[PDF] Oscilloscope, Function Generator, and Voltage Division

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Basic Operation of an Oscilloscope

An oscilloscope displays a voltage waveform versus time and has the So if the scope is set to 1 volt/major vertical division and 0 5 seconds/major horizontal

The Oscilloscope and the Function Generator

millivolt change in the input signal will move the trace vertically by one major division A collection of controls related to the horizontal part of the display These controls set the time axis and are calibrated in seconds per division, e g , 1 s/div means that one major division corresponds to 1 microsecond

Oscilloscope, Function Generator, and Voltage Division

Oscilloscope, Function Generator, and Voltage Division 1 Introduction In this lab the student will learn to use the oscilloscope and function generator The student will also verify the concept of voltage division through measurements 2 Background This lab presents the basic controls of the oscilloscope and the function generator

The Oscilloscope: Operation and Applications

The deflection of the oscilloscope beam is proportional to the input voltage (after ac or dc coupling) The amount of deflection (Volts/Division) depends upon the setting of the AMPL/DIV control for that channel (see figure 2) The input signal can be ac or dc coupled Ac coupling involves adding a series capacitor This

Oscilloscope Fundamentals - Case School of Engineering

Oscilloscope Fundamentals www tektronix com 5 Signal Integrity The Significance of Signal Integrity The key to any good oscilloscope system is its ability to accurately reconstruct a waveform – referred to as signal integrity An oscilloscope is analogous to a camera that captures signal images that we can then observe and interpret

Reading an Oscilloscope - California State Polytechnic

4 note the vertical scale factor listed on the oscilloscope 5 multiply the number of divisions (including subdivisions) by the vertical scale factor to give the peak-to-peak voltage in units of voltage o For the reading of period: 1 Move the curve left or right to align a positive-to-negative zero crossing on a vertical division line 2

8 Signal Generators and Oscilloscopes

HORIZONTAL TIME/DIVISION: This adjust the horizontal time scale on the oscilloscope and this must roughly match the period T= 1 f output from the signal generator You know the signal generator output frequency f so you can calculate the period T measured on the oscilloscope This period T should roughly match the TIME/DIVISION scale selected

Drayton Manor High School Oscilloscope Old Exam Questions

Oscilloscope Old Exam Questions Q1 An oscilloscope is connected to an alternating current (a c ) supply The diagram shows the trace produced on the oscilloscope screen Each horizontal division on the oscilloscope screen represents 0 002 s (a) Calculate the frequency of the alternating current supply

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