[PDF] Complex karyotype in CLL - ericllorg

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I DEFINITION : Les 46 chromosomes des cellules somatiques humaines sont répartis en 23 paires De ces 23 paires, 22 sont identiques chez l’homme et la femme et sont appelées autosomes La paire restante comprend les chromosomes sexuels : gonosomes (XX chez la femme et XY chez l’homme)

Chromosome et caryotype

Chromosome et caryotype Définition et généralités L’étude du caryotype « classique » humain est l’étude des chromosomes à un stade maximum de

Le caryotype normal

Le caryotype normal 2 - Incubation 48 à 72 heures (temps nécessaire pour avoir assez de cellues en cours de division) - Blocage des divisions en métaphase (stade ou les chromosomes sont condensés au maximum) par la

Cytogenetics, chromosomal genetics

G-banded Human Karyotype Tjio & Levan 1956 Karyotype: The characterization of the chromosomal complement of an individual's cell, including number, form, and size of the chromosomes A photomicrograph of chromosomes arranged according to a standard classification

Complex karyotype in CLL - ericllorg

• Complex karyotype is a prognostic factor in CLL • The presence of ≥5abs rather than >3abs is associated with the worst clinical outcome • Genomic complexity is associated with worse clinical outcome even amongst cases harboring TP53mut

Study of chromosome structure, morphology, number andtypes

Karyotype and Idiogram A chromosome is a structure that occurs within cells and that contains the cell's genetic material That genetic material, which determines how an organism develops, is a molecule of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) A molecule of DNA is a very long, coiled structure that contains many identifiable subunits known as genes

Cytogenetic Abbreviations and Terminology

Commas separate statements about the karyotype Number of chromosomes detected Sex chromosomes Deletion of chromosomal material on the long arm of chromosome 7 between regions 21 and 34 Trisomy 8; extra chromosome 8 Translocation of chromosomal material on the long arm of chromosome 8 and the long arm of chromosome 9

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