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List of Application Deadlines - DAAD

Vocational Education and Personnel Capacity Building TU Dresden German MA 24 months 30 09 2019 see website International Education Management – INEMA PH Ludwigsburg / Helwan University English MA 24 months see website see website Master of Laws in Intellectual Property and Competition Law Munich Intellectual Property Law Center (MIPLC)


Silke Wagler (Kunstfonds, Dresden) Angelika Weissbach (Kunstarchiv, Beeskow) 2 Museums and the Cold War (19 May) From 14h to 18h Objectives: Discuss current attitudes toward collections of artworks from the Cold War in Europe, and the ways the presentation of works before 1989 is conditioned by that of post-1989 works


exam center or online In the case of minors with limited legal capacity, the consent of their parents or guardians is required § 4 2 Soweit die jeweilige Anmeldemöglichkeit besteht, kann das ausgefüllte Anmeldeformular per Post, Fax oder E-Mail an das jeweils zuständige Prüfungszentrum zurück-gesendet werden

Research Letters - The Lancet

Dr D Allemand: Hospital General de Agudos-Juan Fernandez, Capital Federal, Buenos Aires; Dr H Guixa, Dr R Testa: Hospital Italiano, Capital Federal, Buenos Aires; Dr J Lebron, University of Buenos Aires,

Art Discovery Group Catalogue

• Deutsches Forum für Kunstgeschichte / Centre allemand d’histoire de l’art, Paris • Bibliotheca Hertziana, Max Planck-Institut für Kunstgeschichte, Rom • Polimoda, Florence, Italy • Library of the Uffizi

Jan Simane - oclcorg

Leon ardiana Library, Center for Research and Documentation of Leonardo Studies Bill Kent Library, Monash University Prato Centre Kubi kat, Germany Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florence, Max -Planck -Institut (Florence, Italy) Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte in Munich

Art Discovery Group Catalogue

Deutsches Forum für Kunstgeschichte / Centre allemand d'histoire de l'art, Paris Bibliotheca Hertziana, Max Planck-Institut für Kunstgeschichte, Rome Union Catalogue of Düsseldorf Cultural Institutions, Germany Filmmuseum Düsseldorf Görres-Gymnasium Düsseldorf


LE REQUIEM ALLEMAND DE BRAHMS BRAHMS’ GERMAN REQUIEM ANDREW MEGILL, chef de chœur / chorus master LESLIE ANN BRADLEY, soprano TOMISLAV LAVOIE, basse / bass CHŒUR DE L’OSM JONATHAN RYAN, orgue / organ Le poste de chef de chœur est généreusement parrainé par Mme Ann Birks, en mémoire de Barrie Drummond Birks

[PDF] Allemand CE2 - Académie en ligne

[PDF] Allemand CM2 - Académie en ligne

[PDF] Allemand CE1 - Académie en ligne

[PDF] Allemand-Français - pierregloria

[PDF] Allergie ? la benzocaïne - e-Allergo

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[PDF] Guide des prestations 2017 - Caf



Cycle of VympoVia organiYeT in PariV in 2016-2017

by WUe German CenWer for ArW HiVWory PariV anT WUe PoliVU InVWiWuWe in PariV

ConWemporary meWUoTological anT inWerpreWaWive approacUeV Wo arW UiVWory UaveH for WUe moVW parWH been

baVeT on a criWique of WUe TiVcourVeV inUeriWeT from WUe VcienWific culWure of WUe 19WU cenWuryJ Vince WUe 1960VH

WUey Uave queVWioneT claVVificaWionV baVeT on naWional VcUool anT VWyleH cUallengeT WUe TicUoWomy beWween

UigU arW anT popular expreVVionH iTenWifieT anT analyYeT colonialiVW UegemonieVH VWuTieT pUenomena of

métissage brought about by the circulation of artworks. They thus called into question long-enWrencUeT normVH

orTerV anT UierarcUieV WUaW UaT cUaracWeriYeT arW UiVWory. HoweverH WUey in Wurn inVWiWuWeT new UierarcUieVH new

relegaWionVH ofWen baVeT on binary oppoViWionV (VucU aV reacWionaryIprogreVViveH commiWmenWIauWonomyH

univerValIinWernaWionalH localIglobal) anT on oWUerH largely unqueVWioneTH iTeological conViTeraWionV.

Some TecaTeV laWerH we can now Wake a criWical look aW WUeVe approacUeVH conWexWualiYing WUem in WUe ColT

Par in wUicU WUey aroVeH anT wUicU lefW a laVWing mark on WUem. TUe allegiance of arWiVWVH criWicV anT UiVWorianV

Wo WUe NaVWern or PeVWern blocVH Wo WUe non-aligneT or Vo-calleT WUirT-worlT counWrieVH TeWermineT WUe uVe anT

oWUerVH bringing abouW a leveling. TUe riVe of global perVpecWiveVH implying a commonaliWy of inWereVWV anT

VUareT referenceVH reinforceT WUiV WrenT WowarT uniformiYaWionH objecWively belieTH UoweverH by WUe growWU in

inequaliWieV anT reVurgenW naWionaliVmV.

Pe woulT like Wo aVVeVV WUeVe UeriWageV anT queVWion WUe orTerV WUey UelpeT Wo eVWabliVUH in orTer Wo open

up new perVpecWiveV. A criWical examinaWion of WUe poliWical anT UiVWorical unTerpinningV of our currenW

caWegorieV requireVH UoweverH cooperaWion beWween reVearcUerV from TifferenW acaTemic UoriYonVH anT an

awareneVV of WUe Vingular WrajecWory from wUicU eacU poinW of view UaV been formeT. Only by VUaring WUe

variouV UiVWoriograpUical approacUeV can we appreUenT WUe overlapping anT TivergenW uVe of concepWVH WUe

iTeological biaVeVH WUe formaWion of inVWiWuWionVH WUe inWerpreWaWion anT preVenWaWion of arW Turing WUe ColT Par

anT afWer 1989.

In WUiV perVpecWiveH we Uave TeciTeT Wo inviWe Veveral perVonaliWieV renowneT for WUeir imporWance in arW

UiVWory anT in muVeumVH from TifferenW areaV anT WraTiWionVH Wo conWexWualiYe aV preciVely aV poVVible WUe

VignificaWionVH formaWionV anT inVWiWuWional caWegoriYaWionV WUey eVWeem moVW cUaracWeriVWic of WUeir fielT of

acWiviWy. Ńollowing on WUe "À chacun son réel" research project, wUicU VWuTieT WUe "noWion of WUe real in WUe

viVual arWV in ŃranceH WUe ŃRGH WUe MMR anT PolanT from 1960 Wo 1989"H WUe cycle of VympoVia WUaW we are

organiYing will focuV on WUe ŃrencUH German anT PoliVU conWexWV. TUe inWenWion iV alVo Wo enricU WUe line of

reVearcU currenWly TevelopeT by WUe German CenWer for ArW HiVWoryH Wo go beyonT WUe framework of naWional

anT comparaWive VWuTieV anT Wo Wackle meWUoTological problemV from WUe perVpecWive of a criWical

UiVWoriograpUy. Our main inWenWion iV Wo liVWen Wo people relaWe WUeir own iWineraryH Wo eliciW unpreceTenWeT

TebaWeVH Wo creaWe a Vpace for WranV-regional reflecWion wUere Veveral arW UiVWorieV may co-exiVW. 2

All VeVVionV will Wake place -CUampVH

75001 PariV.

Introduction (21 octobre)

From 16h to 18U.

SeVVion organiYeT in parWnerVUip wiWU ProfeVVor Ségolène Le Óen (TeparWmenW of HiVWory of arW aW

UniverViWy of NanWerre).


1. ŃormaWion of WUe CaWegorieV NaVWIPeVW (4 November 2016)

From 15U45 Wo 19U45.

SeVVion organiYeT in parWnerVUip wiWU ProfeVVor Ségolène Le Óen (TeparWmenW of HiVWory of arW aW

UniverViWy of NanWerre).


Recall how the geographical, culWuralH poliWical caWegorieV "NaVW" anT "PeVW" were

UiVWorically TeWermineT

Emphasize WUe Tivergence beWween caWegorieV on eiWUer ViTe of WUe Iron CurWain Turing WUe

ColT Par

Contextualize their uVe by arWiVWVH arW criWicV anT arW UiVWorianV


Jérôme Bazin (University PariV NVW CréWeil)H PaVcal Mubourg-GlaWigny (NHNSS)

Agata Jakubowska (University Ĕ

Gregor Wedekind (University ÓainY)

2. Repositioning the CaWegorieV (18 November)

From 14h to 18U.

SeVVion organiYeT in parWnerVUip wiWU ProfeVVor Ségolène Le Óen (TeparWmenW of HiVWory of arW aW

UniverViWy of NanWerre).


Observe the persistence of these spatial and political categories in post-1989 arW UiVWory Study the problems caused by their use and the need, as well as the difficulty, of overcoming WUem Compare them with the iVVueV inUerenW in naWional caWegorieV


Maria Hlavajova (Bridging Art and Knowledge, Utrecht)

Monica Juneja (University HeiTelberg)


3. From 1968 to 1989 (14 Mecember)

From 14h to 18U.


Compare the political turn taken by art history ca. 1968 with the rupture repreVenWeT by 1989
Study different manifestations thereof, through the development of the cultural history of

relaWionVH WUe ÓarxiVW criWique of VocialiVmH WUe relaWionV beWween arW criWiciVm anT WUe

poliWical queVWionH WUe exWenVion of ÓarxiVW perVpecWiveV inWo WUe fielT of anWUropology


Jean-LouiV CoUen (SUelTon H. Solow ProfeVVor in WUe HiVWory of ArcUiWecWureH InVWiWuWe of


Jacques Leenhardt (EHESS)

Ċy ParVaw)


1. Arts anT SocieWieV (3 Ńebruary 2017)

From 14h to 18U.


Characterize the diversity of methods followed by art history since the 1960s and 1970s, e.g. culWural VWuTieVH genTer perVpecWiveV or Vocial UiVWoryH anT raiVe WUe queVWion of WUeir poVVible uniWy Consider the question whether the social history of art leads to the relativization of esthetic experience Assess the influence of these methods on artistic practices in the East


Constance Moréteau (Terra Foundation, Paris), Neil McWilliam (Duke University)

2. TUe Loci of CriWiciVm anT Nmergence of WUe PoliWical (24 ÓarcU)

From 14U Wo 18U.


Understand why criticism and theory sought new loci of expression around the 1970s, ouWViTe WUe WraTiWional inVWiWuWionV Discuss the institutionalization of these loci and thought Consider how artists created a space for living anT WUinking irreTucible Wo WUe NaVW-PeVW TiviTeH buW noneWUeleVV Teeply markeT by regional TeWerminaWionV Examine WUe faWe of WUe noWion anT formV of communiWy in TifferenW groupV of arWiVWV 4


Jacopo Galimberti (Collège international de pUiloVopUieH PariV)

Vincent Kaufmann (University SW-Gallen)

Klara Kemp Welch (The Courtauld Institute of Art, London) Anda Rottenberg (arW UiVWorianH arW criWicH curaWorH ParVaw)


1. The contemporary reception of commissioned artworks from the socialisW

counWrieV (21 April)

From 14h to 18U.


Study collections and exhibitions of artworks from WUe VocialiVW counWrieV Compare the respective situations in the countries formerly located in the East and the PeVW


Szymon Kubiak (ÓuYeum NaroToweH SYcYecin)

Silke Wagler (Kunstfonds, Dresden)

Angelika Weissbach (Kunstarchiv, Beeskow)

2. Museums and the Cold War (19 Óay)

From 14h to 18U.


Discuss current attitudes toward collections of artworks from the Cold War in Europe, anT WUe wayV WUe preVenWaWion of workV before 1989 iV conTiWioneT by WUaW of poVW-1989 workV

Compare the modes of narration proposed

Analyze the conservation and exhibition of very recently constituted collections, whose UiVWory waV wriWWen aV WUe collecWionV were being creaWeT Examine how museums of contemporary art uVe (or To noW uVe) WUe ColT Par aV a facWor accounWing for WUe ViWuaWion we are in WoTay


Magda Lipska (ÓuYeum VYWuki nowocYeVnejH ParVaw)quotesdbs_dbs5.pdfusesText_9