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Bus de terrain - cours, examens

Choisir entre un bus de terrain et le câblage traditionnel Bus de terrain - Bienvenue 4 • – De mettre en œuvre un bus de terrain • Le mettre en place • Analyser et résoudre les problèmes de fonctionnement – D’intégrer un bus de terrain sur une carte électronique Structure du cours Thème Durée • Introduction 1 p

ESP : Principes et Technologie - cours, examens

1 ESP : Principes et Technologie Pierre Duysinx LTAS - Ingénierie des Véhicules Terrestres Université de Liège Année Académique 2009-2010 Plan de l’exposé


3 MODELE DYNAMIQUE DU VEHICULE EN VIRAGE x,u,p z,w,r y,v,q δ α f Velocity δ α f Velocity α α r r F yf F yr F yf T r T f r v u β V F yr F xr F xr F F xf xf L a b h M, J MODÈLE DU VÉHICULE:

SPEH HEV 2010 - cours-examensorg

inasmuch it can use engine and muscular propulsion Most of diesel locos are based on a diesel engine powering a generator and electric motors but they have no electric energy storage Bus and trolley bus equipped with a small diesel engine Large mine vehicle are using hydrostatic (hydraulic) transmission and propulsion system

POLYCOPIE Moteurs à Combustion Interne, Combustion et

facilement leur but Les cours sont enrichis par plusieurs exemples et une multitude d’exercices proposés lors des examens et contrôles accompagnés de corrections détaillées Le polycopié se compose de sept chapitres Le premier chapitre englobe des généralités sur les moteurs à combustion interne avec une

chapitre 1: les automates programmables industriels

Chapitre 1 [Les automates programmables industriels] Page 8 I0 2 On distingue également entre les contacts à ouverture qui sont fermés au repos et les contacts à fermeture qui sont ouverts au repos

Mock Examination 1 ENGLISH B1 - dsh-germanycom

Elements In this way you can see if you can do the tasks in the time given You will need the recorded material (Order No C62M-001C) to practise the sub-test Listening Comprehension The answers to the questions can be found on page 43 If you do the sub-test Writing, you should ask your teacher to mark it for you


UNIT 4 — EXERCICES DE RÉVISION (REVIEW) Note: These review exercises are NOT exactly the questions or formats that will be on the final, BUT this, along with the Communicative Goals (“Can-Do”) checklists — on autrefois under Goals — should give you a good general idea of what you should know and review


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Note: These review exercises are NOT exactly the questions or formats that will be on the final, BUT this, along with the Communicative Goals ("Can-Do") checklists - on autrefois.org under Goals - should give you a good general idea of what you should know and review. A) Qu'est-ce que vous faites ? What would be some logical things to do at the following places? Complete each sentence with the present tense of a logical verb (for example, from p. 134, 160, 164, or other verbs you know that would make sense). (Reminder how to conjugate -er verbs: p. 54)

Modèle : Au bureau, je travaille beaucoup.

Aux boîtes de nuit, nous ________________________________________________. Au restaurant, elle ________________________________________________. Au cinéma, mes parents ________________________________________________. À la bibilothèque, tu ________________________________________________. À la patinoire (skating rink), vous ________________________________________________. Chez moi, j(e) ________________________________________________. Chez mes parents, ma famille et moi, nous ________________________________________. B) Où ça ? Where do you think the following people go to do the things that are mentioned?

Complete the sentences with the right form of the verb aller (p. 142) and the right form of à + the

article (top of p. 143) or another logical place with a preposition (for example, bottom of p. 143) Modèle : Pour regarder de l'art, nous allons au musée. Pour nager, je ________________________________________________. Pour bavarder, nous ________________________________________________. Pour manger, mes amis ________________________________________________. Pour acheter des T-shirts, Céline ________________________________________________. Pour trouver des livres, vous ________________________________________________. Pour une opération médicale urgente, tu __________________________________________. Pour faire de l'exercice physique, Robert __________________________________________. C) Mes plans pour cette semaine. What are you and your friends and family going to do this week? What are you not going to do? For each day, write one activity. • Try to use the futur proche (aller + infinitive, explained middle of page 142) since you're talking about the future. • Days of the week and other time expressions: p. 64-65, 76-77, 88 • Try to talk about a variety of people. Examples: je, ma famille, mes amis, mon frère et moi, nous, etc. Modèle : Aujourd'hui (lundi), je vais étudier pour un examen. Jeudi après-midi, mon père va préparer le dîner. (etc.)

1) ___________________________________________________________.

2) ___________________________________________________________.

3) ___________________________________________________________.

4) ___________________________________________________________.

5) ___________________________________________________________.

6) ___________________________________________________________.

7) ___________________________________________________________.

D) Réponses. Give a logical answer to the following questions. (Question words, p. 146)

1) Vous étudiez quoi ce semestre ?

2) Quand est-ce que vous aimez manger ?

3) Quel restaurant préférez-vous ?

4) Vous parlez souvent avec qui ?

5) Vous aimez quel cours ? Pourquoi est-ce que vous aimez ce (this/that) cours ?

6) À quelle heure est-ce que vos classes commencent en général ?

7) Votre famille et vous, vous avez combien de télévisions ?

8) Qu'est-ce que vous aimez manger ?

E) Questions. Now, it's your turn to ask questions. What are some information questions that you could ask the following people? (Question words, p. 146) • You can use whatever type of questions you like: intonation, est-ce qu(e), inversion, etc. • Be careful to use the right pronouns and forms of the verb (tu versus vous, etc.)

1) Votre prof: _______________________________________________________________?

2) Vos amis: ______________________________________________________________?

3) Votre patron (boss): ________________________________________________________?

4) Un membre de votre famille: _________________________________________________?

5) Un(e) camarade de classe: __________________________________________________?

6) _____________________: __________________________________________________?

(another person/group of people) F) Vous désirez ? Look at one of the menus in the book (p. 154, 158, 163, 165, 172) and imagine you and a friend are there ordering. Each of you should order 1-2 things from the same menu.

1) Say what you would tell the server to order the food(s)/drink(s) you're ordering

2) Calculate & put the totals in numerals (for example, 7,50 euros) AND words (sept euros cinquante)

Your ordre:_________________________________________________________ Your friend's order:_________________________________________________________ Total for your order: _________________________________________________________ Total for your friend's order:_________________________________________________________ G) La nourriture et les boissons. What foods (aliments) and drinks (boissons) do you eat and drink in general? Write 4-5 sentences where you talk about • 2-3 foods you eat often• 2-3 drinks you have often • 1-2 foods you DON'T have often• 1-2 drinks you DON'T have often • Useful verbs: boire, manger, prendre

• Useful structures: indefinite articles (un, une, des) or partitive (du, de la, de l', des) - all of these are

de / d' in the negative •Quantity expressions (beaucoup d(e), une tasse d(e), etc.) p. 152-3, p. 176 give some foods and drinks;

• You can talk just about yourself, or about what your friends, family, etc. eat or drink as well.

H) Vos activités. Pick a logical verb for each sentence. Put it in the correct form based on the subject. Note: the prepositions for this practice exercise are already provided for you in the correct form. Reminder for how to do -ir verbs in the present: p. 164 choisirfinirgrandir grossirréfléchir (à)réussir (à) Si vous mangez beaucoup, vous __________________________________. Je _________________________________ mes devoirs vers 11h du soir, en général.

Jennifer étudie beaucoup. En général, elle ________________________________ à ses examens.

Est-ce que tu _____________________________________ aux vacances déjà ? Mes cousins sont petits maintenant, mais ils __________________________________ rapidement ! Nous __________________________________ nos classes pour le semestre prochain. I) Et vous? Now, write 3-4 sentences about what you, your friends and your family are doing or often do, using the same verbs from section G other -ir verbs (p. 164). Modèles : Ma fille Claire n'obéit pas toujours, mais c'est normal pour son âge. En général, je grossis pendant le semestre mais je maigris pendant les vacances. Etc. J) Apprendre, comprendre, prendre. What can you say about the following things? Pick one of the verbs and write a complete sentence for each to talk about you, classmates, family, or other people. (Reminder for the conjugation of verbs like prendre, p. 160)

Please use

• the present tense • the affirmative (positive/regular sentence) or negative (with ne...pas)

• a variety of subjects to talk about or to various people (je, tu, il/elle, nous, vous, ils/elles)

le français _____________________________________________________________________. la politique _____________________________________________________________________. le bus _____________________________________________________________________. l'espagnol _____________________________________________________________________. les maths _____________________________________________________________________. l'anglais _____________________________________________________________________. __________________ ____________________________________________________________. (another item)

K) Culture. You should be able to talk about a variety of cultural items that we've discussed in class

and/or that you've learned in the book and practiced on the Supersite. Here are some examples of things you should be able to talk about. You will have to answer several questions but will have a choice of what item(s) you reply to.

Cultural information

p. 1341) What are several popular pastimes for young French people? How popular are they?

p. 1352) What are 2 places in Francophone regions where you can eat or hang out? Give 1-2 other facts on each.

3) What's one famous French amusement park? Who/what is it named for? What can you do there?

4) What's le verlan? What are some examples you can give, from the book or class?

p. 1585) What's the name of the first café in France? Where/when did it open? p. 158 6) What are 2 typical things people do (or generally don't do) at a café in France? p. 159 6) What are 2 typical things people do (or generally don't do) at a café in North Africa?

7) What are 2 specialties from the Francophone world? What's in them? Would you like to try them?

p. 1708) Give 2 facts about La Normandie and 2 facts about La Bretagne (population, industry, famous people...)

9) What is a popular food for each of those regions? Explain briefly what it is and/or how it looks like.

10) What famous painter used to live in Giverny? What are some things he or Giverny are famous for?

11) Where can you find menhirs and dolmens in Bretagne? Briefly explain what each of these is.

12) What are 2 things that you can do or see in Deauville? Which region is it located in?

French-language / authentic documents

WatchingRoman-photo p. 138, 156; Le Zapping p. 151. We watched and discussed the first video in class, but did not spend as much time on videos as usual. You will still have the option to talk about these (what you learned or understood) if you'd like.

ListeningYou did Supersite practice for listening for the gist (trying to understand generally what's

being said based on snipets of information you understand) related to p. 169. ReadingWe did a role-play using an authentic menu in class (autrefois.org Archives Fri, Nov. 18) you saw another authentic menu that day (with the joke about politeness in ordering). You did Supersite exercises related to the Cybercafé (p. 173) & saw other simulated menus (p. 154, 158, 163, 165, 172) WritingYou wrote a letter for Unit 3, and Unit 4's graded activity was the Oral Activity (conversation), so we did not do exercises related to writing a note/letter. You are welcome to (re)read p. 174-175 for another strategy to help with writing as an option.quotesdbs_dbs4.pdfusesText_8