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14 The Cuban Missile Crisis

arms in Cuba included surface-to-air missiles, coastal defence Sopka cruise missiles, patrol boats armed with anti-ship missiles, and more than 5000 Soviet technicians and military personnel The first Soviet nuclear ballistic missiles reached Cuban soil on 8 September The medium

Origins of the Cuban Missile Crisis - United States Navy

missiles in Cuba, the island would have been in the position of a weak man threatened by a strong man ” 70 The missiles in question, however, were strategic offensive weapons, not defensive ones, which would have afforded Cuba better protection

The Cuban Missile Crisis

The number of missiles – the kind of missiles – bombers – SAM to defend missile silos, 10000 Soviet personnel indicate what – a probe - a test of US intentions to provoke a crisis – help Cuba defend herself - a bargaining counter to get the Jupiter missiles out of Turkey Not consistent with hypothesis 1, 2, 3, 4


the discovery of Soviet intermediate-range missiles in Pinar del Rio Province, the region of Cuba closest to the United States, tell us that the shooting down of another U-2, Major Rudolf Anderson's, presented the moment of utmost peril That was October 27, the day that came to be known as "Black Satur-

Operations - US Department of Defense

Aug 23, 2012 · carrying additional missiles were fast approaching the island and the quarantine cordonofthe U S Fleet Somethinghad to be done Robert Kennedy proposed that the President ignore Khrushchev's last message and instead answer the message offering to exchange the removal of the missiles with an American promise not to invade Cuba After a heated


1962 : LA CRISE DES FUSÉES DE CUBA Daily Mail, octobre 1962 Le 22 octobre 1962, Kennedy s'adresse à la nation américaine « Au cours de la semaine dernière, des preuves indubitables ont établi qu'une série de bases de lancement de missiles offensifs était maintenant en préparation dans cette île captive

Une crise, Cuba - LeWebPédagogique

Document-La mise en place d’un blocus de Cuba « Au cours de la dernière semaine, des preuves indubitables ont établi qu’une série de bases de lancement de missiles offensifs étaient en préparation dans cette île captive [ ] J’ai donné des instructions pour que soient prises les mesures initiales suivantes:

Crise de Cuba (1962) - BnF

missiles de Cuba (2001) , Robert F Kennedy (1925-1968), Paris : le Grand livre du mois , 2001 13 jours, la crise des missiles de Cuba (2001) , Robert F Kennedy (1925-1968), Paris : Grasset , 2001 British archives on the Cuban missile crisis, 1962 (2001) , Jane Priestland, London : Archival publication international , 2001 Maximum danger (2001

[PDF] La crise des missiles de Cuba:

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