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The codex Paris, Bibl Nat , fonds italien 568 is a quarto manuscript measuring 25 7 x l 75 m m The leaves are of parchment and the binding, which dates from the reign of Charles X, is of brown leather It bears the title Chansons italiennes en musique on the spine and the French device

La Bibliothèque Nationale de France - GEcom

Située sur les berges de la Seine à Paris, la Bibliothèque nationale de France (BnF) François Mitterrand, héberge plus de 35 millions de livres et de publications pour la conservation et la consultation, y compris des volumes anciens qui ne doivent en aucun cas être soumis aux fluctuations des conditions ambiantes

Barbara Smythe - York University

Biblioth‘que Nationale, Paris The material for the Notes has been gathered partly from the Introductions, &c , to the special editions, and partly from general works on trobador literature In addition to these I am indebted to Dr BraunholtzÕs Cambridge University lectures on Proven“al literature and to his tuition in the same subject


Biblioth˚eque Nationale, Paris Fragmentary Targum on the Pentateuch,8 Targum of Job, Proverbs,Psalms(folios21-62),Megillot,9 theDreamofMordechai 10 ff 17Œ121 Parch-ment, 31 lines, Sefardi cursive script, written by Nathan ben Saadiah HaKohen in Tlem-cen (NW Algeria), dated 1455 As White notes, the scribe admits that he has translated

Their Cortés and Our Cortés: Spanish Colonialism and Aztec

12*4 X 8V2 in Biblioth?que Nationale de France, Paris, MS Mexicain 385, fol 44r (artwork in the public domain; photograph provided by the Biblioth?que Nationale de France) SPANISH COLONIALISM AND AZTEC REPRESENTATION 4Q9 than reed mats to symbolize their authority,18 the Spaniards are accompanied by hieroglyphic renderings of their names

Ines Ribeiroˆ - Paris Traceroute

biblioth eque, vis- a-vis de traceroute et de la mesure de topologie Nous verrons ensuite l’ etat de l’art en ce qui concerne les mesures de topologies Nous nous int eresserons alors a notre biblioth eque et a la fa˘con dont elle r epond aux besoins enonc es, tant au niveau des sp eci cations que lors de l’impl ementation En n

Descartes: A Biography

enabled me to consult material at the Biblioth`eque Nationale, Paris, and at theBritishLibrary,London Duringthepastyear,Ialsoreliedonthepro-fessional advice of Charles Shinkwin and David Pearson, each of whom contributed indirectly but significantly to the timely conclusion of this project Cork November

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