[PDF] Mille Lacs Soil & Water Conservation District

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Premium amount as applicable for the plan, All family members to have same policy tenure and plan Age Band - 5 Years to 65 Years Plan 1 : Deductible of 2 lacs; Sum Insured of 5 lacs Plan 3 : Deductible of 3 lacs; Sum Insured of 8 lacs Plan 5 : Deductible of 4 lacs; Sum Insured of 10 lacs Age Band - 5 Years to 65 Years


TTD Sum Insured will be as per the Plan opted If Proposer Opts for 50 Lacs Premium variant, he will be offered 15 Lacs TTD benefit and His earning spouse will be offered 15 Lacs of TTD benefit as well provided that both satisfy the TTD income eligibility criteria o TTD Income Criteria – Two times the annual income

Evidence of Income and Financial Underwriting

Upto 2 lacs – No parents’ insurance need be insisted on (Actl/1854/4 dt 14/2/2003) Upto 5 lacs – Parents’ insurance may not be insisted on (Actl /1874/4 dt 23/5/2003) provided if PWB opted and plan under plan 41, 50,102,159,184,185 • Proposals will be decided at ZUS

Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe and the Minnesota Department of

identified in the case plan A child's Title IV-E eligibility or reimbursement status does not change the county's financial responsibility The Band will provide the following services to all children in foster care under the District Court of Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe' s jurisdiction in compliance with 45 CFR § 1355, 1356, and 1357 A Case

Mille Lacs Soil & Water Conservation District

Ms Gallice has completed a Shoreland Stewardship Plan for a landowner on the east side of Mille Lacs The Stewardship Plan has been submitted to the landowner for review The landowner is interested in a cost estimate for one of the BMPs in the plan Ms Gallice has been working with TSA, DNR and Crow Wing SWCD to create a cost estimate and

meribel:Mise en page 1 - laStationduSoleil

AB C D E F G H I J AB C D E F G H I J 1 2 3 4 25 E2 Adray-Télébar 27 E1 Alba 33 F1 Allodis 34 B1 Altiport Hôtel 31 F2 Antarès 29 E1 Aspen Park Hôtel

The Revival of Indian Culture through Museums: The Case of

The Case of the Mille Lacs Indian Museum Caroline Laurent University of Minnesota-Duluth Sorbonne University, Paris Introduction The Mille Lacs Indian Museum opened in May 1996 The building's arching window wall reflects the shoreline of Lake Mille Lacs (in French, “thousand lakes”)

1048 Plagne 1800 2019

Plan station PLAGNE 1800 *VIVRE DES MOMENTS INOUBLIABLES Photos : MATO Restaurant La Table du Cocoon Et ses Cocoon Grills Tél +33 (0)4 79 55 00 26 Centre Commercial SHOPPING CENTRE 101 5 94 9 l a r a d i o s t a t i o n f r La Plagne Services 4 Bagagerie Luggage room 25 Caisse des remontées mécaniques Skipass Office 04 79 09 37 47 17 Ecole

Plan d’aménagement forestier d’une forêt privée

plan d’aménagement forestier Le plan d’aménagement forestier a deux objectifs : • permettre au producteur forestier de bien mettre son boisé en valeur en le lui faisant mieux connaître et en l’aidant à mieux planifier ses travaux

Plan d’aménagement forestier d’une forêt privée

Mise en garde: aucun levé topographique officiel n’a été effectué pour la production de ce plan et le présent document ne peut constituer une garantie en matière d’arpentage La carte jointe à ce plan demeure une illustration et n’est pas nécessairement un reflet fidèle de la réalité du terrain

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Mille Lacs Soil & Water Conservation District

It is the mission of the Mille Lacs Soil and Water Conservation District to assist area people with soil and water resource management.

Serving Mille Lacs County Since 1954

An Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer Page | 1 SWCD Staff Report/Program Activities - prepared for the November 14, 2018

SWCD Board meeting Purpose: This report is intended to provide a moderately detailed summary of actions taken over the course of a month to

maintain progress on district work plan goals and priorities. The report is not all inclusive of district activities as a whole, nor

does it list tasks, but instead tracks noteworthy steps taken since the last monthly report. The report functions to provide

inter-staff collective understanding of how each member's efforts are contributing to overall district capacity and goals. The

report also provides transparency and insight into the functioning of the district for the SWCD board and interested

members of the public. Mille Lacs Lake Watershed

Mille Lacs Lake Watershed Management Group Administration; Process for setting goals and achieving outcomes;

Develop effective community engagement - Ms. Maslowski continues to support the MLLWMG media committee in

efforts to further their goal of creating educational items related to the watershed for integration into schools. This includes

an AIS educational board game and multi-use coloring sheet that can be used for future events and ultimately be

incorporated into a larger educational package. Ms. Maslowski has also worked with MLLWMG to update the plan of work for 2019 goals. These goals include

outreach to resorts and information distribution.

Ms. Maslowski is coordinating with MLLWMG citizen members regarding active roles in the website goals and

integrated education on the topic of the watershed and AIS.

Ms. Maslowski continues to organize MLLWMG meetings, upcoming speakers, and topic of the month volunteers

and has extended personal invites to individuals who have expressed interest in attending the MLLWMG meetings in efforts

to distribute information and increase meeting participants.

Ms. Maslowski has sent the MLLWMG meeting and topic of the month to the newspapers around Mille Lacs Lake.

She has created Facebook posts for increased information on the topic of impervious surfaces requested by a new

MLLWMG member.

Ms. Gallice has completed a Shoreland Stewardship Plan for a landowner on the east side of Mille Lacs. The

Stewardship Plan has been submitted to the landowner for review. The landowner is interested in a cost estimate for one of

the BMPs in the plan. Ms. Gallice has been working with TSA, DNR and Crow Wing SWCD to create a cost estimate and

planting plan.

Compass Lake Stewardship process for organizing active citizens - Ms. Maslowski constructed thank you posts, letter for

Compass members, and other members of Mille Lacs community to acknowledge those in the community who have shown

interest and have been actively involved in conservation, stewardship and community. Ms. Maslowski has followed-up with individuals interested in upcoming site visits. Wahkon Stormwater Management Grant - no new activity Civic Standards for Decision Making: (way to achieve mission and purpose)

All those impacted by the problem are stakeholders and help define the problem in light of civic principles and

the realities of their situation.

All stakeholders are accountable for contributing resources (leadership/time, knowledge, constituencies &

dollars) to solve the problem.

All stakeholders are engaged in decision-making and policy-making that contributes to the common good.

All stakeholders organize key stakeholders in their jurisdiction to achieve solutions and institute policies

grounded in civic principles in the places where they have the authority to act.

Serving Mille Lacs County Since 1954

An Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer Page | 2

Timber Bay - Ms. Gallice has worked with Timber Bay to identify plants growing in a project area to determine if they were

natives or weeds that needed to be controlled.

Lakeside Manor

- Lynn Gallice reviewed a draft of the project design with the TSA Engineer Technician. The plan was

discussed and Ms. Gallice worked with TSA to obtain a good understanding of the intended design. Ms. Gallice has some

concerns about the TSA plan is in the process of negotiating with TSA to use less rip-rap and more native vegetation to solve

resource concerns. Ms. Gallice w ill discuss the final draft plan with Lakeside Manor before the design is finalized. Ms. Gallice

is also working with DNR Fisheries to obtain permission to install the project in early June which is during the fisheries

exclusion dates to protect fish spawn. MS. Gallice is also investigating BWSR and NRCS Shoreline Restoration and Critical

Area Planting specifications

that will be used on this project.

A contract amendment is needed to change the particular grant funds that will be used on this project.

The original contract

contains a miscalculation in how much funding would come from each of several grants. The amount of cost share being

encumbered to the project will remain the same.


County Drainage 14 Sediment Management of the West Branch of the Rum River (CWF FY15) - Mr. Field attended a

jurisdictional ditch 3 (JD3) meeting to gather information that could be related back to county drainage ditch 14. Ms. Shaw

met with a couple whose farm is within the drainage are of CD14. They are interested in further exploring the feasibility of

wetland restoration, wetland banking or abandonment of the ditch as they have concerns that there would not be a cost

benefit to maintenance or repair of this buried tile ditch system.

Buffer Implementation - During the month of October, Mr. Field spoke with a couple of landowners that received letters

from the September mailing. Mr. Field will do a site visit to confirm compliance for one parcel in November. In November,

Mr. Field will be creating a list of landowners that are non-compliant with the buffer law and sending Mille Lacs County on

official notification of non-compliance.

Soil Health - Mr. Field assisted the Kanabec NRCS and SWCD with outreach for a Soil Health Field Day in Ogilvie. Along with

outreach, Mr. Field assisted NRCS staff with taking soil samples for the rainfall simulator. Including different agency staff,

about 30 people attended the Soil Health Field Day Event. The event focused on no-till vs. tillage and the effect of cover

crops. Mr. Field has also been working with the NRCS District Conservationist to create a plan to attain job approval

authority for fencing, cover crops, and a variety of grazing practices.

Minnesota Agriculture Water Quality Certification Program (MAWQCP) - Mr. Field attended a Minnesota Department of

Agriculture (MDA) certification event for a large dairy farm in Isanti County. He also met with Isanti SWCD staff to discuss

and open house event for the MAWQCP, the event will take place in December. He will be doing more program outreach in

the coming months in both Mille Lacs and Isanti Counties.

Project Development

- Mr. Field has been working on creating a mailing list for all the landowners that graze cattle in Mille

Lacs County. This list will be used in targeting outreach in the future. Mr. Field is continuing to work with a landowner

deemed out of compliance with Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) feedlot rules. He spoke to the landowner

about putting up gutters on his building to reroute clean water away from his manure pile and installing an automatic

watering system to prevent his tanks from over flowing. Mr. Field will be working with another landowner in November to

certify his fencing project.

Rental Equipment - The interseeders were not rented during the month of October, but are expected to be used in

November for some dormant seeding of pastures. Mr. Field moved the tree planter into storage.

NRCS Coordination

- Mr. Field has been assisting the NRCS with their weekly crop reporting as well as assisting with a seeding plan for a cattle operation looking to increase forage in a pasture.

Administration & Financial

Records Management, Records Retention Schedule, Policies - No Activity

Serving Mille Lacs County Since 1954

An Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer Page | 3 Financial, Budget, Grant Tracking, Reporting, Etc. - Ms. Kuchenbaker is working on the 2019 templates for grant tracking, timesheets, and financial records. Ms. Shaw continues to meet regularly with County Administrator Pat Oman to discuss budget constraints and financial opportunities for the SWCD.

Water Management Planning

SWCD Comprehensive Plan = Mille Lacs County Comprehensive Local Water Management Plan (CLWMP) Update

Ms. Shaw presented the Mille Lacs County Comprehensive Local Water Plan to the BWSR Board Regional Committee

October 11 in St. Paul. The Benton SWCD also presented the Benton county plan. The committee approved both plan be

forwarded to the full BWSR Board which approved the plan at their meeting October 24 th . BWSR board conservationist

Jason Weinerman reported he received a call from one of the regional committee members saying that both Mille Lacs and

Benton did a great job on the water plan presentations.

Identify an SWCD Board process for setting goals and achieving outcomes - Ms. Shaw continues to meet monthly with all

staff both as a team and individually, as well as with board supervisors one on one when they are available. Over the course

of a whole year now the district has taken steps to incorporate civic standards deep into the fabric of how the SWCD works

with the public to organize more sustainable partnerships between government and community. Staff consensus is that

what we have learned in practice is effective and efficient and staff recommend continued use of civic standards to meet

SWCD goals.

One Watershed One Plan (1W1P)

The Steering Committee met October 23

rd for BWSR orientation to the scope and duties of comprehensive watershed planning. A sub -committee was formed to draft the work plan and memorandum of understanding for review by the

watershed partners. SWCDs and Counties should be discussing membership for the Policy Committee which may be

convened in a couple months.

General Conservation

Nitrate Clinics - Ms. Kuchenbaker attended the Mille Lacs OCC on October 18 at the Milaca High School. She tested 10

different wells for nitrates, all had low levels. She spoke with 50+ people about the importance of having their well water


Youth Education

Conservation Awareness Day Event - no new activity

Envirothon Event - No Activity

Education Program Enhancement

- Ms. Kuchenbaker and Mr. Hayes, Mille Lacs County Environmental Services, dug soils at Ms. Kuchenbaker"s residence on Friday, October 19 th . Ms. Kuchenbaker brought the soils up to Isle

School on Monday, October 22

nd , so the students could look at the different soils. On Wednesday, October 24 th Mr. Weinerman, BWSR, gave a wetland presentation to the students. Ms. Kuchenbaker and Mr. Hayes gave a guided tour of Father Hennepin on November 1 st . Follow up will be done with Mr. Mueller, teacher, to get his thoughts about the enhancement and next steps.

Rainfall Monitoring

- Monthly totals were submitted.

AgBMP Loan Program

- Ms. Gallice has been working with a landowner in Princeton Township to submit an Ag BMP Loan application to upgrade an existing septic system.

General Public Assistance

- The SWCD received an email from a landowner in Mille Lacs County looking for guidance on

what type of grass seed to plant for a grass airstrip. Ms. Shaw responded to the email and Ms. Kuchenbaker referred the

l andowner to a grass airstrip near Rochester.

Serving Mille Lacs County Since 1954

An Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer Page | 4

Professional Development/Training

Technical Training & Certification Committee

- no new activity

Ag Technical JAA - no new activity

MACDE - Ms. Gallice represented Area III at the Annual MACDE business meeting at BWSR Academy and hosted a social

networking event that was very well attended.

General Project Development

Fransen/USFWS Project Completion- completed

City of Milaca- no new activity

County Agricultural Inspector

Notices/Reporting/Training/Regional Meetings - Ms. Gallice has updated the Land Manager Weed Reports and has sent

them out to all Townships, Cities and public land managers. This information will be used to fill out a yearly MN Dept. of Ag

report. It will also be used to initiate conversations about local weed control with individual land managers.

Ms. Gallice reviewed 7 Utility permits.

Ms. Shaw worked with MLC to submit 2018 noxious weed control receipts for reimbursement under the FY18 grant. She

also coordinated with MLC to submit a FY19 application for $20,000 to do Palmer amaranth surveillance and outreach, as well as funding for county right-of-way noxious weed control work. Noxious Weed Monitoring & Recommendation to Local Weed Managers - no new activity

Biological Control

- no new activity

Local Land Manager Weed Meeting- no new activity

IRMV Plan Update- no new activity

Noxious Weed Management Effectiveness Assessment- no new activity

Pesticide Test Monitoring

- no new activity

Seed Sampling

- no new activity


Wetland Conservation Act (WCA) -Ms. Shaw participated in the monthly Technical Evaluation Panel meeting and site visits.

There are several outstanding

restoration orders waiting for landowner completion and several new violations that will need restoration orders written this winter.

Wetland Outreach - Ms. Shaw provides information about opportunities to do wetland restoration and banking when

working with citizens. This resulted in further interest on a particular parcel. Ms. Shaw worked with the citizen to

investigate to potential for successful restoration by reviewing historic aerial imagery and soils data.


Facebook - Ms. Kuchenbaker continues to post weekly. The topic in November will be a variety of SWCD topics.

Serving Mille Lacs County Since 1954

An Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer Page | 5


- Ms. Kuchenbaker continues to update the website monthly. She received 4 emails from citizens requesting to be

added to the tree mailing list and one email regarding what type of tree species and soil types. An email was received from

a landowner regarding what type of grass to plant for an airstrip. Year to date we have received 86 emails directly from the

website from landowners requesting information and 75 of them requested to be added to tree email list.

County Quarterly Newsletter - January's newsletter topic will be Living Snow Fence and a copy of the 2019 tree order form

will be incorporated into the article.

Snake River Watershed

Staff Representation at Meetings - Mr. Field and Ms. Shaw attended the monthly Snake River Meeting. One Watershed

One Plan (1W1P) was discussed in depth at the meeting. After the meeting, technical staff stayed to talk about the next

steps with 1W1P for the Snake River Watershed.


Drinking Water Supply Management Area Plan Review- no new activity

Observation Well Monitoring

- October well monitoring is complete. Well Sealing Projects -Ms. Gallice has received an inquiry about sealing a well in Milaca.

Ms. Gallice has continued to work with a landowner in the City of Foreston to seal a well that may have been previously

filled in using techniques that do not follow MN Dept. of Health regulations.

The next step was to have the landowner

arrange a site visit with the SWCD, The MN Department of Health and two licensed well contractors in order to discuss the

project site and determine cost-estimates and next steps. The landowner did schedule a meeting on site but neglected to

invite the SWCD. The landowner scheduled a date for the well to be sealed and then stopped in to the SWCD office to find

out how to collect his cost share to seal the well. The landowner was reminded that before any work was done there had to

be a Board approved cost-share application based on cost estimates from licensed well contractors and we had had neither

of those things. The land owner admitted that he had forgotten previous information he had been given on cost share

procedures due to being busy arranging the sale of the property. The landowner was given several options for moving

forward to seal the well using cost-share but has chosen to go ahead and seal the well on his own in order to meet

obligations for the scheduled sale date for the property.


Tree Program

- Ms. Kuchenbaker is still waiting on pricing from Wolcyn Tree Farm, when the pricing arrives she will pre-

order the trees. The Conservation Committee met in October to discuss the tree program.

Three people requested to be

added to the tree mailing via email from the website. A previous tree customer emailed regarding questions about what types of trees to plant at their new home site . Ms. Kuchenbaker gave her the list of trees that will be on the 2019 tree order form with some suggestions that might work well in wet/clay soil types. Fores try Committee/Area Forester- no new activity RIM

Signage- no new activity

Easement Inspection- no new activity



All parcels in the county are to be reviewed within a 3 year timeframe.

a. Mille Lacs County is split in 3 different areas (Attachment A). SWCD staff will review 1 of the 3 areas each

year on an alternating basis. i. Area

1: Kathio, East Isle, Isle Harbor, South Harbor, South Kathio, Bradbury, Onamia, and Lewis

townships. ii. Area 2: Dailey, Mudgett, Page, and Hayland townships. iii. Area 3: Milaca, Borgholm, Milo, Bogus Brook, Greenbush, and Princeton townships.


Random spot checks will be done in addition to the tracking of all parcels within a 3 year span. These checks may be

conducted via aerial photo review or on-site review depending on availability of updated aerial photos and the

practice that is being checked/access to farms. A combination of both aerial and on-site review may also be used.

a. The SWCD will conduct 25-50 parcels on a random spot check each year outside of the scheduled area.

b. Additionally, the SWCD will review parcels of emphasis more frequently.

Previously non-compliant

Alternative Practice Plans

Cost-share funded projects (year 1,3,9 of contracts)

Parcels of further emphasis (potential violators)


When a complaint is received, the SWCD will review the parcel for compliance using aerial imagery or on-site

inspection. If the parcel is deemed non-compliant, SWCD staff will inform the landowner and assist them to bring the parcel into compliance. If the landowner refuses to work with SWCD staff, the SWCD will notify the proper enforcement agency as required by MN Statue 103F.48. Mille Lacs SWCD MONITORING PLAN FOR BUFFER COMPLIANCE TRACKING

Attachment A

Support a Snake River Major Watershed

One Watershed, One Plan Implementation Framework Project

Resolution #2018

-08 WHEREAS, Integrated comprehensive watershed planning is a benefit for the water resources of the

Snake River

Watershed; and

WHEREAS, the Minnesota Board of Soil and Water Resources has developed policies for coordination and development of comprehensive watershed management plans, also known as One Watershed,

One Plan, consistent with

Minnesota Statutes, Chapter

103B.801, Comprehensive


Management Planning Program

; and WHEREAS, the counties, SWCDs, and WMOs within the Snake River Planning Boundary, as delineated in the attached One Watershed, One Plan Suggested Boundary Map (#15), have interest in developing a coordinated, major watershed-scale implementation framework for this area; and WHEREAS, the counties, SWCDs, and WMOs within the Snake River Planning Boundary, have a successful history of cooperation for resource protection and restoration via the recently completed

Snake River

Watershed Restoration and Protection Strategy; and WHEREAS, Participating in the One Watershed One Plan will provide funding for plan development and increase efficiency of disbursement of implementation funds though a plan-based disbursement process; and WHEREAS, Mille Lacs Soil & Water Conservation District has an interest in the concept of One

Watershed One Plan provided that it does not create an additional bureaucratic layer of water planning

and management; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Mille Lacs Soil & Water Conservation District welcomes the opportunity to collaborate with the counties, SWCDs, and WMOs within the Snake River Planning Boundary for major watershed-scale planning efforts; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mille Lacs Soil & Water Conservation District supports an application

to the Board of Water and Soil Resources for a planning grant to develop a coordinated, majorquotesdbs_dbs5.pdfusesText_9