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Application No 200203217 IN THE MATTER of the Trade Marks

2 Swatch AG (Swatch SA) (Swatch Ltd ) (the “opponent”) filed a notice of opposition on 20 February 2003 3 The opponent is a joint stock company organised and existing under the laws of Switzerland, having a principal place of business at 94 Rue Jakob Stampfli, Bienne, Switzerland

(Mostly) Typographic Posters 1 873–2009

Notice Unknown, 1873 2 Swatch Advertising Poster Paula Scher, 1985 54 ‘The Night Gallery’ Performace Poster Art Chantry, 1991 Irony Attitude

(Mostly) Typographic Posters 1 873–2007 - applied aesthetics

Notice Unknown, 1873 2 Swatch Advertising Poster Paula Scher, 1985 50 ‘The Night Gallery’ Performace Poster Art Chantry, 1991 Irony/Attitude


AwasYojna (PMAY) , MG NREGS , Swatch Bharat Mission (Gramin) etc are implement-ed by Rural Development and Panchayati Raj Department Irony is that Administrative Department of Rural Development & Pan-chayati Raj has not developed a proper offi-cial website The only website related to this department I found on internet is www jkpr gov in

Arizona State University Criteria Checklist for

swatch of history and then perform close study of a topic where they can do meaningful individual and group work 2 I am myself more nominalist than essentialist in the study of religion in history, influenced by figures like J Z Smith, insisting on paying attention to the frames we use to see movements and events as much as to the movements and


white swatch of graying trunk (The irony is that I was present when this tree became damaged—- a reckless backhoe driver skinned it up when E Gorham was being resurfaced a few years ago ) I had also been present when a sum-mer after that a City Forester came by with a clipboard on which he had three columns—the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Open Research Online

where promise can out-run irony Not the hero horses, beauties black and brave, who took the warrior to battle and will not return, these are compromised, misled and confused, heads too big for their ribcage, scrawny as the screed of grass they pull Yet they must have been there from the start— round the back of wired-off ruminations

All The Best Men An Mfmm Menage Romance

The Skin Irony collection launched last year, combining elements from two of Swatch’s best lines: Skin and Irony At 5 8 mm high, the result was the brand’s slimmest watch, and a great example

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Dr Raja Muzaffar Bhat

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rreeaaddss a ass "Whereas it has come to the notice of State

Information Commission that a large num-

ber of Public Authorities in state have not made suomo to disclosure of information in terms of section 4 of J&K RTI Act 2009 and have not taken various steps mentioned therein for the same purpose. Now therefore in exercise of the powers conferred under section 22 (5) of J&K RTI Act 2009 , J&K

State Information Commission makes rec-

ommendations to all such Public Authorities in the state to take necessary steps so as to confirm all the provisions of section 4. The

State Information Commission also recom-

mends that action / actions in this regard be taken and completed by or before 30th June

2017 to achieve such conformity"

The June 30th deadline is over and dozensof Public Authorities especially the Govern- ment departments are yet to abide by SIC's advisory. Irony is that some Departments have not even created their official websites and several Government organizations have not updated them from last almost a decade of more. After a random internet surfing , I found following Government departments who have not at all adhered to rule of law as enshrined under Section 4 (1) (b) of J&K RTI

Act 2009 and subsequent advisory from

State Information Commission (SIC) issued

on June 30th 2017.....

Rural Development Department :

Rural Development Department (RDD) is

one of the important Government organiza- tion in state. Majority of development works are executed through them across J&K state.

National flagship programmes like PM's

AwasYojna (PMAY) , MG NREGS , Swatch

Bharat Mission (Gramin) etc are implement-

ed by Rural Development and Panchayati Raj

Department. Irony is that Administrative

Department of Rural Development & Pan-

chayati Raj has not developed a proper offi- cial website. The only website related to this department I found on internet is www.jkpr.gov.in. The domain name itself makes it clear that this is the website of JK

Panchayati Raj Department and not exclu-

sively of Rural Development & Panchayati

Raj Department. In the About Uscolumn ,

one can find information on Indira AwasYo- jna (IAY) which has been named PMAY around two years back but the correction has not been made on the website. Financial assistance of Rs 1.50 lakhs is provided to Eco- nomically Weaker Sections (EWS) under

PMAY as on date but the website says Rs

75,000 are provided to PMAY beneficiaries.

Details of Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan isuploaded several years back, the scheme is now called Swatch Bharat Mission (SBM

Gramin), but the correction hasn't been

made on the website.

Directorate of Rural Dev Jammu :

After going through the official website of

Directorate of Rural Development Jammu

(www.drdj.nic.in) , I found all the mislead- ing and outdated information on the website which is open violation of J&K RTI Act 2009.

Again name of Indira AwasYojna (IAY) has

not been changed to PMAY. Financial assis- tance under IAY is shown as Rs 35,000 in hilly areas and Rs 30,000 in plain areas.

This assistance used to be given to homeless

families way back in 2005 or 2006 , but from last 12 years the information has not at all been updated by the Directorate. Annual plan of 2009 is uploaded and no further information is available. Under RTI link, M

L Raina is shown as First Appellate Author-

ity (FAA) ie Director Rural Development

Jammu, while as on Who is Who link R K

Bhat is the designated Director Rural Devel-

opment Jammu and First Appellate Author- ity (FAA) under State RTI Act.

When I contacted M L Raina on his

mobile number 9419198023 shown on the website, he told me that he was posted as

Director RDD Jammu several years back.

"After my transfer from RDD Jammu I was posted as Administrator Govt Medical Col- lege Jammu and recently I was posted as

Director Stationery and Office Supplies J&K

Govt" said Raina while talking to this


Large number of Public Information Offi-

cers PIOs (BDOs, DPOs) shown in RTI link have either been transferred or have retired, but they continue to be designated PIOs like M L Raina who is still Director and FAA ofDirectorate of RDD Jammu . When I tried to call MrAshiqHussainBhat Deputy Director

Planning RDD Jammu on his mobile num-

ber 9797483130 shown on the official web- site, the number belonged to some other per- son who yelled at me when I rang him twice.

Directorate of Rural Development

Kashmir :

As compared to Directorate of Rural

Development Department Jammu (RDD

Jammu) , the website (www.drdk.nic.in) of

RDD Kashmir is well maintained but lot

more needs to be done to meet the section

4(1) (b) obligations. Under schemes column,

updated information about PMAYbeneficia- ries is available but this information per- tains to only 4 districts of Kashmir valley ieBandipora , Kupwara, Shopian and Srina- gar. Under RTIcolumn , PDF version of J&K

RTI Act 2009 and Rules of 2012 are avail-

able. Instead of uploading a list of designat- ed PIOs under RTI Act , list of Departmen- tal Vigilance Officers (DVOs) has been made available.

Social Welfare Department :

Social welfare department has 3 web-

sites. One belongs to Administrative depart- ment (www.jksocialwelfare.nic.in). Two more websites www.jkdswdj.nic.in and www.jkdswdk.nic.in belong to Directorate of Social Welfare Jammu and Kashmir respectively. Underthe RTI link except the name of Vir Ji Hangloo Director Social Wel- fare Jammu (First Appellate Authority) no other information is available. List of PIOs cannot be accessed, voluntary disclosure ofquotesdbs_dbs4.pdfusesText_8