[PDF] Philippe Morimont, Bernard Lambermont, Alexandre Ghuysen

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Philippe Morimont, Bernard Lambermont, Alexandre Ghuysen

Philippe Morimont,1 Bernard Lambermont,1 Alexandre Ghuysen,1 Paul Gerard,2 Philippe Kolh,1 Patrizio Lancellotti,3 Vincent Tchana-Sato,1 Thomas Desaive,1 and Vincent D’Orio1 1Hemodynamics Research Laboratory (HemoLiege), University Hospital of Liege, 2Statistics Institute, University of Liege,

appropriately documented style? Perhaps, all one can do in

Morimont concludes that the long debate over how to Christianize Congo art slowed an effective assimilation of it within Catholic practice because these always qualified opinions stemmed from a reluctance to acknowledge an indigenous civilization worthy of interest, therefore judging the inhabitants as children who needed their colonial tutor

POSTER PRESENTATION Open Access 0681 Effects of veno-venous

Cite this article as: Morimont et al : 0681 Effects of veno-venous co2 removal therapy on pulmonary circulation in an ARDS model Intensive Care Medicine Experimental 2014 2(Suppl 1):P45 Submit your manuscript to a journal and benefi t from: 7 Convenient online submission 7 Rigorous peer review 7 Immediate publication on acceptance

Clinical course and challenging management of early COVID-19

Elie Minga Lowampa1, Charlotte Ponte1, Isabelle Maquoi6, Philippe Morimont7, Melissa Van Den Bulck7, Marie Helene Delbouille4, Jean Olivier Defraigne1† and Patrizio Lancellotti2† Abstract Background: There are limited data on Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in solid organ transplant patients,

Open Access Comparison of functional residual capacity and

Bernard Lambermont1,2, Alexandre Ghuysen1,3, Nathalie Janssen1,3, Philippe Morimont1,2, Gary Hartstein3, Paul Gerard1,4 and Vincent D'Orio1,3 1Hemodynamic Research Center, HemoLiege, University of Liege, Belgium 2Medical Intensive Care Unit, Department of Medicine, University Hospital of Liege, Belgium


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