[PDF] Poetry Revision - carndonaghcsie

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Assonance, Alliteration, Consonance - english

Assonance, Alliteration, and Consonance Alliteration: Alliteration is a term that describes a literary stylistic device Alliteration is the repetition of one or more initial sounds, usually consonants, in words within a line For example, “She sells sea-shells

Alliteration and Assonance in Homer

ALLITERATION AND ASSONANCE IN HOMER 197 Alliteration with v is also plentiful, much helped by paragogic v and small words like 'av, E', KEP, A1p, and by certain case and verbal endings As examples, Tr7'op E' KEP rapT-rcop a9PTfi-ro/oEP E'zov E6v0'TC-OVPOV'AflPPEiKVWP a9,EvfPPa Kap7pa-86e7TpoV 7' epTVpOpTO KEPCOPTO TE alOora

Poetry Revision - carndonaghcsie

Assonance •The repetition of vowel sounds in words They can appear within words, not just at the beginning •a, o, u: broad vowels = slow sound •i, e: slender vowels = harsh sound For example: •“Lake water lapping with low sounds by the shore” (Creates a slow sound [broad vowels : a, o, u] which add to the relaxing imagery)

Reading: Literary devices Stage 2 - educationnswgovau

Assonance is a repeated sound - how now brown cow chirping chickens chuck cheese Teacher models how to create an example of each and demonstrates a think aloud strategy to illustrate choices e g soft slippery snakes slither slyly (alliteration) or the dowdy clown teased the crowd (assonance) 3


Sounds: Alliteration, Assonance Rhythm Opinion Poetic Devices Don’t forget to annotate the poem itself1 Dulce et Decorum Est Wilfred Owen Bent double, like


- L’assonance: répétition d’une même voyelle « Tout m’afflige et me nuit et conspire à me nuire » Interprétation: l’assonance en « i » fait résonner le cri plaintif du locuteur METHODE : il faut toujours interpréter les procédés que l’on relève

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