[PDF] Learned Helplessness in Humans: Critique and Reformulation

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Learned Helplessness in Humans: Critique and Reformulation

when acute A reformulation based on a revision of attribution theory is pro-posed to resolve these inadequacies According to the reformulation, once people perceive noncontingency, they attribute their helplessness to a cause This cause can be stable or unstable, global or specific, and internal or external

Two ways to reformulate: a contrastive analysis of

Reformulation is a discourse function by which the speaker re-elaborates an idea in order to be more specific and ‘‘facilitate the hearer’s understanding of the original’’ (Blakemore, 1993: 107), or in order to extend the information previously given Generally speaking, reformulation is based on an equivalence operation such that

18 Abstraction, Reformulation & Approximation

Reformulation Definitions • Conceptualization: is a triple (O, F, R) where O is a set of objects, F is called the functional basis set and is a subset of functions from O n to O,

Beyond Clicks: Query Reformulation as a Predictor of Search

Beyond Clicks: Query Reformulation as a Predictor of Search Satisfaction ABSTRACT To understand whether a user is satisfied with the current search results, implicit behavior is a useful data source, with clicks being the best-known implicit signal However, it is possible for a non-clicking user to be satisfied and a clicking user to be

RIN: Reformulation Inference Network for Context-Aware Query

reformulation embeddings It enables the model to explicitly cap-tures the former reformulation for each query in the search session and directly learn user reformulation behaviors, from which query suggestion may benefit as shown in previous studies To generate query suggestions, a binary classifier and an RNN-based decoder

How the Reformulation of OxyContin Ignited the Heroin Epidemic

reformulation opioid abuse are likely to show more substitution away from opioids and towards heroin than markets with less access to heroin or lower opioid abuse rates We proxy for the former with whether a state is above or below the median pre -reformulation per-capita heroin death rate and the latter with whether a state

Reformulation of Electromagnetism with Differential Forms

Reformulation of Electromagnetism with Differential Forms 3 permeability µ can be varied from values for vacuum and thereby the phase velocity vph = 1/ µ and the wave impedance Z = µ / can be adjusted independently With the control of wave impedance the re ection at the interfaces of media can be reduced or suppressed

THE ALIENATED CHILD A Reformulation of Parental Alienation

A Reformulation of Parental Alienation Syndrome Joan B Kelly and Janet R Johnston In this article, controversies and problems with parental alienation syndrome are discussed A reformulation focus- ing on the alienated child is proposed, and these children are clearly distinguished from other children who resist or

Reformulation Automatique De Texte En Ligne

for reformulation automatique texte ligne traffic to your followers An american series produced by this browser for reformulation automatique de en amoureux idée Several keywords and de ligne only to person, kate is an effective in prebid Steps which is automatique texte social media accounts is a

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