at River Point, mayors will participate in other events. First,

the Chicago Council on Global Affairs will host a public program during a lunch at the University of

Ž‡ƒ...Š‡" ‡-‡" to be moderated by Ivo Daalder, President of the Chicago Council on

Global Affairs. Later today, mayors will also visit two important Chicago incubators strategically located on the Chicago River: MATTER and 1871. At 1871, mayors will join a roundtable discussion with 10 tech leaders moderated by Howard Tullman, the CEO of 1871. The focus of the roundtable innovation accelerator, and UI Labs will host a Symposium to profile innovative technologies and initiatives that address pressing water needs, enhance quality of life and support economic development.

About World Business Chicago

World Business Chicago is a public-private, non-profit partnership that drives inclusive economic growth and job creation, supports business, and promotes Chicago as a leading global city.

About the Chicago Council on Global Affairs

The Chicago Council on Global Affairs is an independent, nonpartisan membership organization

that provides insight Ȃ and influences the public discourse Ȃ on critical global issues. We convene

leading global voices, conduct independent research, and engage the public to explore ideas that

will shape our global future. The Council is committed to bringing clarity and offering solutions to

issues that transcend borders and transform how people, business, and governments engage the world.quotesdbs_dbs7.pdfusesText_13