[PDF] Vegan Haribo Design

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tising slogan “HARIBO macht Kinder froh” (HARIBO makes children happy) Steadily rising sales figures naturally required an expansion of the production capabilities: Between 1930 and 1933, the main building of today’s manufacturing plant in Bonn was completed In the run-up to World War II, the company had become a solid,


1962: The company, which added the slogan created in 1934 « Haribo makes children happy », « and adults too » lauches into television advertising An innovation for this time (See Appendix 1 : Haribo’s slogans in all languages) 1967: Haribo continues its expansion in France this time, with


HARIBO Hans Riegel heiratet Seine Frau Gertrud wird die erste Mitarbeiterin der jungen Firma 1922 erfindet Hans Riegel den Tanzbären Das ist eine Bärenfigur aus Fruchtgummi, die später als HARIBO Goldbär weltberühmt wird 1923 wird Sohn Hans (Junior) geboren; 1924 folgt Tochter Anita und 1926 Sohn Paul


an) Le slogan de HARIBO aujourd’hui s’inspire du premier en plus actuel « HARIBO c’est beau la vie pour les grands et les petits » La stratégie d’innovation constante permet à HARIBO de rester en avant sur ce marché très concurrentiel où la communication est devenue un outil décisif

Word of the Day - eben and gerade - 11-25-2015

Haribo macht Kinder froh und Erwachsene ebenso Lit : Haribo makes children happy and adults too/likewise Kids and grown-ups love it so – the happy world of Haribo (slogan of a famous German wine gum brand and the melody that they used :) "Schönen Tag " "Danke, ebenfalls/ebenso " (a bit formal sounding, but used) "Have a nice day "

Vegan Haribo Design Task 2 Design a brand new ‘vegan’ Haribo

Vegan Haribo Design Task 1 Analyse the example packaging below by answering the following questions Task 2 Design a brand new ‘vegan’ Haribo product Use the templates below to design the front and back of the packaging

Vegan Haribo Design

Vegan Haribo Design Task 1 Analyse the example packaging below by answering the following questions Task 2 Design a brand new ‘vegan’ Haribo product Use the templates below to design the front and back of the packaging Figure 2 - Front of the packet Figure 1 Back of the packet

Analyzing TV Commercials

Examples: dialogue, slogan, jingle, music, testimonial, celebrity endorsement, sound effects, etc Visual techniques What you see/read in the commercial that helps promote the message and sell the product Examples: facial expressions and gestures the actors use, animation (cartoons), logos, written slogans, use of color and light, close-ups of the

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