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Learning Algorithms for Error Correction

litt´erature sur les algorithmes d’apprentissage pour la correction d’erreurs, en mettant l’accent sur l’algorithme “neural belief propagation” r´ecemment introduit Nous d ´ecrivons ensuite un ensemble de modifications `a cet algorithme qui am ´eliorent ses performances et r´eduisent sa complexit ´e de mise en œuvre

Advanced ATR Correction Algorithm

The advanced ATR correction algorithm has corrected all of the differences in peak positions, relative intensity ratios, and even overall spectral patterns in this region, as shown in Figure 3 After advanced ATR correction the band shifts to lower frequency are reduced to 1 1 cm-1, 0 3 cm-1, and 0 1 cm-1 The new band positions and

CAAS: an atmospheric correction algorithm for the remote

SeaDAS atmospheric correction algorithm) assumes negli-gible Lw in the bands centred at 765 and 865nm (748 and 869nm in case of MODIS) in order to derive aerosol op-tical properties and extrapolate these into the visible spec-trum (Gordon and Wang, 1994) This procedure is termed as the dark-pixel atmospheric correction scheme which has

Deep-learning-based motion-correction algorithm in optical

MAP image We implemented our algorithm for mo-tion correction using a tensor flow package and trained this neural network using Python software on a per-sonal computer Algorithm of CNN Figure 1 illustrates an example of the mapping pro-cesses of CNN In this case, the input is a two-dimensional 4×4 matrix, and the convolution kernel is a 2

Automatic Exposure Correction of Consumer Photographs

based correction algorithm called detail-preserving S-curve adjustment, to push each region to its desired zone, as much as possible Compared with generic S-curve adjust-ment [6][7][8], our detail-preserving S-curve adjustment can maintain local details and avoid halo effects Fig 1(e) shows our estimated curve and final corrected result


The gamma correction algorithm included in the TMS320C2xx software compensates for the nonlinear effect of signal transfer that exists between electrical and optical devices The gamma correction software uses the look-up table to obtain the corrected output data and avoid the complicated and time-consuming calculation of power


IONOSphERIC CORRECTION ALgORIThM FOR gALILEO SINgLE FREUENC USERS, ISSUE 1 2, SEpTEMbER 2016 1 1 DOCUMENT SCOpE this document complements the galileo os sIs IcD [Annex A[1]] by describing in detail the reference algorithm to be implemented at user receivers to compute ionospheric corrections based on the broadcast coefficients in the

Domain Adaptation and Sample Bias Correction Theory and

Domain Adaptation and Sample Bias Correction Theory and Algorithm for Regression Corinna Cortes aand Mehryar Mohrib, aGoogle Research, 76 Ninth Avenue, New York, NY 10011 bCourant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, 251 Mercer Street, New York, NY 10012 Abstract We present a series of new theoretical, algorithmic, and empirical results for

Post-Editing Error Correction Algorithm For Speech

correction techniques were envisioned, some of which are manual as they post-edit the recognized output transcript to correct misspellings; while, others are enhanced acoustic

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