[PDF] agôn (competition on an artificially

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M an,

revision Last but far from least, Roger Caillois himself is to be commended for his assistance in elucidating obscure ref­ erences and suggesting equivalents for French games that are obsolete or that would otherwise be difficult for an American audience to comprehend MEYER BARASH Hofstra College Hempstead, New York May, 1961

Roger Caillois: The Definition of Play, The Classification of

Roger Caillois: The Definition of Play, The Classification of Games


earliest writings Caillois shows a kind of indifference toward what is human This feeling seems to have extended over the whole animal kingdom, with the exception of insects, which are very far removed an­ atomically and physiologically from our own species, and of creatures like the octopus, traditional objects of fear and horror

Caillois’s Man, Play, and Games An Appreciation and Evaluation

Caillois’s Man, Play, and Games An Appreciation and Evaluation • Thomas S Henricks This article explores the contributions of Roger Caillois to the study of human play The initial portion of the essay focuses on Caillois’s scholarly career as a response to the public events and intellectual movements of his time The author shows

agôn (competition on an artificially

Roger Caillois seeks to define the idea of play and its role in different types of games From his analysis, we see four types of games – competition (agôn), chance (alea), simulation (mimicry), and vertigo (ilinix) – each containing a higher degree of play, from paidia, to the lowest degree, ludus People need definitions

M an, - Creative Games

revision Last but far from least, Roger Caillois himself is to be commended for his assistance in elucidating obscure ref­ erences and suggesting equivalents for French games that are obsolete or that would otherwise be difficult for an American audience to comprehend MEYER BARASH Hofstra College Hempstead, New York May, 1961

Mimicry and Legendary Psychasthenia

ROGER CAILLOIS translated by JOHN SHEPLEY Prends garde: a jouer au fanto"me, on le devient From whatever side one approaches things, the ultimate problem turns out in the final analysis to be that of distinction: distinctions between the real and the imaginary, between waking and sleeping, between ignorance and knowl-


ample, Roger Caillors on animal mimicry " Caillois never participated in Doc- uments (which was before his time), but Krauss is right fo insist that Bataille's informe involved a "categorical, heterological [blur]," while for "Caillois it was perceptual, or rather a function of the axis between perception and representa-

Caillois Roger: Los juegos y el hombre Datos del autor y

Caillois Roger: Los juegos y el hombre Datos del autor y contexto de la obra: Escritor y sociólogo francés, nacido en Reims el 3 de marzo de 1913 y fallecido en París el 21 de diciembre de 1978 Se formó en Humanidades, y desde el inicio de sus estudios estuvo en contacto con el movimiento surrealista, (que después abandonó), e

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