[PDF] Must • Have to • Mustnt • Dont Have to

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must, mustnt exercises - yoquieroaprobar

must, mustn’t 1 Rules in our school What must you do and what mustn’t you do in our school? Choose must or mustn’t: Example: You must obey your teacher a You listen to the teachers b You eat inside the class c You bring your mobile telephone to the school d You ask for permission to go to the toilet e


Mustn’t (Must not) Don’t Have To Use mustn’t when you mean that it is important NOT to do something Examples: (1) “You mustn’t forget about the test ” (2) “You mustn’t drive too fast ” Use don’t have to to say that you can do something if you want to – but it is NOT necessary to do it You can choose Examples: (1) “You

B1 Modal Verbs: MUST , MUSTN T and NEEDN T MOD002

2 You mustn’t speak with a full mouth that’s very impolite 3 The doctor said I mustn’t smoke so much 4 In England you must drive on the left side of the road but in other European countries you mustn’t 5 Students mustn’t be late for school 6 Small children mustn’t play with matches 7 You needn’t drive so fast We have

Obligations and prohibitions Use MUST or MUSTNT and a verb

Can 7 Must 8 Must 9 Must 10 can D 1 Don’t have to 2 Mustn’t 3 Must 4 Doesn’t have to 5 Mustn’t 6 has to 7 Mustn’t 8 Don’t have to 9 Mustn’t 10 Mustn’t E 1 Need to 2 Needn’t 3 Should 4 Needn’t 5 Needn’t 6 Need to 7 Need 8 Should 9 need to 10 Needn’t 11 Needn’t 12 Should 13 Need to F 1

Fill in the gaps with by using an appropriate modal verb: CAN

1 needn’t 2 must 3 must 4 can 5 couldn’t 6 can’t 7 needn’t 8 mustn’t 9 didn’t need to 10 could 11 can 12 must or needs to 13 could / can’t 14 must 15 mustn’t 16 couldn’t / can’t 17 must 18 can 19 must 20 didn’t need to 21 must 22 could 23 needn’t 24 can’t 25 didn’t need to 26 mustn’t 27

Modal Verbs: CAN, COULD, MUST and Negative Forms - PDF

You mustn’t smoke so much 18 I’m very tired today I can’t clean my room now, but I’ll do it tomorrow 19 I couldn’t eat lasagne when I was a child, but I like it today 20 We must go to the bank today We haven’t got any money left 21 You can’t sleep in that room It’s full of boxes and other stuff 22 I can’t/can swim very

Modal Verbs

Must y mustn’t puede usarse también para dar consejos Modal Verb Exercises I Fill in the blanks in each sentence using a modal verb,such as can, could, would,

Must • Have to • Mustnt • Dont Have to

Mustn't è usato per esprimere qualcosa che è proibito La regola dice che si usa quando l'obbligo viene da chi parla, così è simile a Should, ma più forte Invece Can't o Not be allowed to, dovrebbero essere usato quando qualcosa è contro le regole Mustn't funziona solo nella forma presente esempi: "Tom, you mustn't play with fire "

M006 - Modal Verbs - Online Grammar and Vocabulary Exercises

12 “Children, you MUSTN’T cross the street if the lights are red ” 13 You SHOULDN’T sit so near the TV It’s bad for your eyes 14 I’m sorry but I CAN’T give you a lift because my car is broken 15 I CAN’T stop and talk to you now I have to get to the library 16 You really MUST/SHOULD go to the Louvre if you’re in

M002 - Modal Verbs - Online Grammar and Vocabulary Exercises

He CAN’T have a job 13 When I was in school I COULD do a hand stand, but now I’m too old I CAN’T do one any more 14 My mother keeps telling me that we MUST wash our hands before we sit down at the dinner table 15 You MUSTN’T forget to turn off the lights when you go to bed 16 When I was a child I COULDN’T understand adults

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Must • Have to • Mustn't • Don't Have to • Must e Have to nelle forme affermative e interrogative sono usati per parlare di obblighi e responsabilità. A volte possono essere usati in modo intercambiabile, ma la regola generale che li contraddistigue è:

Must è usato per parlare di

obblighi personali in modo simile a should, ma più forte. Si usa quando la decisione di fare qualcosa è presa da chi parla o l'ordine è impartito da chi parla.

Must è usato in situazioni

quotidiane quando qualcosa di importante succede e richiede un'azione immediata. Must funziona solo nella forma presente. esempi: "I must do the shopping now." "You must see this film!" "You must read this book by the end of the week." "Must you leave so early?" Have to è usato per parlare di obblighi o responsabilità imposti dall'esterno, che non dipende da chi parla - è neccessario. H a v e to

è flessibile e fuziona nel presente

(have to), il passato (had to), il futuro (will have to) e il condizionale (would have to) esempi: "I have to file reports every week." "I had to work in Rome this week" "Do you have to go to the meeting tomorrow?" "Did you have to work yesterday?" "Will you have to work tomorrow if you don't finish the report today?" • Don't have to e Mustn't hanno invece significati molto diversi. Don't have to è usato per esprimere qualcosa che non è neccessario. E' possibile farlo se è desiderato, ma non è un obbligo. Don't have to è flessibile come have to. esempi: "I don't have to wake up early on sundays." "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." "We didn't have to do anything in particular yesterday; we were allowed to do as we pleased." "If you help me now I won't have to do it tomorrow."

Mustn't è usato per esprimere qualcosa che è proibito. La regola dice che si usa quando l'obbligo viene da chi parla, così è simile a Should, ma più forte. Invece Can't

o Not be allowed to, dovrebbero essere usato quando qualcosa è contro le regole. Mustn't funziona solo nella forma presente. esempi: "Tom, you mustn't play with fire." "The children mustn't play in the street." "You mustn't speak when the teacher is speaking." "You mustn't touch that wire - it's dangerous!" "You mustn't drive more than 50 kph in this zone." = "You can't drive... / you are not allowed to drive..."

Must / Have To - Mustn't / Not Have To Quiz

Use either 'must','have to', 'mustn't or 'not have to' for the following questions. Once you've completed the quiz, scroll down to check you answers.

1. Jack _____(go) home early last night.

2. _____ (she/commute) to work?

3. Children _____(play) with cleaning liquids.

4. We _____(get) going it's already midnight!

5. When _____(you/arrive) for work last week?

6. You _____(do) the cleaning up this morning, I will!

7. They _____(visit) the doctor yesterday, as they were not feeling well.


1. You _____________________________ bring a large suitcase on board.

2. You _____________________________ smoke during takeoff and landing

3. You _____________________________ stay in your seat during the whole flight.

4. You _____________________________ listen to your personal stereo during

takeoff and landing.

5. You _____________________________ watch the in-flight movie.

6. You _____________________________ buy duty-free goods.

7. You _____________________________ unfasten your seat belt during takeoff and


8. You _____________________________ bring your own food.


1) Whatever you do, you __________________ touch that switch.It's very dangerous.

2) I don't want anyone to know ; you __________________ tell anyone.

3) He __________________ wear a suit to work but he usually does.

4) I can stay in bed tomorrow morning because I __________________ go to work.

5) There's a lift in the building, so she __________________ climb the stairs.

6) You __________________ forget what I told you. It's very important.

7) Sue __________________ get up early. She gets up early because she wants to.

8) Don't make so much noise. We __________________ wake the baby.

9) I __________________ eat too much. I'm supposed to be on a diet.

10) You __________________ be a good player to enjoy a game of tennis.



31.1Completethe sentenceswith havetoIhasto'hadto.

Billstartswork at5a.m..u..W:......Y.:P.atfour.(heIgetup)

2'Ibrokemy armlastweek,"";__.,M....tg9!?.....tohospital?'(youfgo)

3There was alot of noise fromthestreet.mm_thewindow.


4 Karen can'tstayforthewholemeeting.........early.(shefleave)


m_..•todrive inyourcountry?(youIbe) 6Ido n'thave muchtime......... (IIhurry)

7How isPaul enjoyinghisnewjob?alot?(he

