[PDF] áNormal EEG: premature to 19 years of age

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ACNS Standardized EEG Terminology and Categorization for the

of normal wakefulness Preterm Tracé discontinu describes the normal discontinuous tracing encountered in healthy preterm babies (Figures 1, 2a) This EEG pattern is characterized by bursts of high voltage (50-300 µV pp) activity that are regularly interrupted by low voltage

American Clinical Neurophysiology Society Standardized EEG

normal wakefulness Preterm Tracé discontinu describes the normal discontinuous tracing encountered in healthy preterm babies (Figs 1, 2A) This EEG pattern is characterized by bursts of high voltage (50–300 mVpp) activity that are regularly interrupted by low voltage interburst periods (,25 mV pp) (Clancy and Wusthoff, 2011) The duration

áNormal EEG: premature to 19 years of age

• Tracé discontinu (CA ~30-35 wk) • Tracé alternant (CA ~36-44 wk) • With maturation: Discontinuity relates to quiet sleep Continuity dominates active sleep and wakefulness Normal Discontinuity


c) Le tracé E C G normal L’onde P, la première, est une onde ascendante ; elle représente la dépolarisation auriculaire, qui se propage du nœud sinusal à travers le myocarde des deux oreillettes L’onde P dure environ 0,08 seconde, c’est-à-dire qu’elle est large de 2 mm sur le papier à E C G , en cas d’enregistrement

Electrocardiogramme normal

La lecture de l’électrocardiogramme, doit être méthodique Le tracé s’inscrit sur une bande de papier quadrillé dont l’abscisse est le facteur temps et l’ordonnée le voltage (figure 13) Figure 13: Aspect d’un ECG normal Un petit carreau en abscisse correspond à 4/100 (0 04) de seconde, un 1 cm en ordonnée


Tracé neurogène (pauvre et accéléré) Stimulo-détection mesurer la conduction nerveuse périphérique (motrice et sensitive) 1-Electromyogramme EMG 1-Electromyogramme EMG *Tracé normal *Tracé neurogéne *Tracé myogène 3/6 •


NORMAL SLEEP CONTROL OF BREATHING RESPIRATORY MUSCLE CONTRACTILITY LUNG MECHANICS ↓Cortical Inputs ↓Respiratory Center Sensitivity (Chemoreceptor & Mechanoreceptor) Hypotonia of Intercostal Muscles (REM sleep) Cephalad Displacement of the Diaphragm: ↓Ribcage Expansion ↑Airflow Resistance (upper airway & bronchi) ↓FRC ↓Minute Ventilation

ROTEM® Basic Interpretation Guide

ROTEM® Basic Interpretation Guide Parameter: Clotting Time CT - Clotting Time (seconds) – The time from the start of the test until first significant levels of a clot are detected

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Normal EEG:

premature to 19 years of age

Dr.Montri Saengpattrachai

June 21

st -22 nd , 2010

Neonatal EEG

electrode placement for neonates basic ingredients of neonatal EEG normal EEG in preterm to term neonates

Infant & childhood EEG

normal EEG in infants normal EEG in children 2 • The only clinical information required before

EEG analysis is begun ispatient's age.

• In the term newborn, age should be specified in days since delivery (chronological age) • In preterm newborn, age should be corrected to the conceptional age (CA).

Electrode placement:


10-20 system,

modified for neonates

Electrode placement:

infants and adults

10-20 system


Neonatal EEGNeonatal EEG

1) Continuity & Discontinuity

2) Synchrony

3) Developmental landmarks

eg. delta brushes, frontal sharp transient etc.

4) Sleep-wake state

5) Reactivity to stimuli

In preterm, age should be corrected to "conceptional age (CA)".

Measurements of Discontinuity


Definitions of Behavioral State


Awake = eyes open

Asleep = eyes closed

Active sleep = REM

Quiet sleep = NREM


Lethargy/Coma = abnormal, eye closed

Undetermined = eyes fused or baby paralyzed

Physiologic measurement of Awake/Sleep state

Physiological Physiological Awake Awake Active Active QuiteQuite


Measure sleep sleep sleepsleep

EMG (chin) phasic & tonic phasic tonic

Respiration irregular irregular regular

Eye movements random or pursuits REM absent

Body movements facial, limbs sucking & none

& body irregular limb movement 5

Active sleep Active sleep (40 wk CA)

Quite sleep Quite sleep (40 wk CA)


1. Tracé discontinu

2. Asynchronous background activity

3. Delta brushes & Monorhythmic occipital delta

4. EEG appears the same while awake or sleep

5. No change in EEG with stimulation

Neonatal EEGNeonatal EEG

< 29 wk CA< 29 wk CA • Tracé discontinu - discontinuous pattern - interburst interval (IBI) amplitude < 25 V - maximal IBI 30-35 seconds - present during all states < 29 wk CA< 29 wk CA 7

Asynchronous background + Tracé discontinu

• Delta brushes - moderate to high amplitude 0.3-1.5 Hz delta waves with superimposed burst of fast activity (8-12 Hz, and 18-22 Hz) -1 st appear at 26 wk CA and located over central region; prominent from 29-38 wk CA, extend to temporal & occipital distributionquotesdbs_dbs3.pdfusesText_6