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The EN584 Standard for the Classification of Industrial

The recent EN584 standard for the classification of film systems for industrial radiography proposes a pragmatic and in many cases sufficient classification in terms of the dose required to obtain optical density 2, and the gradient of an optical density vs required dose at optical densities 2 and 4


In France and Spain film regulation and classification is in binary opposition to countries like the Republic of Ireland, the UK and the US – in France films are rarely banned and the French Commission for Film Classification cannot make cuts

Using the EN584-1 film characterization in radiographic modelling

lead to complex and proprietary film characterizations, and in particular require information generally not provided by the film manufacturers The EN584-1 standard for the classification of film systems for industrial radiography (recent revision in 2006) proposes a pragmatic and in many cases sufficient classification in terms of

SECTION 1: Identification of the substance/mixture and of the

Description of the mixture: Ink on substrate film (Mixture) Chemical Name CAS-No EC-No w/w Classification (67/548/EEC) Classification (EU Reg 1272/2008) Polyethylene telephthalate 25038-59-9 - 48-54 Not classified Not classified Paraffin wax 8002-74-2 232-315-6 23-28 Not classified Not classified

SSI International Standard Classification of education IC

ISCED is a reference classification within the United Nations International Family of Economic and Social Classifications First developed by UNESCO in the 1970s, it has been updated periodically to reflect the ongoing evolution of education systems around the world As such, the new ISCED 2011 classification (which replaces


The present classification, now known as ISCED 1997, was approved by the UNESCO General Conference at its 29th session in November 1997 It was prepared by a Task Force established by the Director-General to that effect and is the result of extensive consultations of worldwide representation ISCED 1997 covers primarily two

European Fire Standards

France NFP 92 - 503 - Bržleur ƒlectrique The French test known as the "Bržleur ƒlectrique" - electric burner - is the principal method used not only in France, but also in Belgium, Spain and Portugal It results in a classification of M1 to M4, with M1 being the highest classification

Fire standards and comparison - Euro Air

France NFP 92501‐1 M1 (Non‐combustible) England BS 476, Part 6 MoD HH52/92 Class 1 (expected to pass) Passed USA (Underwriters lab ) NFPA 90A‐1993 Flame spread index < 25 Smoke developed index < 50 Passed B-s1, d0

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