[PDF] CV CNFCPP - Made in Tunisia

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CV CNFCPP - Made in Tunisia

CV CNFCPP Author: ramzi omri Subject: CV Created Date: 11/6/2014 11:43:23 AM

Knowledge and Skills in the MENA Region Tunisia

CNFCPP, cf Chapter I & 1 2 1 below), and established the basis for a national vocational training system which aimed to fulfill an economic function through employment, and to create, as a result, a rupture from its role as an outlet for academic failure The period between 1993 and 1995 was utilized to conceive and formulate the reform

inVesTor s ’ Guide - INVEST in TUNISIA

and capital gains made by non-resident investors are not taxable and their repatriation is not subject to any restrictions However, with regard to investments in non-export activities, authorization of the Central Bank of Tunisia (BCT) is required • Complete exemption by the State of employer contributions for

World Bank Document

REPUBLIC OF TUNISIA SECOND TRAINING AND EMPLOYMENT PROJECT STAFF APPRAISAL REPORT I BACKGROUND 1 1 Since the adoption of stabilization and structural adjustment reforms in 1986, Tunisia's economic achievements are significant GDP per capita grew at an annual rate of 2 4 during the 1987-1994 period, compared to 1 2 during 1981-86

World Bank Document

* Firms have made little investnent to enter export markets (product quality, marketing, etc ) * Firms, especially small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the onshore sector, have very limited export experience; they need assistance with information on potential markets and appropriate market segments, quality and price standards in

Reforming Technical and Vocational Education and Training in

Tunisia has built up one of the egions most ad Àanced technical and vocational education and training (TVET) systems over recent decades, drawing from international best practices including the dual sstem [ model chaacteized b emplo Çe patneships and substantial on-the-job training


Torino Process: Tunisia- 3 1 Self-assessment developing in Tunisia In 2010, Tunisia signed up to the Torino process, which is “a participatory review of progress in vocational education and training policy carried out every two years by all ETF partner countries with the support of the ETF”

State of SKILLS

the country has made important progress incompleting the transition to an open and democratic system of governance, after economic and social injustices triggered the revolution of 2011 Despite this, Tunisia’s labour market continues to be characterized by slow job creation As a result, it fails to absorb

Annual Technical Cooperation Progress Report 2019

Figure 25 Progress against targets as of Dec 2019 - Tunisia 42 Figure 26 Percentage of SMEs in Vietnam that report improvements after SCORE Training 2019 43 Figure 27 Progress against targets as of Dec 2019 - Viet Nam 44 Annual Technical Cooperation Progress Report iv Table of Figures

Adult Learning Strategies in an Onsite Training Program in

Adult Learning Strategies in an Onsite Training Program in Tunisia Zeineb Ayachi Higher Institute of Languages of Jendouba Tunisia ABSTRACT The new market place has dictated on adults the use of English as it is the first international language used in business However, learning a foreign language becomes more and more

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Version: 01




Nom et prénom :"CHEMINGUI Mouldi .Nationalité :"Tunisienne

Date et lieu de naissance : "23/08/1961

N°CIN/Passeport : 0 1 7 5 5 2 5 0

Domaine de compétence:

Etudes et formations complémentaires ITIL :

Nature des études et des

formations complémentaire Etablissement Période



obtenu/année ITIL 2011 Life Cycle Service Design FCT-Solutions Mai 2014 ITIL 2011 Service Design ITIL 2011 Life Cycle Service Strategy FCT-Solutions Avril 2014 ITIL 2011 Service Strategy

ITIL EXPERT Certified in IT Service

Management FCT-Solutions Décembre 2013 ITIL EXPERT Certificate in ITSM ITIL 2011 MALC Managing across Life Cycle FCT-Solutions Décembre 2013 ITIL 2011 MALC

ITIL 2011 PPO Planning Protection and

Optimization Itil training zone Mars 2013 ITIL 2011 Intermediate PPO

Mars 2012.

ITIL SOA service Offering and Agreements FCT-Solutions 27-6 au 1-7 2011 ITIL V3 Intermediate SOA

Javier 2012.

ITIL Foundation V3 High tech SQL 18 au 21 Mai 2009 ITIL V3 Foundation H7HI 3UMŃPLRQQHU ³6XSSRUP MQG 5HVPRUH´ Advancia 23 au 27-6 2008 ITIL IPSR

Employeur Actuel : I.T.S.M Tunisie

Public Privé .ITIL Expert Certified in IT Service Management

Gestion de projet Informatique



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Version: 01




Advancia 29 Oct au 2 Nov


ITIL Foundation V2 SMS 22 au 24 Nov. 2006 ITIL V2 Foundation

Formations en techniques de Formation :

Nature des études et des

formations complémentaire Etablissement Période



obtenu/année Formation des formateurs Formaxion 4-5-6 Avril 2012 .

Nature des études et des

formations complémentaire Etablissement Période



obtenu/année HP Universal CMDB Essentails Tun Elec. Mars ±Avril 2013

TOGAF, ITIL , EtoM SMART FUTURE 4-5-6 Mai 2011 -

HP Service Manager 7 essentials HP 28-6 au 2-7 2010 - Fondamentaux Management de Projet Axelerae France 25-27 Janv. 2010 - Ms-Visio 2003 Utilisateur Advancia 22-23 oct. 2009 - Approche Processus Conseil Plus 15-16 Déc.2008 - Microsoft Project 2002 Advancia 17 au 20 Mai 05 -

Formations en Management :

Nature des études et des

formations complémentaire Etablissement Période



obtenu/année Initiation PNL Al Hakim center 8-10 Oct.2010 Stage technicien

Animer groupe discussion

Team Consulting International 24-25 Déc. 2009 - Gestion des Conflits Ariane Management et RH 25 Mai 2007 Motiver son équipe Ariane Management et RH 16 Mai 2007


Réf: FORM. FINC.01

Version: 01



Donner du Feedback Ariane Management et RH 03 Mai 2007 Process Com Formateurs Internes Tunisiana 12-13 Mars 2007

Management " Leadership et

Coaching » Dale Carnegie 2-3 Février 2007

Management en situation (Théâtre

Difficultés et Pièges du manager dans

sa pratique quotidienne

Team Consulting International

17 septembre et 8

octobre 2004

Formalisation Pratiques Management


Mener un Entretien Annuel Evaluation

CF-CEGOS 03/12/2003

Animer, Motiver, Diriger



Expérience professionnelle:

ITSM Tunisie Gérant ±consultant - formateur Mars 2012 à ce jour

Tunisiana Chef de projet ITIL 2009-2012

Tunisiana Chef Service Exploitation DSI 2002-2008

Groupe Céramique ESSID Chef Service informatique 1999-2002 Différentes Sociétés Développement commerce Maintenance 1985-2002

2014 :

N° Domaine de formation Etablissement Période



tation obtenu/année

19 ITIL 2011 Foundation avec

préparation Examen Certification B.I.T (Inter Entreprise) 23 au 25 Sept 2014

18 ITIL 2011 Foundation avec

préparation Examen Certification Technical Training 28 au 30 Avril 2014

17 ITIL 2011 Foundation avec

préparation Examen Certification Tunisiana 22 au 24 Avril 2014

16 ITIL 2011 Foundation avec

préparation Examen Certification Tunisie Electronique 17 au 19 Avril 2014


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Version: 01



15 ITIL 2011 Foundation avec

préparation Examen Certification Tunisiana 14 au 16 Avril 2014

14 ITIL 2011 Foundation avec

préparation Examen Certification SMS 10 au 12 Avril 2014

13 ITIL 2011 Foundation avec

préparation Examen Certification CNI (Intra 24 au 27 Mars 2014

12 ITIL 2011 Foundation avec

préparation Examen Certification BIT (inter 10p) 3 au 5 Mars 2014

11 ITIL 2011 Foundation avec

préparation Examen Certification Tunisiana (10p) 3 au 5 Février 2014

2013 :

N° Domaine de formation Etablissement Période



tation obtenu/année

5 ITIL 2011 Foundation avec

préparation Examen Certification Formasoft (Inter 5p) 21 au 23 Jan 2013

6 ITIL 2011 Foundation Tunisiana (12p) 4 au 6 Février


7 ITIL 2011 Foundation avec

préparation Examen Certification Tunisiana (10p) 24 au 26 Juin 2013

8 ITIL 2011 Foundation Ministère Agriculture

Algérienne (8p) 6 au 9 oct 2013


ITIL 2011 Foundation avec

préparation Examen Certification Tunisiana (9p) 21 au 23 Octobre 2013

10 ITIL 2011 Foundation avec

préparation Examen Certification

Tunisiana (inter


11 au 13

Novembre 2013

2012 :

N° Domaine de formation Etablissement Période



tation obtenu/année

2 ITIL V3 Foundation avec préparation Examen Certification Oxia 14 au 17 Mai 2012

3 ITIL V3 Foundation et préparation Examen Certification Tunisiana 05 au 08 Juin 2012

4 ITIL V3 Foundation et préparation Examen Certification Tunisiana 26 au 30 Nov. 2012


Réf: FORM. FINC.01

Version: 01



2011 :

N° Domaine de formation Etablissement Période



tation obtenu/année

1 ITIL V3 Foundation avec préparation Examen Certification High tech SQL 27 au 29 Déc 2011


Réf: FORM. FINC.01

Version: 01



Etudes et consultations en formation:

Engagement : je soussigné, atteste que les informations fournies ci-dessus sont exactes. (PMNOL OH """""quotesdbs_dbs24.pdfusesText_30