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Indestructibility and Destructible Measurable Cardinals ⁄y

It is a very interesting fact that the large cardinal structure of the universe above a supercompact cardinal • with suitable indestructibility properties can afiect the large cardinal structure below • in ways which are not immediately apparent On the other hand, these efiects may not be present if the universe contains relatively few

Cardinal and Ordinal Numbers Math 6300

Part of the universe may have nodes called 0, 1, 2, f1g and edges 0 ˆ 1, 0 ˆ 2, 1 ˆ 2, 1 ˆ f1g: 2 1 0 {1} Figure 2 1: Snapshot of the Universe An edge 0 ˆ f1g would violate the axiom of extensionality, because then 2 and f1g would have the same elements The Null Set Axiom There is a set with no elements: 9x8y :(y 2 x) By extensionality


measurable cardinal has on the constructible universe L, and the understanding 9 of the minimal model L[U] containing a measurable cardinal The rest of the story will concern the generalization of this model and associated techniques to accommodate larger cardinals 12 A number of large cardinals weaker than a measurable cardinal were known at

Set Theory - mathuclaedu

smaller cardinals If is an inaccessible cardinal, then if we stop building the set-theoretic universe at stage (i e if we take V ), then we obtain a model of ZFC Since ZFC + \there exists an inaccessible cardinal" proves there is a model of ZFC, by G odel’s completeness theorem, ZFC+\there exists an inaccessible cardinal"

Chapter 1 The Trans nite Universe - Harvard University

large cardinal axioms Elaborating further, as a consequence of this calibration, it has been discov-ered that in many cases very di erent lines of investigation have led to problems whose degree of unsolvability is the same Thus the hierarchy of large cardinal axioms emerges an intrinsic, fundamental conception within Set Theory To


the universe with a calabash, the cover of which formed the sky, while the bowl was earth, land, and sea, the juice became rain, and the seeds were metamorphosed into sun, moon, and stars Several writers divide into three zones the space between the earth-paa ilalo, the “solid below”-and the heavens-paa iluna, the “solid above ”


cardinal in ni On est donc amené à ajouter aux axiomes de la théorie des ensembles l'axiome : (U A) Pour tout ensemble x il existe un univers U tel que x 2 U 3 L'intersection d'une famille d'univers étantun univers, on en déduitimmédiatement que tout ensemble est élément d'un plus petit univers On peut montrer que l'axiome


Chancellor Albert Smith for Cardinal of Baltimore Archdiocese, letter dated February 10, 1920: "If Protestants would follow the Bible, they should worship God on the Sabbath day [which] by God is Saturday In keeping the Sunday, they are following a law of the Catholic Church " The Convert's Catechism of Catholic Doctrine (1957): 50:

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