[PDF] Genetic enhancement of pearl millet and sorghum for the semi

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Sorghum & Millet Compact Food security for the Sahel

The Sorghum & Millet compact is one of the nine value chains of the African Development Bank (AfDB)-funded Technologies for African Agricultural Transformation (TAAT) initiative TAAT includes sorghum & millet, maize, cassava, rice, beans, wheat, Orange Fleshed Sweet Potato (OFSP), aquaculture and livestock and six Enabler

Genetic enhancement of pearl millet and sorghum for the semi

(HYV) sont passées de 6 pour le millet pearl et 3 pour le sorgho (en 1968–70) à 53 pour le millet pearl et 54 pour le sorgho (en 1992–94) Pendant cette même période, la productivité des deux cultures s’est accrue de 59 , une augmentation attribuable à la fois à l’amélioration génétique et aux pratiques culturales


African cereal beers (made from sorghum, millet, maize, etc ) have ancient origins They may have originated in Egypt or Mesopotamia, where beers were being produced by at least 3,500 BC, and probably much earlier (Briggs et al , 1981) The first mentions of sorghum or millet beer come from the Arab

The Use of Lactic Acid Bacteria Starter Cultures during the

LAB starter cultures during cereal dough fermentation TRADITIONAL FERMENTED CEREAL-BASED FOODS IN WEST AFRICA Traditional fermented foods prepared from millet, sorghum or maize are consumed in many West African countries The majority of these products are consumed as beverages, or for breakfast or as snack foods, while a few are

Production of Traditional Sorghum Beer “Ikigage” Using

Jul 24, 2013 · The use of starter cultures was proposed like a suitable approach to improving the African traditional fer-mented food [11] [12] The use of suitable starter improves the fermentation process, facilitates the control over the initial phase of fermentation and the predictability of derivatives products [12] Similarly, the hygienic [3]

Physical and nutritive properties of fermented cereal foods

maize, sorghum, millet, rice, or wheat In terms of texture, the fermented cereal foods are either liquid (porridge) or stiff gels (solid) The cereal porridges include ogi, mahewu and mawe, which are prepared from maize, millet, or sorghum The cereal gels are agidi, kenkey, bogobe, banku, injera and kisra (Table1)

Les femmes et la biodiversité végétale en Afrique C

é pr c kikuyu, et était trés utilisée dans les développés pour constituer des crmne iiaors réserves et des pools de variétés de cérémonies divinatoires cultures vivrières en voie de La culture des haricots au Kenya disparition Les savoirs locaux en est pratiquée de manière

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