[PDF] Hèléne Grimaud, piano Program Notes Berio: Wasserklavier from

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Claude DEBUSSY - WordPresscom

Aloysius Bertrand’s fluid and seductive prose poem, Debussy was inspired by a mythical nordic romance — Undine by Friedrich Heinrich Karl de la Motte, Baron Fouqué A 1909 English translation featured 15 illustrations by Arthur Rackham*, and these formed the basis for the prelude’s fanciful take on the watery temptress,

A New History of the Essay 4vd - Graywolf Press

Aloysius Bertrand Ondine 335 w 1869 r Charles Baudelaire Be Drunk 339 w 1873 r Arthur Rimbaud A Season in Hell 343 w 1896 r Stéphane Mallarmé A Throw of the Dice Will Never Abolish Chance 367 w 1907 r Velimir Khlebnikov The I-Singer of Universong 391 w 1913 r Dino Campana The Night 401 w 1924 r Saint-John Perse Anabasis 413

La Mer Bleue

from Aloysius Bertrand: Ondine, in: Gaspard de la Nuit translated by Michael Benedikt He did not hear The liquid trickle of her laughter when She broke alone into the air, or fear The sudden depth where he encountered death from Dick Davis: Undine, in: Devices and Desires

CLASS RECITAL - COnnecting REpositories

d'apres Aloysius Bertrand) Ondine Le gibet Scarbo Todd Yaniw Carnaval, Op 9 I Preambule - Quasi maestoso 2 Pierrot - Moderato 3 Arlequin - Vivo 4 Valse noble - Un poco maestoso 5 Eusebius - Adagio 6 Florestan - Passionato 7 Coquette - Vivo 8 Replique-L'istesso tempo 9 Sphinx JO Papillons -Prestissimo 11 Lettres dansantes - Presto 12


texts: Original French poems by Aloysius Bertrand, English translation by Rollo H Meyers movements: Ondine; Le Gibet; Scarbo recorded: Albany Records Troy 213 (1996) Paint Me for: soprano and piano date: 1990 duration: 3:26 note: from Thérèse Raquin (uncompleted opera) recorded: M Russo, soprano, K Kushner, piano

Hèléne Grimaud, piano Program Notes Berio: Wasserklavier from

“Ondine” is the first piece in an extraordinary trilogy titled Gaspard de la nuit (1908) based on three prose poems by Aloysius Bertrand, a contemporary of Edgar Allan Poe (Ravel’s favorite author)

Jan Lisiecki piano - Mozarteum Argentino

de Aloysius Bertrand Ondine Le Gibet Scarbo – Intervalo – SERGEI RACHMANINOFF (1873-1943) Morceaux de Fantaisie, Op 3 Elegía, en Mi bemol menor Preludio, en Do sostenido menor Melodía, en Mi mayor Polichinela, en La mayor Serenata, en Re bemol mayor FRÉDÉRIC CHOPIN: Nocturno en Mi menor, Op 72 nº1 Scherzo nº1, en Si menor, Op 20

M a g n i f i c a t

Gaspard de la nuit: Trois Poèmes d’après Aloysius Bertrand Ondine Le gibet Scarbo Fryderyk Chopin (1810 – 1849) Nocturne op 62 n 1 Domenica 10 novembre

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