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DNA sequence variation of the mitochondrial control region

L BERNATCHEZ, R GUYOMARD‘and F BONHOMME Laborutoire Ghorne et Populntions, (CNRS URA 1493), UniversitCMontpellier 11,34095 Montpellier and ‘Laborutoire de GinPtiqrie des Poissons, INRA, 78352, Jouy-en-Jms, France Summary Throughout its natural range, the brown trout Sulmo tnrffu L exhibits a complex pattern


352 LOUIS BERNATCHEZ TABLE 1 Number of populations, sample sizes, and haplotype diversity (h) within major trout evolutionary lineages For populations, the first number indicates the number of pure populations for a particular lineage and the number in parentheses indicates the number of admixed

Economic evaluation of the potential impacts of the erosion

Bernatchez, P , Dugas, S , Fraser, C and Da Silva, L (2015) Economic evaluation of the potential impacts of the erosion of Quebec’s maritime coast in a context of climate change Coastal Zone Dynamics and Integrated Management Laboratory, Université du Québec à Rimouski Report submitted to Ouranos, 45 p and appendixes

Evolution of Coastal Defence Structures and Consequences for

www cerf-jcr Evolution of Coastal Defence Structures and Consequences for Beach Width Trends, Que´bec, Canada Pascal Bernatchez{and Christian Fraser{ {Centre for Northern StudiesDepartment of

Karen M Krenik , BSN, CNOR Graham E Smith , BSc Stéphanie F

Stéphanie F Bernatchez, PhD, is an advanced research specialist and a scientific and medical writer in 3M’s Critical and Chronic Care Solutions Division

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